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The formula “drop 4 add 3” prevents skin aging and fast weight loss

Age is always the biggest obsession of women, because with age, wrinkles will appear more and make appearance worse. When you have passed the age of 25, the signs of aging also appear more clearly, causing women to worry to find all measures to prevent skin aging. But unfortunately, not everyone can afford cosmetic surgery or use expensive drugs.

In daily life, we always meet people who are 30 or 40 years old but still look as young as their twenties. According to experts, in order to stay young for a long time and lose weight naturally, you should apply this “drop 4 add 3” method because it’s very simple. Many people may already know but still not do it right.

Women who are young for a long time, with little excess fat in their bodies often

If you want to be young and have a long life, you need to maintain good habits.

The “drop 4 add 3” method to help you stay young for a long time and lose fat fast

Remove 4 includes:

– Quit staying up late

Staying up late is probably gradually becoming a “specialty” for modern young people, partly due to busy work, the rest is staying up to play surfing games. However, it should be understood that staying up a lot at night not only damages many organs but also accelerates aging. The more awake, the more reduced life fast.

For women in particular, staying up late will disrupt the endocrine system and slow down the metabolism. At this time, fat cannot be burned, but instead accumulates, causing obesity. Therefore, you should practice the habit of going to bed early and getting up early, you will see your health improve, and your excess fat will gradually decrease.

Women who are young for a long time, with less excess fat in their bodies, often

Staying up late is the enemy of health, the best friend of premature aging.

– Quit eating sweets

Everyone likes snacking and eating sweets, but with sisters, the frequency is higher. However, tolerating too many sweets will lead to overweight, skin aging or increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes … If you eat continuously, your body will depend on sugar, the more you eat the more difficult to quit and harmful to health.

In addition, this amount of sugar also makes collagen in the body less active, causing skin tissues to harden and lose their inherent elasticity. So refrain from eating a lot of sweets every day, try to use a lot of vegetables and fruits because this is a natural sugar.

Women who are young for a long time, with little excess fat in their bodies often

Sweets are the cause of obesity and rapid skin aging, so limit their intake.

– Quit eating irregularly

Due to the increasingly busy and stressful social life, many people always eat erratically. Mealtimes are not, or have eaten, then finished eating through the speakers… continuously for many days. According to experts, erratic eating habits are the number one cause of extremely rapid aging. In 2013, a study showed that people who eat enough meals have beautiful glowing skin and aging is slower.

In addition, erratic eating also causes erratic weight gain and loss, weakening the immune system and creating conditions for a variety of diseases to invade. Try to eat 3 meals a day to fully absorb nutrients. Only then will longevity become possible.

Women who are young for a long time, with little excess fat in their bodies often

Please eat enough 3 meals a day, do not skip meals lest affect health.

– Quit eating a lot of meat

Meat is an excellent source of protein and protein, which, if eaten properly, is good for health. However, there are many people who are “meat crazy” too much, every meal must have new meat to eat. However, eating too much meat will affect the digestive system, affect metabolism, cause fat accumulation in the body and increase the risk of obesity.

Diets containing too much meat can increase the risk of kidney stones, heart disease, worsen skin and accelerate aging. In addition, eating more meat – less vegetables can weaken the immune system, making you more susceptible to illness and “shorter life” quickly. So no matter how much you crave for meat, you must eat it in moderation and science.

Women who are young for a long time, with little excess fat in their bodies often

Eating a lot of meat will increase the risk of many dangerous diseases.

Add 3 including:

– Add guava

Guava is small but contains many great nutrients, especially astringents that help skin recover quickly and hinder the aging process. In addition, guava is rich in fiber, vitamins and protein, so if you eat a lot, you will not gain weight, on the contrary, it also supports effective weight loss. fruit. When hungry, eat guava instead of candy.

Women who are young for a long time, with little excess fat in their bodies often

This fruit contains astringent substances that help to make the skin more beautiful that few people know.

– Add tomato

Tomatoes contain lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that protects the skin from the sun and makes your skin less sensitive to ultraviolet rays – the leading cause of wrinkles in the skin. Not to mention tomatoes are also rich in fiber and water, eating them will increase the feeling of fullness for a long time and support rapid weight loss.

Women who are young for a long time, with less excess fat in their bodies, often

Tomatoes can be cooked in combination with many other dishes, both nutritious and delicious.

– Add grapefruit

Grapefruit contains a large amount of fiber and water to help increase satiety, reduce cravings, and limit calorie intake. This fruit also improves heart health, reduces the risk of kidney stones, diabetes … Vitamin C in grapefruit also fades blackhead on the skin, has the same effect as natural skin care products.

Women who are young for a long time, with little excess fat in their body, often

Eating grapefruit helps with weight loss is something everyone knows.

According to Bestchinanews, Healthline se-giam-can-ma-khong-can-ton-suc-20220317012826399.chn

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