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Contact dermatitis caused by ants

On March 19, the National Children’s Hospital received a 5-year-old boy named LVL, residing in Kim Bang district, Ha Nam province. A few red patches of skin scattered on the face, then lesions appeared in many other skin areas such as neck and ears, genital skin, accompanied by burning pain.

The family took the child to a local medical examination and diagnosed the child with shingles. After applying and taking the drug, the lesions did not improve, but spread to more areas of the skin. The family has 2 other children with the same disease.

TS.BS Pham Thi Mai Huong, Department of Dermatology, National Children’s Hospital, said that baby L. had contact dermatitis caused by insects or another name. contact dermatitis caused by tricavity ants.

A 5-year-old boy has contact dermatitis caused by three-cavity ants, the doctor warns of the dangers - Photo 1.

Baby LVL was diagnosed with contact dermatitis caused by three-cavity ants (Photo: BVCC)

The three-cavity ant has The body is slender, long like a grain of rice, has two colors of red-orange and black, forming alternating red-orange and black compartments, shaped like an ant, so it is called a three-compartment ant. Some other names in folk such as strabismus ant, double chin ant, ass curved ant…

This type of ant often lives in rice fields, orchards, decaying grass, landfills, construction sites, appearing more in the rainy and wet seasons. The three-chambered ants are very fond of night lights, especially high-voltage electric bulbs.

They cause disease to people through clinging to towels, clothing, bedding, blankets… or by direct contact with the skin.

According to the doctor, manifestations of contact dermatitis caused by ants often appear in open areas such as: face, neck, chest, shoulders, nape, limbs, after a few hours of contact with ants. The severity of the disease depends on the time of exposure and the concentration of secretions of the three compartment ants.

The part of the lesion is usuallyred in streaks, in a slightly lumpy background, with small blisters or pustules on top. The central area of ​​the lesion is slightly concave yellow-brown, round or oval. Lesions continue to appear despite the absence of ants because the child continues to rub from the diseased skin to the healthy skin, the folds still show the typical picture of “kissing lesion” (kissing lesion). ).

Children with itching, burning or pain at the site may cry, or touch the lesions to spread. Lesions on a large scale, children may have a mild fever, and swollen lymph nodes nearby.

5-year-old boy has contact dermatitis caused by three-cavity ants, the doctor warns of the dangers - Photo 2.

Pictures of three-chambered ants

After coming into contact with three-chambered ants, the patient should immediately remove the ants, do not use their handsto catch, kill, rub, should blow or use gloves, paper to remove them. Wash the exposed area with soap and water, then use a mild antiseptic such as povidone iodine. Absolutely do not arbitrarily apply homemade foods such as chewing glutinous rice, green beans, toothpaste or some types of leaves … making the disease worse and superinfected.

If the injury is minor, only localized red streaks, good initial treatment, about 2-3 days, the disease is better. If the damage is severe, widespread, especially around the eyes, or there are signs of superinfection, parents should take the child to a medical facility, preferably a dermatologist.

A very small number of children need to be hospitalized, only when the lesions spread to a large area, affecting the function of natural niches, many superinfections accompanied by fever…

Children with contact dermatitis caused by ants are still bathed daily, avoiding rubbing from the lesion to the healthy skin of the child or the caregiver’s skin. Parents should let children wear long, thin, absorbent and cool clothes. Normal diet, do not abstain from any food Much damage, spread, should leave the child out of school to control the disease and avoid spreading to other children.

To prevent being bitten by three-cavity ants, the family should limit opening the door, especially at home near fields, lots of trees, near high-voltage light bulbs. Avoid standing under bright lights in public places, turn off unnecessary light. Clothes and towels must be shaken vigorously before use, children’s clothes should not be turned upside down to expose their faces to skin. Do not use bare hands to catch and kill three-chambered ants. Wash immediately with clean water and soap or dilute salt water when you feel itchiness in an area of ​​​​the skin. chn

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