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Play and learn with fun games to help kids improve English vocabulary easily

To teach English to young children, appropriate language learning methods and dynamic learning environment will be important factors for children to learn effectively.

Children should not be forced to study too much or learn by traditional methods through theoretical lectures, exercises and learning new words every day. It is important to get children interested in English because joy brings great motivation, comfortable psychology helps to absorb a new language well.

The combination of learning and playing children in the process of learning English will bring many benefits and the ability to react quickly and think directly through English games. In addition, children will not feel pressured and burdened in learning English.

Here are some games to help children learn English more easily. Parents should take the time to play with their children and learn English very effectively.

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Treasure hunt

With this game, parents can write or print English vocabulary cards and hide them around the house. After that, parents can embark on a journey with their children to search for “vocabulary treasures”.

With each word card found, children need to read the word to be counted as complete. To increase the joy of children, parents can give some rewards to their children.

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With each word card found, children need to read the word to be counted as complete. Illustration

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wolf card

Parents standing with their backs to their children, holding vocabulary cards in their hands. The task of the child is to move from the initial position to the parent. When the parent turns to face the child, the child must stand still and answer correctly the words given by the parent.

If the child answers correctly, the game continues until the child can touch the parent. If the child answers incorrectly, the word card will become a wolf card. At that time, the child needs to run quickly to the starting position, if the parent catches up and touches the young child, the child must change position with the parent.

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This game helps children practice reflexes and recognition through pictures. Illustration.

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Find your own seat

When English songs are played, the performers walk together around a circle of chairs and dance to the music.

When the music stops, children and parents should immediately find a seat. Those who do not win a seat for themselves will be penalized for reading a single word or answering an English question.

This game is suitable for families with many members. To start the game, parents arrange chairs in a circle, with a note that the number of seats must be 1 less than the number of participants.

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When English songs are played, the performers walk together around a circle of chairs and dance to the music. Illustration.

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Find the same word

This game is for children who can already read words. To do this, parents give 5 years of vocabulary and then make 10 cards, that is, there will be 2 cards with the same vocabulary.

Then, parents have to shuffle them and work with the children to find the same words. When you find success, read the word aloud with your child.

Parents can set a time limit, if the child finishes the game before the time limit, give them a gift they like.

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Parents give 5 years of vocabulary and then make 10 cards, i.e. there will be 2 cards with the same word. Illustration.

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Fruit tasting

When eating fruit, parents can practice simple conversations with their children. For example, when eating an apple:

Parents eat first and then say to their children: “Hmm! So sweet! Want to eat?” (So ​​sweet! Do you want to eat it?? )

Instruct your child to answer:Yes”

Parents continued: “Ok, follow me. I like apples.” (Okay, read on. “I love apples”).

Then parents can give apples to their children to enjoy.

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When eating fruit, parents can practice simple conversations with their children. Illustration.

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Practice singing English songs

Music always brings joy to everyone, including children. Parents can practice singing simple English songs with their children, related to children’s work.

Example: After practicing the conversation about eating apples with your child above, you can continue listening and practicing singing the song “I love apples” with your child.

Dance with your child and sing along to the cheerful tune of the song: “The apple is red. The apple is round. The apple was juicy. Apples are sweet. Apples, apples, I like you. Apples are juicy, I like to eat.”

In addition, there are many English songs for children about sports such as jumping rope, gymnastics, etc. So when children play sports at home, parents can play songs that are suitable for children to listen to.

Passive listening makes a very important contribution to children’s English skills. Not only that, listening to cheerful and fun songs also helps children practice more enthusiastically.

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Parents can practice singing simple English songs with their children, related to children’s work. Illustration.

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