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Clear signs that you’re super smart

1. You choose simple over complicated

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“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it enough,” Albert Einstein.

Many people have a lot of knowledge in their heads. However, when someone asks a simple question, they make it too complicated.

Steve Jobs said, “Simple can be more difficult than complex: You have to work hard to keep your thoughts tidy to achieve simplicity.”

Leonardo da Vinci once said, “Simplicity is the highest sophistication”.

2. You prioritize your life

Because you know time is limited and you don’t let your time be wasted on meaningless tasks. Smart people know what is important to them, what to do first. For them, productivity and success is not about doing things very quickly, but about doing one thing well and then moving on to the next.

3. You stay true to yourself

Smart people really love their life. They are not trying to be someone else or to please or impress anyone. Instead, they try to live life to impress themselves. They live with passion and have no regrets. If something doesn’t fit with who they are and where they want to go, they won’t let it get in the way.

“You can have everything you love in life as long as you let go of what you hate,” Dan Sullivan.

4. You never stop learning

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“Ordinary people seek entertainment. Extraordinary people seek education and learning”, Benjamin P. Hardy

Smart people are always looking for education and learning. They read books, listen to podcasts, and attend seminars. They know that knowledge is potential power and will become power when they actually act and work towards certain goals.

So smart people don’t just read some books or watch some YouTube videos, they find ways to put them into practice. While many people are still reading, thinking, and daydreaming, smart people have been born practicing.

5. You always want to know

Albert Einstein said: “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all that we already know and understand, while imagination encompasses the whole world and all that needs to be known and understood.”

Therefore, smart people continue to learn through different channels to have a brighter and more open future. Their vision is not limited to what they know or do, but how much they are willing to carry out their thinking. They know that they have the freedom to live beyond their imagination. They want to challenge themselves to see how far they can go.

6. You like being alone

In a 2016 study, it was found that smarter people prefer to be alone. Therefore, people with high intelligence often have lower levels of life satisfaction when they have to be in crowded places.

If you like being alone, you may be smarter than you think. You don’t worry too much about throwing a party or going out with friends, but instead, having a higher purpose, is more important to pass the time.

7. Go with the flow

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Smart people often have a simpler view of life. When experiencing difficulties, they are not rigid in their thinking but very flexible. Instead of trying to force every desired outcome, they simply trust the universe (their power) to get them where they want to be.

More than anyone, they know that attitude determines life. They can smile even when they make mistakes. They face the fact that they themselves are not perfect. Every experience is a gift and every moment should be cherished.

8. You are not easily distracted

What you choose to focus on and what you choose to ignore play a role in determining the quality of your life.

According to a 2013 paper published in the journal Current Biology, smarter people tend to be better able to concentrate. They can eliminate irrelevant information and focus only on the most important information.

In the study, they found that people with higher IQs were slower to see background movement in an image and were more likely to focus on one thing at a time.

9. You value other people’s experiences

Smart people know that sometimes right and wrong are relative. They don’t see that other people are always inferior to them. Instead, they understand that everyone lives their best life based on their own perspective.

So, instead of getting angry or dissatisfied with other people’s opinions, they learn to be empathetic, tolerant, and compassionate. They just want the best for everyone.

10. You’re Not Afraid To Ask For Help

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Losing doesn’t mean you’re stupid. But if you stay in that place forever and waste more time and lose your way, you really are an idiot.

Really smart people know they don’t have all the answers. That’s why they are not afraid to ask for help. If they get lost, they will ask for directions. If they get stuck, they will seek help.

Many people would rather suffer than ask for help. They think that letting others help means admitting that they are not as capable, strong, or as smart as they think they are.

“Treat yourself like someone you have a responsibility to help,” Jordan Peterson.

Everyone is part of the network and there is nothing wrong with needing someone’s hand. Be prepared to help people and make good use of your resources.

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