
How terrible is food poisoning?

On the morning of March 25, Da Lat City People’s Committee submitted a request to Lam Dong Provincial People’s Committee to issue a decision to sanction administrative violations in the field of food safety for Ms. TTYN, the representative of a bakery business household. Lien Hoa (No. 165 Phan Chu Trinh Street, Ward 9, Da Lat City).

Specifically, the People’s Committee of Da Lat City proposed to fine Ms. TTYN with an amount of 102 million VND for the following acts: Failure to comply with the law on storing food samples and the 3-step food inspection regime; equipment, means of transportation and preservation of ready-to-eat meals and ready-to-eat food are not hygienic.

The most serious is the act of importing, producing, processing, supplying and selling food causing food poisoning, affecting the health of many people without reaching the level of criminal prosecution.

In addition, Ms. TTYN also had to take remedial measures such as: recalling and destroying food causing poisoning; forced to bear all costs for handling food poisoning, examination and treatment of people with food poisoning.

Previously, from March 18 to March 24, 133 people were poisoned with Lien Hoa bread. Of which 109 cases were hospitalized for treatment, by the morning of March 25, 56 had been discharged, and 53 cases were being treated; The number of cases treated at home and reported at medical facilities is 24.

From the case of 133 people hospitalized for eating Lien Hoa bread: How terrible is food poisoning?  - Photo 1.

Lien Hoa bakery in Da Lat has temporarily suspended operations after the food poisoning incident. Photo: DT&PT

After the incident happened, the City Health Department. Da Lat has temporarily suspended the operation of two Lien Hoa bread establishments on Tran Phu and Phan Chu Trinh streets to overcome the consequences, until they can ensure food safety conditions.

At the end of the afternoon of March 24, the City People’s Committee. Da Lat issued a decision to sanction administrative violations in the field of food safety against Mr. PTT, the representative of Lien Hoa bakery establishment (9 Tran Phu, Ward 3, Da Lat City). Mr. PTT, the owner of this establishment was fined VND8 million for failing to comply with the law on storing food samples and the 3-step verification regime.

What is food poisoning?

Food poisoning, also known as food poisoning or food poisoning, is a condition in which a patient is poisoned or poisoned by eating or drinking contaminated, contaminated or contaminated food or water. substances, rancidity, exceeding the allowable dosage of preservatives, additives, etc.

If the poisoning is mild, the patient may recover in a few days. In severe cases, it will cause serious health effects, even death if not treated promptly.

Symptoms of food poisoning

Depending on the cause, the specific symptoms of each case can be different:

– In case of poisoning caused by microorganisms: Microorganisms include bacteria and viruses or toxins caused by microorganisms. If this is the cause, people with food poisoning will have prominent symptoms such as: abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, dry lips, thirst, fever and continuous sweating.

– In case of food poisoning due to chemical contamination: The patient will appear quite complicated signs. In addition to abnormalities in the digestive system (such as abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea), the patient may experience headache, dizziness, abnormally fast heartbeat, pulse collapse, etc.

– In case of poisoning due to inherently toxic foods: Some foods in nature such as cassava, puffer fish, toads, bamboo shoots, etc., are known to be poisonous foods. When ingested, the patient will immediately appear abnormal symptoms.

From the case of 133 people hospitalized for eating Lien Hoa bread: How terrible is food poisoning?  - Photo 2.

When a food poisoning patient has a seizure, they should be taken to the hospital immediately. Illustrations

Is food poisoning dangerous?

Poisoning can be very dangerous if not handled promptly. Specifically:

– Nervous disorders: Patients will have blurred vision, difficulty speaking, even slurred speech, muscle paralysis and seizures, headaches and dizziness.

Cardiovascular disorders: Patients may experience low blood pressure, shortness of breath and arrhythmia, chest pain.

– The digestive tract is severely affected: The patient mixed blood and mucus in the stool, severe abdominal pain, besides, neck pain, sore throat.

– Decrease the body’s resistance: Food poisoning can cause the body’s resistance to be severely reduced. In particular, cases such as young children, the elderly or people who are being treated for diseases that have to take immunosuppressive drugs, people with liver and stomach diseases, etc., this situation becomes even more serious.

When a patient is found to be poisoned, people need to apply first aid measures on the spot such as: Induce vomiting; drink a lot of roasted rice water or oresol water (If many people have it at the same time, do not give oresol or roasted rice water together because it can make the condition of mild people worse)…

In case the patient has abnormal symptoms such as convulsions, impaired consciousness, respiratory failure, do not induce vomiting because it can be life-threatening. Even after taking the above first aid steps, the patient is still at risk of danger at any time. Therefore, it is necessary to bring the patient to the medical facility immediately to get an accurate diagnosis of the cause and timely treatment.

Reference source: MEDLATEC Hospital; My Heart muc-nao-20220326104105531.chn

Nguyen Phuong

By Business and Marketing

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