The child prodigy set a record for the youngest Vietnamese to attend university at the age of 13, at risk of being expelled… for being too smart, now what?

In 2020, the media in New Zealand has turned its attention to a Vietnamese girl named Vicky Ngo (Vietnamese name is Ngo Ngoc Chau), 13 years old this year, has just become the youngest new student of the Institute of Technology. Auckland University of Technology (Auckland University of Technology).

In April 2021, Vicky was once again interested in the media when facing the risk of having to leave New Zealand due to graduating from university too soon.

At the age of 14, the female student was about to graduate with two degrees in Applied Mathematics and Finance, but she was not granted a work visa – a benefit that international students who are 18 years old can enjoy when they graduate from a university in New Zealand. .

The child prodigy set a record for the youngest Vietnamese to attend university at the age of 13, at risk of being expelled... for being too smart, now what?  - Photo 1.

Vicky Ngo was dubbed a “prodigy” when he entered university at the age of 13, becoming the youngest student in New Zealand’s history.

13 years old went to college, never thought of himself as a prodigy

In 2015, Vicky first met her adoptive mother in Ho Chi Minh City and received financial support and study orientation since then. The legal procedures for the adoption were finalized in 2017 when the family intended to move to New Zealand to settle down and take Vicky with them.

Here, the Vietnamese prodigy attended St Thomas’s School. In 2018, she entered the top 6 of the National Math Championships for 7th graders organized by the University of Otago. A year later, the female student entered the top 30 in the 9th grade math competition. After that, Vicky continued to graduate from high school at the age of 13.

In 2018, Vicky became the youngest member of Mensa (the community of people with IQ in the group of 2% of the world’s population) in kiwi land. In 2019, she was in the group of 2% of students with the highest math scores in the Asia-Pacific region.

With her impressive academic achievement, the female student received a lot of attention from the press and media. First appeared on the NZ Herald (New Zealand’s largest daily circulation), she was dubbed “child genius”, “prodigy”.

However, Vicky doesn’t think these callings are right for her. “I don’t think of myself as a prodigy. Vietnam has a lot of talented young people and I’m just luckier, don’t give up in front of difficulties. In addition, when it comes to child prodigies, people often think of natural talents. Meanwhile, what I have today has to go through the process of striving and training.”

The child prodigy set a record for the youngest Vietnamese to attend university at the age of 13, at risk of being expelled... for being too smart, now what?  - Photo 2.

Vicky considers herself to be a bit more mature than her 14 years old. In college, most of her classmates are 10-20 years older than Vicky.

Besides participating in events organized by the student union, Vicky also teaches Math online for free to many young people from all over the world – who know and actively contact her after reading the books. articles and social media posts.

“I don’t dare to call myself a genius but I think I know the method to study effectively. It’s no secret so if any of you in Vietnam, New Zealand or any other country ask about math or methods jurisprudence, I am willing to share.”

Vicky said that at first, she had absolutely no intention of studying fast, studying beyond grade level. Since middle school, she wanted to join the Math Olympiad team, but because she did not have New Zealand citizenship, she had to put this dream aside.

From here, the new prodigy began to study beyond the level, trying to enter university at the age of 13 to prove his ability.

From 2020, at the age of 13, Vicky Ngo studied at Auckland University of Technology (AUT) with two majors in applied mathematics and finance. An AUT spokesperson rated Vicky as an outstanding student. Based on the number of credits registered, it is quite possible for me to graduate when I turn 15 in the winter of 2022.

Her adoptive mother spent many sleepless nights worrying about the prospect of having to say goodbye to her adopted child because she might be forced to return to Vietnam upon graduation. Vicky’s adoptive mother said her daughter has received an offer to do an internship and work for a financial firm but will need a work visa after graduation.

In Vietnam, Vicky is an excellent student. The adoptive mother wanted to take her to New Zealand for better educational opportunities when her biological parents could not afford it.

Expelled because… studying too well

According to the law of New Zealand, international students after obtaining a university, college or intermediate degree will be granted a visa for an additional 3 years of work. This type of visa is automatically granted to people 18 years of age or older, but Vicky is not entitled to this right because of studying too quickly, graduating too soon, talent does not wait for age.

“While thousands of other students are automatically entitled to this right, I and my family are having to pay for a lawyer and fight every day to claim their legal rights. It is an injustice to a Vietnamese person, an international student living in New Zealand like me”. Vicky once shared.

AUT considers Vicky a special case to be considered, according to the spokesperson: “Immigration New Zealand needs to examine Vicky’s case especially carefully.”

The child prodigy set a record for the youngest Vietnamese to attend university at the age of 13, at risk of being expelled... for being too smart, now what?  - Photo 3.

Just because talent does not wait for age, Vicky Ngo has to face being deported back to her country

The 14-year-old prodigy has only two solutions, but all of them are almost deadlocked. In the immediate future, Vicky and her family are struggling with three ministries, including the Ministry of Immigration, the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Education, to find a special solution on the issue of work permits for international students who graduate from university before the end of the year. 18 years old from New Zealand.

The Immigration Department said that the law does not allow visas for underage people because the Labor Department stipulates that people aged 16 and over can only work 20 hours a week and 18 years and older can work full-time. Meanwhile, the Labor Department said it does not have the authority to deal with the case of international students.

Vicky’s family has thought of applying for a scholarship for her to continue studying for a master’s or doctorate. However, at this point, it’s almost impossible for Vicky to apply for a scholarship. At the same time, part of the cost to pay for tuition fees and living here is too expensive for 150,000 NZD (more than 100,000 USD, equivalent to more than 2 billion VND) and also beyond the family’s ability to pay. because Vicky also has a sister who is also an international student in New Zealand.

The years of struggling to study beyond the level to pursue an academic path

Facing the risk of being forced to return home after graduation is just one of many hardships Vicky and her family have to go through as they pursue their education in New Zealand.

Many people think that talented kids like Vicky will have many opportunities to thrive in one of the best educations in the world. However, the reality is not so easy.

Like many other countries, New Zealand does not support further study. The fact that Vicky was able to complete 5 years of high school in 10 months was absolutely exceptional.

On average, each semester, Vicky has the ability to “jump” a class. Every time she skips a class like that, the female student and her family have to fight between an evaluation committee of 7-8 members including: subject teachers, instructors, dean, head of department, principal… Dong At that time, the prodigy also had to successfully complete all the tests given by the school.

The child prodigy set a record for the youngest Vietnamese to attend university at the age of 13, at risk of being expelled... for being too smart, now what?  - Photo 4.

This process of struggle is really tiring because the teachers are all very busy and not many people believe that a 9th grader can solve 11th grade math. “That’s why, I feel really lucky, grateful and also proud that I’ve done it.”Vicky said.

In her letter of recommendation, Graeme Holden, a teacher of Mathematics and Economics at Selwyn College, commented that Vicky was “a shining gem” for achieving top marks in all subjects.

“Vicky absolutely deserves to be admitted to the university. Despite his young age, Vicky is a very intelligent student, with a good analytical mind, grasping and absorbing mathematical knowledge quickly”Mr. Holden said.

Similarly, Professor Jiling Cao, head of the department of mathematical sciences at Auckland University of Technology, also highly appreciated the ability of the Vietnamese prodigy.

“Vicky’s study effort and determination to succeed is clearly shown in the way she interacts with teachers, classmates and handles each assigned assignment. Vicky’s learning progress is very good and she always tries her best. Try to get the best marks in all the subjects at school.”

Although the immediate plans are deadlocked and at times feel like he is “stuck”, the 14-year-old prodigy said he is not discouraged but will continue to find new directions.

“When plan A fails, I will think of plan B, plan C. Even if it is difficult, I will still have to find a way to succeed for myself. We only fail when we give up completely, but If you try hard enough, you are determined enough, the door of opportunity will still open.”Vicky said.

Source: Synthesis truc-xuat-vi-qua-thong-minh-gio-rasao-20220320184359397.chn

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