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4 amazing reactions of the brain in an orgasm state that you may not have known

If you’re still confused about the two words orgasm or climax, think of it like this: It’s a moment of ecstasy in lovemaking. For men, that moment is when they set off a brilliant fireworks display.

As for us sisters, “orgasm” is somewhat more diverse and more complex. Some people will shake, others will catch the murmuring stream… Even, many women will fall into writhing pain because of leg cramps or lower abdomen, due to the pelvic muscles being stimulated and strongly contracted.

4 amazing reactions of the brain during orgasm that you may not know: After listening, there is more motivation to

No matter what form the pleasure comes to you, our brains also have 4 interesting reactions that many women probably do not know.

1. The brain area that controls reason and behavior stops working

During the most euphoric moments of an orgy, the area behind a woman’s left eye – called the lateral orbit of the anterior cortex, will “strike”. This area is responsible for controlling the mind and behavior of women. Therefore, do not be afraid or afraid if, during your orgasm, you act or say things that are a bit strange compared to you normally.

2. The area of ​​the brain that controls memories and emotions works at full capacity

Research results from a team of neurologists from Queen Elizabeth University Hospital (Scotland) have confirmed: The orgasmic state causes the hypothalamus and thalamus to be stimulated 2.3 times more strongly than the state of orgasm. normal.

4 amazing reactions of the brain during orgasm that you may not know: After listening, there is more motivation to

The hypothalamus and thalamus are responsible for controlling women’s memories and emotions. This fact explains that women often feel more in love with their partner/partner after having sex; Or there are people who feel nostalgic for their ex after having sex with someone who isn’t him.

3. Orgasm is a natural pain reliever and stress reliever

Logan Levkoff – PhD and consultant at the American Association of Sex Educators and Therapists (AASECT) says: Endorphins hormone secreted in the brain during peak state is the antidote to pain. body’s natural. In addition, this hormone also helps calm the part of the brain that controls feelings of anxiety and stress.

Logan also adds: The amount of Endorphins released can be nothing compared to the physical pain that orgasm causes if you have leg cramps or cramps in the lower abdomen.

4. Orgasm helps couples stay together for a long time, with less arguments

A study published in the Journal of Socioaffective Neuroscience & Psychology confirmed: The concentration of the neurotransmitters oxytocin and prolactin in the brain increases significantly when women orgasm. These are the two “love” active ingredients that promote feelings of love and attachment. Therefore, researchers have believed that pleasure is one of the factors that help love last longer.

4 amazing reactions of the brain in an orgasmic state that you may not already know: After listening, there is more motivation to

However, this also does not mean that without orgasm, the relationship will quickly fall apart. In fact, you’ll want to spend more time with your partner if he or she is good at sex and can provide pleasure and satisfaction.

Above are 4 reactions that occur in the brain when a woman reaches a state of extreme happiness. Knowing these things, sisters, don’t be “lazy to love” your husband anymore, especially on weekends like today.

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