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Dak Lak: The project has a capital of more than hundred billion dong, people are tired of waiting for compensation

Stopped production to hand over the ground for Yen Ngua reservoir project, but for more than a year, people in Cu Ewi commune (Cu Kuin district, Dak Lak) have not received compensation to rebuild production and family economy. affected

The whole year anxiously waiting for compensation

According to people’s feedback, the Yen Ngua reservoir project in Cu Ewi commune (Cu Kuin district, Dak Lak) has been slow to pay compensation for site clearance, which has severely affected the lives of local residents. families whose land has been acquired makes them very upset.

Mr. Dinh Chi Xuan (Cu Ewi commune) said that his family has 1.8ha of cultivated fields that are subject to recovery. They have been compensated for more than 3 billion VND at Yen Ngua lake project, but more than 1 year has passed, they still have not received the compensation. get any money.

According to Mr. Xuan, he is no longer farming on the land that has been inventory and recovered. However, his family has not received money to buy new land to rebuild production, no income, very difficult life.

Reservoir project with a capital of hundreds of billions, taking land from the previous year, the next year the land price tripled, still no compensation has been paid.
People’s orchards have been abandoned in the Yen Ngua lake project area.

Similarly, Mr. Le Ngoc Lam has 1.3ha of swidden land approved for compensation of 3.3 billion VND but so far has not received the money.

“Yen Ngua Reservoir is a big project, our relatives are very supportive and enthusiastically cooperated in the process of compensation for land clearance. However, the process of paying compensation for site clearance is too slow, divided into many small installments. We hope that the competent authorities will pay attention, consider and soon pay people with capital to buy land elsewhere, invest in cultivation, and soon stabilize their lives,” Lam said.

Besides Mr. Xuan, Mr. Lam, there are dozens of other households whose land is recovered at the Yen Ngua water reservoir project and have yet to receive compensation. People believe that the delay in payment of compensation has severely affected their lives. Because, at present, people no longer invest and cultivate on the recovered land. Many people want to go to other places to buy land for farming and gardening, but they have no money and cannot go.

According to the people of Cu Ewi commune, from mid-2021 until now, land prices in the area have increased abnormally. Currently, if they receive compensation, they can only buy plots of land with an area less than 1/3 of their acquired area at Yen Ngua lake.

“If last year we received compensation of 3 sao, we will buy 3 sao elsewhere. Currently, the price of land in the district is high, now we can only buy 1 sao of compensation elsewhere, “Mr. Lam worried.

Dak Lak: The project has a capital of more than hundred billion dong, people are tired of waiting for compensation
Some people’s orchards have been burned, but the garden owner has not yet received compensation.

Project capital of more than 100 billion?

Regarding the above project, Mr. Le Phu Hanh – Vice Chairman of the People’s Committee of Cu Kuin district said that currently the land areas belonging to the key works of the project have been compensated for construction. The remaining households that have not yet received compensation have land in the lake bed area, this area has not been constructed and has not been stored water.

According to Mr. Hanh, the district has approved the plan and sent a notice of land recovery, but the project lacks funds, and the investor is asking for more to pay for it. “The cost of compensation for site clearance at the project is much higher than the estimate, so the investor has to report, apply for additional capital and must go through the Provincial People’s Council, so it takes a long time,” said Mr. Hanh.

According to relevant documents, the People’s Committee of Cu Kuin district has approved the plan and has paid 4/5 compensation and support payments. The remaining phase 5 with 60 households with an area of ​​​​more than 23.7 hectares (belonging to the lake bed area), with a total compensation and support estimated at 38 billion VND, has not yet been implemented.

Reservoir project with a capital of hundreds of billions, taking land from the previous year, the next year the land price tripled, still no compensation has been paid.
Many farmers are pressing, expecting investors to pay attention and pay compensation to rebuild their lives.

Mr. Nguyen Dinh Thin, Deputy Director of the Construction Investment Project Management Board for Traffic and Agriculture and Rural Development in Dak Lak Province (the investor unit) said that the unit tried to pay the approved site clearance fee. Browser. However, the cost of site clearance has been exhausted and cannot be paid in time to people.

“The Board has proposed to the province to apply for capital allocation and adjustment of investment policy. Now we have to wait for additional capital. When we have capital, we will urgently deploy payments,” said Mr. Thin.

According to Mr. Thin, the unit has now prepared a report and proposed to adjust the total investment in the Yen Ngua lake project to VND 468 billion, an increase of more than VND 162.5 billion compared to the total initial investment. The cost of site clearance is expected to increase to 181 billion VND.

According to PV .’s research InfonetInitially, Yen Ngua lake project had a total investment of 305 billion VND from the central budget support and a part of Dak Lak province. The project has 2 reservoirs: Yen Ngua lake (Cu Ewi commune, Cu Kuin district) and Buon Biep lake (Yang Tao and Bong Krang commune, Lak district). This project has a design capacity of more than 3.1 million m3 of water, serving to supply water for 750 hectares of crops of all kinds in Lak and Cu Kuin districts.

In 2021, key works (phase 1) will begin to be constructed. However, because of late payment of compensation, local people have repeatedly caused difficulties and prevented construction units at the project.

Reservoir project with a capital of hundreds of billions, taking land from the previous year, the next year the land price tripled, still no compensation has been paid.
An item is under construction at Yen Ngua lake project.

Tran Nhan

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