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The male student showed off his writing skills with a ruler, everyone was shocked to see the results

Beautiful handwriting is one of the special impressions that just fleetingly we have to praise its owner. Of course, in order to have the “ten and ten” handwriting, every word is clean, it must go through a process of practice and practice non-stop.

Today, with the development of technology era 4.0, people use handwriting less, even for students, it is no longer important to practice good handwriting because there are countless tools for taking notes. preach. However, writing beautiful letters still becomes an important requirement because the notes are fully, carefully, cleanly, clearly, not crossed out, which is always an advantage, helping learners to concentrate highly and avoid losing points. in the exam.

Recently, the online community was stirred up by the shared video of a male student who wrote articles so carefully that he had to use … a ruler to draw each line in his notebook.

After the video was posted, it immediately received great attention from the school council. Many people think that this guy is acting while filming, so he acts like that. But when you look closely, you can see that his way of writing and using a ruler is extremely proficient and agile, proving that he has been trained for a long time, leading to the habit of all handwriting must be straight and neat.

Some people think that this guy has an obsessive-compulsive phenomenon, always having to set a goal for himself to do everything carefully and properly.

If you write something like this, you must be shocked!

Maintaining beautiful handwriting is not an easy task, it needs a thorough process, requiring you to work hard and be careful in each handwriting every day, forming a habit when taking notes and doing homework. test. But to be as careful as the guy in the clip above is not necessary. Because it will affect daily life, study, work and hinder the building of relationships around.

Many netizens left comments:

– This friend would cry if she saw the long and long deviated lines of fractions with her hands.

– OCD or something, normal people don’t lose their merits!

– In the future, she will probably be an architect.

– It turns out that I have misunderstood the use of a ruler for a long time.

Source: People’s School

https://kenh14.vn/hien-tuong-la-lan-dau-chung-kien-nam-sinh-tro-tai-viet-bai-bangthuoc-ke-nhin-thanh-qua-ai-cung-giat- minh-20220318162432629.chn

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