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Decoding questions about first sex

1. Experiences when having sex for the first time

When a man has sex for the first time, it’s usually painless. During sex, you may breathe heavily and sweat, and your skin may become flushed. These changes are due to the physical nature of sex.

When a woman has sex for the first time, the vagina can be a little sore. You may also experience bleeding, but not always. If bleeding occurs, it’s usually because your hymen was torn during sex. During sex, your vulva may also swell due to the increased blood volume. After sex, your body will return to normal, just like after exercise.

Most women are born with the hymen, which is the lining of the vagina that can stretch or tear with movement, first sex, or other activities. During the first time you have sex, your hymen may stretch and you may bleed if it tears. However, bleeding does not always occur during first sex. Many people accidentally tear their hymen before they have sex without knowing it – when playing sports or using tampons, for example.

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Having sex for the first time can be far from what you imagine. (illustration)

When you and your partner are learning how to have sex for the first time, you might think it will be as magical as is often depicted in movies. However, your first time may not be as smooth or as ideal as you thought it would be.

For many people, their first time is an awkward and somewhat frustrating affair. In such cases, it is very difficult to achieve orgasm. This is completely normal. In fact, having sex without orgasm can also be a way for you and your partner to spend time getting to know and bond more.

2. How to overcome stress for the best first time

When you have sex for the first time, you may feel nervous. There are many things you can do to deal with this anxiety. If you’re concerned about bleeding, use a dark towel or cloth to stop the stain.


Having sex for the first time can be painful if you’re not comfortable and excited. Much of the anxiety surrounding having sex for the first time focuses on whether it hurts. If you are relaxed, comfortable and loose your body, there won’t be any pain. What you may feel is a bit of discomfort as the experience is new to you.


If you feel pain, it’s more likely due to friction. Friction during penetrative sex occurs when there is not enough vaginal lubricant. So both of you need to make time for foreplay and try not to make penetrative sex the primary goal. If your partner focuses on foreplay, it can help reduce feelings of anxiety. Foreplay involves a lot of kissing and touching, which can help you feel more comfortable with your body as well as that of your partner.

Cozy place

You may feel nervous and uncomfortable having sex for the first time in unfamiliar places. Both of you plan to do it in a place where you feel most comfortable. An unfamiliar or uncomfortable position can make it difficult to focus and enjoy what’s going on.

The right partner

Some studies show that you are more likely to achieve both psychological and physical satisfaction when you have sex with someone you trust and with whom you have a stable relationship. Being with someone you trust can help you feel more secure and in control of the situation.

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A trusted partner will help you feel secure the first time you have sex. (illustration)

Slow down

A lot of anxiety can come from trying to have sex in a hurry to get to the next step. You may find yourself thinking about what you should do and what you should do next. If so, take a moment to center yourself and focus on the present, letting things flow naturally.

Some people rush to achieve orgasm. Taking the time and enjoying the journey can make sex a more relaxing and enjoyable experience.

Try later

It’s normal to be less than perfect the first time. However, that doesn’t mean sex will always be bad. Anything can contribute to an experience that isn’t quite what you expected.

You can always try again after you feel more comfortable. However, you are also under no obligation to commit the next time. The best time to have sex is when you’re sure you want to, not when your partner wants to.

Help me

If you are still finding it difficult to have sex, there may be an emotional or anxious reason that could be causing the problem. It can be helpful to talk to a health care professional or sex therapist about any concerns.

Common genital infections and cystitis can also cause pain during sex. They are easily treatable with over-the-counter remedies. See a specialist if you experience pain or itching that can sometimes be a sign of a sexually transmitted infection (STI).

3. Make sure it’s safe to have sex for the first time

If you’re having sex for the first time, you should know ways to protect yourself from unprotected sex. Having unprotected sex can lead to STIs. It can also cause an unwanted pregnancy.

Some advice suggests that you are unlikely to get pregnant the first time you have sex. However, this notion is completely wrong. A girl who has started her period for the first time can become pregnant at any time if she has sex with someone of the opposite sex. If you don’t want to get pregnant, you should use birth control whenever you have sex.

You can choose birth control methods such as using condoms, diaphragms. These methods prevent sperm from reaching the egg. Other methods, such as birth control pills, can change your hormones to ensure that an egg is not released. Condoms can protect you from pregnancy and STIs, but it’s important to remember that no method of protection is 100% effective.

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Using condoms correctly when having sex helps you prevent pregnancy and prevent infections.

Your risk of catching an infection is much higher if you don’t use protection during sex.

Some sexually transmitted infections (STIs) include: Chlamydia, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis B and C, genital herpes, syphilis, and more.

While some of these diseases can be treated with antibiotics, some are incurable and can have serious health effects. HIV has no cure, but there are drugs that can inhibit the growth of the virus. If left untreated, HIV can develop into AIDS, with no cure. Using a condom when you have sex significantly reduces your risk of getting an STI.

It’s normal to be nervous the first time you have sex, but it can be helpful to be with the right partner in a cozy place and take things slowly. Make sure to practice safe sex to avoid unwanted pregnancy and STIs.

(According to NHS.UK, Flo.health)

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