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What is the solution to the problem of “thirst” for human resources?

The problem of human resources and tourism infrastructure is a headache

Sheet Youth shows a rather serious lack of human resources in Tourism This industry is witnessing a major human resource crisis that has never been seen in history.

After 2 years of freezing, hundreds of thousands of guides, tour operators, hotel staff, even tourism business owners… have gradually changed jobs and only a few have the need to return. Some units don’t even have people left to work. Traveling is difficult, hotels and restaurants are even more difficult because of the loss of staff after 2 years of closure.

What is the solution to the problem of human thirst?  - Photo 1.

Enterprises are “thirsty” for labor to restore production. Illustration – Photo: VOV.

In fact, the demand for human resources in the tourism industry cannot be as great as that of the manufacturing sector, so businesses, especially those that need a lot of workers, are having a headache with the problem of finding workers.

As reflected by the sheet YouthIn Ho Chi Minh City, mostly in export processing zones and industrial zones, many businesses are announcing the recruitment of workers in large numbers, sometimes up to thousands of people. Salary ranges from 7.5 to 17 million VND/month with many incentives, but recruiting is still not enough workers.

The human resources director of an enterprise said that employees have many reasons to say goodbye to the company such as fear of the epidemic; have found a suitable job in the countryside; The house anchored people so they didn’t return to the city anymore. Businesses go to the locality, contact job placement centers; connected with a labor brokerage unit but only recruited a very few workers, the newspaper Tien Phong said.

Need a “long-term” policy to restore the labor market

The partner urged because the order was delayed, while the human resources could not be recruited. Businesses are forced to organize overtime and the like workers have to take on more work than usual. However, is it possible to work overtime forever when human resources are limited.

Like sheet Labor As evidenced by society, many business owners admit that it can only be maintained for 1 and a half to 2 months, but not because of that, the labor force will be eroded.

In the article “What is the solution to the problem of human thirst?”, this newspaper said that some businesses want to get support from the financial and credit policy in order to have a budget in the immediate future. in order to recruit sufficient human resources, before thinking about training and rebuilding strong enough human resources for the next stage.

This seems like a way to deal with the short-term situation, but in the long-term, more factors are needed. From the perspective of the entire labor market, the newspaper Vietnam Veterans emphasize long-term policies against labor shortage in the first quarter of this year.

Accordingly, these “long-term” policies include encouraging employees to participate in training, re-training, skill improvement, and career change; there is a mechanism to promote the system of basic social services in industrial zones such as education, health care, housing, clean water, environmental sanitation…

What is the solution to the problem of human thirst?  - Photo 2.

Need a “long-term” policy to restore the labor market. Illustration – Photo: VOV.

In addition to the above policies, there is a solution to solve the problem of labor shortage, which is to connect supply – demand.

As the Hanoi Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs said, it will coordinate with other departments, branches, districts, towns in the city to continue surveying and reviewing the job search needs of workers and grasp the recruitment needs of businesses and units to continue promoting the connection between labor supply and demand, according to the newspaper Labor.

F0, F1 still go to work, should not?

Thus, many solutions have been proposed and implemented, but if there are still not enough employees, what should businesses do?

Recently, the Ministry of Health proposed, F0 has no symptoms, is in isolation, voluntarily returns to work, can work online, and takes care of COVID-19 patients. F1 is allowed to participate in live and online jobs.

Long An is the first province to support this policy by issuing a temporary document regulating cases where F0 and F1 are allowed to work directly.

Businesses are very excited about the proposal of the Ministry of Health. Sheet Youth reflects the opinion of enterprises that if the enterprise does not test, it is difficult to determine whether a worker is currently infected with COVID-19 because many people have no or mild symptoms, the workers themselves do not know they have it. .

The sick workers also recovered very quickly, many negative again after a few days. Businesses believe that this policy shows flexible adaptation and also helps businesses ensure production workers.

Of course, letting F0 and F1 go to work is not supported everywhere. There are supportive places, but there are also shy places. Back to the story in Long An, since this province has official documents for F0 and F1 to work, this regulation is still only on paper.

There are still too many fears when organizing F0 and F1 during the isolation period to “reintegrate into the community”, especially the fear of spreading the disease, leading to difficult-to-control consequences.

Sheet Law of Ho Chi Minh City The Prime Minister has assigned the Ministry of Health to accurately assess the epidemic situation, take appropriate and effective measures to move towards normalization with the epidemic, considering COVID-19 as an endemic disease.

And the proposal for F0, F1 to go to work is considered a pilot step to get closer to this normalization goal. Therefore, it is necessary to have a specific guideline from the Ministry of Health.

* Invite readers to watch programs broadcast by Vietnam Television on TV Online and VTVGo!

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