
Standard eating order helps diabetics not only control blood sugar well but also reduce the risk of aging

Food has a big and direct impact on health. Most of us focus on choosing foods to put in the body, but few know that the order in which they are eaten also plays a very important role, especially for people with diabetes.

Scientific eating order

As a rule, in a meal we often start with our favorite dishes first. That makes us feel fulfilled. However, when eating foods that stimulate the taste buds first, you will have an appetite and eat more than usual.

For people with good health, this habit is not too harmful unless the amount of food included in each meal is too much. Particularly for people with diabetes, just eating “a little too much” will immediately have health problems, so it is necessary to give up this habit soon.

Nutritionist Pooja Makhija on her Instagram account cites a new study from Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City that suggests that adjusting the order in which you eat different foods can prevent the amount of food you eat. Sugar spikes after a meal.

Standard eating order helps diabetics not only control blood sugar well but also reduce the risk of aging - Photo 1.

Accordingly, when eating vegetables and protein before consuming carbohydrates, blood sugar levels will gradually decrease over time. 29% – 30 minutes, 37% – 60 minutes and 17% at 120 minutes. In addition, insulin levels were also significantly lower.

Rice in a Vietnamese meal is a starchy food containing a lot of carbohydrates. So, when starting a meal, you should eat vegetables first, then eat protein groups such as meat, fish, and eggs. Finally, eat rice with a moderate amount.

To increase efficiency with the goal of reducing blood sugar in diabetics, you can use low-carbohydrate cereals such as oats, quinoa, buckwheat, brown rice… Carbs in This group is lower than white rice, so it is quite safe for patients.

Reduce carbs – Reduce aging

What’s more, nutritionist Pooja Makhija says: “The order in which you eat these foods can really make a difference to aging, body weight and hormones. So, if you eat vegetables and protein before you eat carbs, your insulin and sugar levels will decrease by 30-40%.”

The reason for this result is that the fiber intake initially plays a role in slowing gastric emptying and thus reducing the spike in sugar.

Standard eating order helps diabetics not only control blood sugar well but also reduce the risk of aging - Photo 2.

Nutritionists say that eating in this order can provide benefits like hormone balance, improved fertility, less appetite, better skin, less inflammation, and a lower risk of aging. .

Along with that, you should keep the habit of eating slowly, chewing thoroughly and not eating too full. Eat slowly – chewing thoroughly helps reduce pressure on the digestive system, enzymes secreted in the oral cavity when chewing bring many benefits. Chewing well helps you feel full for a long time and reduces the amount of food taken into the body.

Maintaining a scientific habit in eating is the golden key to help you always be happy and confidently face health problems. flower-20220325234608598.chn

Tu Anh

By Business and Marketing

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