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Remember this 1 thing to find joy in work

When it comes to the proverb “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”, people often think of Stephen King’s novel The Shining.

But few people know that this saying has been around for a long time, around the 17th century. And regardless of time and space, this saying still carries the same message: Continuous work. never a good idea. We all need regular leisure time.

Working without playing will lose youth: Remember this 1 thing to find joy in work, successful career, full spirit - Photo 1.

Recently, an interesting study from Rutgers University, Ohio State University and Harvard University has proven the scientific side of this saying. Their research has shown: The idea that recreational activities are a “waste” of time will easily make people fall into a state of stress, depression and anxiety.

Why should you make time for leisure?

Gabriela Tonietto, lead author of the study and assistant professor of marketing at Rutgers Business School – Newark and New Brunswick, said: “If work is the meaning and purpose of life, then leisure – time with family, friends, doing something we enjoy or exercising – is seen as the factor that makes us happier and healthier. . However, not everyone realizes the value of entertainment. Many people believe that these leisure activities will waste time, or even deprive them of happiness. But we discovered that the ‘entertainment is a waste of time’ mindset is what makes your entertainment boring.”

Doing without playing will lose youth: Remember this 1 thing to find joy in work, successful career, full spirit - Photo 2.

It doesn’t take too long to find examples of articles, posts or messages saying “if you don’t work hard and practice you will be a failure in this life”. Having a goal to work hard is a great thing, but the hard work also needs to be compensated with rest and relaxation.

Selin Malkoc, associate professor of marketing at Ohio State University’s Fisher College of Business, shared: “There is a lot of research showing that entertainment is beneficial for mental health and it can help us be more productive. However, if people believe that entertainment is a waste of time, then that very mindset will easily put you in a state of depression and stress.”

It’s a very understandable thing. Let’s say you’ve just finished a long day at work and finally have some time to yourself. But instead of searching for good books, entertainment, or enjoying some favorite activity, you’re worrying about other problems or thinking about the task at hand. Even some researchers admit that they often face this situation.

Ms. Tonietto commented: “All members of the research team have had this problem or are familiar with people who have had it.”

So what is the cause of this phenomenon? Does it stem from messages encouraging work in the media?

Working without playing will lose youth: Remember this 1 thing to find joy in work, successful career, full spirit - Photo 4.

We have to admit, seeing other people succeed on social media makes us put pressure on ourselves and it’s hard to relax. According to Tonietto, the idea of ​​putting work first has existed for a long time, but it has only grown in strength in recent decades.

“I think this idea is not new, the real novelty lies in its manifestations. Throughout modern history, many countries have adopted social norms that emphasize the importance of work and productivity. However, the internet in general and social networking sites in particular have made this idea clearer. Like other thoughts, it can have many different causes. Recent research has shown that people are more inclined to brag about their busyness on social media, and these actions contribute to the mindset of ‘work is good, entertainment is waste. time’ becomes more severe.”

Americans are known for taking work seriously, but research shows that almost everyone around the world has an aversion to idleness. An experiment was carried out on volunteers from the US, France and India. While some French people don’t see entertainment as a negative, a sizable number say they’re still stuck in this mindset.

Assistant Professor Tonietto shared: “Most importantly, despite cultural differences, people who believe entertainment is a waste of time have higher levels of depression, anxiety and stress than others.”

“We live in an integrated world, so wherever we are, we can easily hear messages about the importance of work and productivity. Once you believe that, and at the same time think that leisure time is wasted, you will be less happy than people who do not believe in it.”said study co-author Rebecca Reczek, professor of marketing at Ohio State.

The value of relaxation

Doing without playing will lose youth: Remember this 1 thing to find joy in work, successful career, full spirit - Photo 6.

Fortunately, there is a flaw here, which is that if you see the value of relaxation, then whether or not you carry these negative thoughts, you can enjoy it. For example exercise or meditation.

With the above findings, this study can be seen as a “panacea” for the idea that relaxation is overlooked. The next time you feel nervous while watching a movie or simply doing nothing, remind yourself that taking action now will help you achieve more in the future.

Tonietto also added: “Thinking about the benefits that leisure activities bring to your work can be a good way.”

Associate Professor Malkoc concluded: “Find ways to make leisure activities part of your larger life goal, thinking about how effective and useful it can be.”

All 100 survey respondents answered that they wanted to be happy. But when interviewed about what true happiness is, everyone has different opinions. Many people are sure that for them, happiness is seeing lots of zeros in their bank accounts. Many others said that happiness is enjoying a quiet evening with loved ones.

Whatever your definition of happiness, remember to include rest and relaxation in it. Work may be the goal of life, but what’s the point if we can’t enjoy it?

The full study was published in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology.

(Source: Theladders) su-hiep-thanh-cong-tinh-than-du-day-20220321221616009.chn

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