
“Residual salary is gold accumulation, when old, take 2 only per month to spend”

Although I have entered the “new normal” life for nearly half a year, if asked if it is really “normal” yet? Then the answer is definitely no. Many women have had to live in suspense and fear when the times became more difficult, the work was delayed, the salary did not increase but the expenses kept increasing rapidly.

To face the current situation, finding a reserve fund is being concerned and shared by many women. A reserve fund is known as a reserve savings in case you lose your ability to pay in the future (in case you don’t invest in insurance). It not only shows your personal financial health, but also helps you pay for necessary expenses, ensuring that your life is not deprived when something unexpected happens.

There are many ways to set up a reserve fund that is “passed on” by sisters to properly and completely nurture their families. And here are some ways you can accumulate a reserve fund for your family.

Buying gold accounts for 30% of women’s choice

Vietnamese people have a tradition of buying gold to save. Gold has always attracted people’s attention and is considered the safest asset, especially from the point of view of inflation, devaluation of the Dong and through 8 currency exchanges.

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Ms. Pham. N shared: “Accumulated enough 4 gold trees for the emergency fund. 10 years ago, my salary was 2 gold. 10 years later, my salary is still 2 gold. And now my salary is still 2 gold. I still study the old lesson, I have to pay my surplus salary. is accumulating gold. When you’re old, just take 2 each month to spend.” It is relatively conceivable that over the long term and following trends that have occurred in developed markets, gold will become more of a defensive and accumulation instrument than a public investment vehicle.

Of course, at the moment, there is still a war element, but it should be noted that a rapid increase in price but low buying power is unstable. The price range where people hold the most gold is 54-55 million VND/tael, so once the situation turns around, they will launch to sell and take profit. In the past few days, the selling force to take profit has been sporadic, so you should pay attention.

“Eat well and wear durable” with 20% cash in the safe

According to Ms. Hoang. M: “If it’s urgent, it should be an instant payment at any time of the day. No need to take time to withdraw, and no need to call to ask for a loan (because if it’s midnight, everyone’s cock crows). turn off the phone and go to sleep)”.

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Whether you choose to keep your money in a wallet or a bank account, it’s always important to anticipate how much you’ll need for a day or a week to avoid ‘overspending’ or high bank surcharges due to multiple transactions.

Daily living expenses are fixed expenses, necessary to maintain basic needs. Keeping cash in your wallet is considered an effective way to keep money because it can be used “immediately and always” to eat, drink and travel.

Fastest and most convenient with 50% savings in bank or online savings book

It is considered as a form of accumulation with high safety and stable income from bank interest every month. Saving is a traditional form of accumulation that every family thinks about when they have idle money.

You also have a special note that please use your own bank or withdraw money to choose to deposit online for this money, ensuring the most convenient and fastest withdrawal from this fund, regardless of Saturday. Sunday or outside trading hours.

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One of the most profitable ways to save money in a bank is to open at least two savings accounts instead of one. In which, one book has a short term, convenient to withdraw when there is an unexpected need, the other has a long term to enjoy the full and maximum profit.

For example, you can split an 18-month term deposit, a 12-month deposit, or a 1-6 month deposit. Usually, deposit with a long term will have a higher interest rate. In case you need to use money, if you withdraw the book with a short term of one month, you will lose less interest. Ideally, try not to pay off early to enjoy the full interest.

Ms. N shared more, about using the reserve fund for emergencies such as unexpected illness, when it is necessary to invest something but the bank deposit has not yet reached the withdrawal date (early withdrawal will lose interest), when needed Buying furniture but the money in the house is not enough, especially when she gives birth and can’t work, having a reserve fund helps her be more active while waiting for health insurance to pay.

The division of the reserve fund into many different forms to make it easier to use and also gain interest to increase assets for you and your family. room

According to Nguyen Khanh An

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