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TikToker Long Chun reveals the truth about ‘Top Top’ that makes many people fall back, disillusioned

“I guess no one will know, I also often experience stress, worry about my image going down, or worry about ideas while more and more new talents appear,” said TikToker Long Chun.

TikToker Long Chun real name is Tran Hoang Long, an alumnus of the University of Theater and Cinema of Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh. Currently, he is known as a famous TikToker who always creates funny, insightful videos that bring positive values ​​and a happy lifestyle to audiences of all ages.

Long Chun also proved himself to be a “charismatic” person when owning more than 5 million followers on TikTok, nearly 800,000 followers on Facebook.

Talk with InfonetLong Chun asserts that no job is easy, including being a TikToker that many people mistakenly believe and rush into.

TikToker Long Chun
Long Chun is considered a popular TikToker.

How many years has Long been involved in content production on TikTok up to now? What pleasure does this job bring to you?

I have officially worked and considered TikTok as a job for about 2 years, and I have been in contact for nearly 3 years.

TikTok as a new breeze changed Long’s entire life. When I started using TikTok, I did not think that I would be known and loved by so many people. When everything comes like such a natural and natural grace, I am happy to accept it and focus on building and developing my career.

TikTok brings Long popularity and income. This helps Long to feed his family, raise Long Be, raise his grandmother, raise himself, and raise his biological mother to have a good life with enough to eat, to be optimistic about life.

What do you find the most difficult and pressured in this job?

It’s really a lot of pressure. If anyone doesn’t know, they just need to raise the camera and start filming. Even many people think that recording TikTok clips is very simple and bullshit.

But surely no one will know, I also often experience stress, worry about my image going down or worry about ideas while more and more new talents appear. There were months when Long tossing and turning, losing sleep and eating, about building scripts.

In Long’s opinion, any content that has no value will immediately be eliminated. If your content invests a lot of gray matter, then followers (audience following) and views would be the fairest answer.

The pressure on Long is also increasing day by day. Unlike in the early days, Long played TikTok simply for entertainment and spread laughter to the community, but the pressure became greater later on.

When Long cooperates with many brands, partners and companies, the pressure also increases accordingly. Sometimes in a week I have 4.5 contracts such as delivery, food delivery, which means that in that week I have to think of 4.5 scenarios all about the same topic but it has to be different. This gives Long great pressure.

Long’s working view is very clear, if I have received money, I must meet the requirements commensurate with that amount.

Long is often inspired by reading stories, watching movies, trying to understand how he can “borrow” ideas and turn into his own products.

How do TikTok clips have both views and not be classified as bullshit?

Long thinks the first is the mindset of each person who makes TikTok, the second is the experience.

In terms of thinking, Long always has a clear and specific plan in each job. After each project, Long will list the things he did well and not so well for the next time to be better and more complete.

Long’s most important working rule is himself, what value does his product bring, can it help people in any respect, because in the end, it is the usefulness that is the glue between the two. audience and content creators.

TikToker Long Chun reveals the truth about 'Top Top' that makes many people fall back, disillusioned

When producing TikTok content, did Long have any special problems?

Yes. Since being a professional TikTok for 2 years, the most volatile period is in the middle.

There was a time when the Covid-19 pandemic broke out in Da Nang, as a media person, I had to grasp the “trend” (trend) is really fast. And the clip that time received “huge” views, it can be said to be one of the first million-view clips on Long’s TikTok.

The content of the clip tells about a friend traveling by himself. I was very excited, packed my things in the suitcase. I asked: “So where to go now? It’s been a few years since you’ve been here, I’m so impatient”. When my friend said: “Going to Da Nang”, I acted with an attitude of turning away.

The content of the clip is very simple, it corresponds to the time when Da Nang broke out and had to strictly ban all tourism activities. When filming the video, Long just wanted to convey his attitude to his “asshole” friend: Bao wanted to go on a trip but led to the right place that he can’t go to at the moment, meaning he wanted to blame you, not discriminating.

Unfortunately for Long, at that time there were also two other TikTokers’ content that also mentioned Da Nang and were misunderstood by the online community with stigma. So as the bomb was detonated, Long received a lot of criticism.

Even so, Long does not complain or blame the audience at all, just consider it a great lesson in the profession.

TikToker Long Chun

Has Long encountered any advertising contracts that made you nervous or wary?

In the old days, when they first started working, who “booked” (order) I also got them all. Because at that time I had no money, no reputation, nothing at all, so whatever I made, I took it all.

But later on, when my image grew, my life stabilized, I felt that I had to be more selective, focus only on which products, consider whether or not to… ice cream, online gambling, disguised investment app, etc. There are many people who invite me to cooperate but I categorically refuse because it is not healthy.

Long Chun is very lucky to have a famous friend before, Tun Pham. At the time when Long was new to TikTok, it was Tun who instilled in Long a lot of experience, including testing product quality before advertising cooperation.

TikToker Long Chun
Long Chun and Tun Pham
TikToker Long Chun reveals the truth about 'Top Top' that makes many people fall back, disillusioned

That is, Long does not do the content regardless of the view?

Previously yes. (laugh)

Recently, Long released a clip with the content that no one is born a Bodhisattva. It all takes time to make mistakes and correct them.

In the past, anyone who knew Long Chun would know that I am a rather hot-tempered person who finds things unsettling. Wherever there is hot news, there are many people discussing that there are “tooth marks” of Long Chun. However, it is also because of that habit of making money that I have been “stoned” a lot.

And Long Chun at the present time is more mature, the prerequisite is to produce clean, careful and positive content. There are times when I feel that I am a bit bad, so I must always be strict with myself.

Does TikTok bring Long a “huge” income?

TikTok if you know how to do it with grace and effort, it brings a huge revenue, you may never expect.

Everyone has a different predestined relationship, some people make a lot of money doing TikTok, but there are people who do a lot, put in a lot of effort and brains, and they think they’ve worked hard to do well but haven’t made any money.

So each person has a different orientation, different working logic, Long himself can only encourage you to try.

If Long revealed his income here, people would have an illusion, especially young people. The best, in Long’s experience, if anyone wants to try the TikTok playground, give themselves a maximum of 6 months to try, after 6 months if there is no money, they should take a break.

TikTok has a good thing that it doesn’t force anyone. That is, you can encroach on TikTok as a second job. If this second job fails, you can still go back to your current main job. It doesn’t force anyone to quit or join a profession, but it’s always fair to give everyone a chance to try it.

TikToker Long Chun

Does Long prefer to be more and more famous or prefer a normal life?

Long likes to be famous. Fame brings income, love, and value to the community. Even, the greater my influence, the better my voice affects a few individuals.

How long will you stick with the TikTok profession?

I will stick with it until this profession no longer needs me. Sometimes my life is all wrapped up in the word charm. I came to TikTok by fate, I will also leave because of the word fate.

When Long feels that his affinity with TikTok is no longer available or when Long feels afraid of the market and does not want people to peek into his private life anymore, I stop.

Maybe at the age of 35 or 40 when Long had a child, if he wanted to focus on building a small family, his desire to be famous would be less. And now, the more I talk about TikTok, the more I like it.

When people talk about me a lot, it’s a happy thing because the most afraid of art is that the audience ignores it.

TikToker Long Chun

TikTok is a platform that anyone can join and popularity can strike at any time. Currently, the name Long Chun is very hot, but are you afraid of rejection?

Of course, I think about this every day. This is also Long’s biggest pressure.

But that pressure makes my content different every day. Those who have followed Long since the early days will see clearly. After 2 years, there must be 3 or 4 different “Long guys” appearing in the clip.

If you find content that creates “trending” but stick to it and do it all the time, it will definitely cause boredom, from eliminating yourself. So those who are engaged in being content creators must always find ways to change themselves and create new content. As for when my gray matter is exhausted, not enough for the needs of the audience, I have to accept it.

What is your biggest achievement so far?

There are many beloved viewers, they recognize Long in real life. Many followers are also willing to share with Long their personal stories and ask for advice. That is Long Chun’s greatest achievement so far.

TikToker Long Chun reveals the truth about 'Top Top' that makes many people fall back, disillusioned

If you had advice for young people who are passionate about TikTok, what would Long say?

Long just wants to say one sentence that is: To have a Long Chun like today, during the past 2 years, my body has been bruised quite a bit.

So, when you come to TikTok, please have specific plans, give yourself a timeline, a destination, where you will be in a year… but don’t start doing it, you can’t stand it. then stop. Don’t do it for the sake of the moment, do it for the passion, do it for the community’s value!

Thank you Long Chun for the interesting sharing!

Mai Phuong

Photo: NVCC

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