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Happy for a minute, the door is broken, the reputation is ruined, know early but “practice your mind and keep yourself”

When entering middle age, everyone, especially men, should try to stay away from the following 5 things to avoid regrets!

1. Stay away from useless drinking parties, pay attention to keep healthy

    Food and drink gatherings are for some people a time to relax and have fun with friends. However, not all fun is healthy.

    Except for family reunion meals and close friends who haven’t seen each other for a long time, other gatherings are all for their own purposes. It may seem like normal fun on the surface, but chances are that the psychopaths will take advantage of it to harm you. People often say “Alcohol in words out”, in the drunken fun it is likely that you will say things you shouldn’t say, causing harm not only to those around you but also to yourself.

    Not only that, for people in the business world, drinking parties are inevitable. Tricks and tricks are very likely to happen in parties with such partners.

    The pointless drinking not only affects relationships and career, it also adversely affects health. The harmful effects of alcohol on the body are not obvious. However, once entering middle age, the problems caused by alcohol are most obvious, especially liver, kidney, and cardiovascular diseases.

    What can you do in middle age if you don’t have a healthy body? Not only will you worry your family, but the end of your career will also gradually decline. In addition, when suffering from illness and disease, even if it’s regrettable, it will not be possible to make it in time.

    5 AVOID men U60 absolutely must not commit in life: One minute of pleasure, the door is broken, the reputation is ruined, knowing early but

    Illustration. Photo: Internet

    2. Stay away from the struggles, learn to step back to move forward

    In life as well as work, there will certainly be times when you get caught up in a “war” that can be conflicts with family members or competition with colleagues in the company. And what most people will fall for is the tendency to do whatever it takes to be a winner.

    For young people, the strong desire to become a winner is understandable. Because youth is often associated with aggressiveness, like to express themselves.

    Once you reach a certain age, you will realize that you shouldn’t try to be a winner blindly. When reaching middle age, people should not be obsessed with winning or losing, but need to keep themselves in a quiet and calm state.

    In fact, admitting defeat or defeat can create a burden on the psyche. But if you keep sinking in the vicious cycle of thinking better than losing, your life and those around you will be extremely tiring. Learn to let go, be kind to yourself and those around you, and your life will naturally become happier and freer than ever.

    3. Stay away from “out-of-the-way love” if you don’t want to lose yourself

      Surely many people have also guessed that “improper love” here is referring to relationships outside of marriage, not in accordance with social moral standards.

      All the people who can’t be with you for the rest of your life are unreliable people. Many people who are in an extra-marital relationship argue that their married life is not happy and say that third parties are the true love of life.

      As a result, the loss of all families and careers has a bad reputation forever. “Adultery is instinct and loyalty is bravery”, middle-aged people should understand that family harmony is the most important thing.

      When entering middle age, people will understand that family relationships should not be taken lightly, but must consider family happiness as a goal to strive for. If the family is broken, what’s the use of trying to make money?

      4. Stay away from scams that harm your interests

        5 AVOID men U60 absolutely must not commit in life: One minute of pleasure, the door is broken, the reputation is ruined, knowing early but

        Illustration. Photo: Internet

      By middle age, you need to learn how to keep yourself away from the lure of scams so you don’t accidentally lose yourself. “If you work, you can eat, no one will easily give you a portion”. As a human, you have to work hard to earn money, make efforts to reap the sweet fruits, never think everything can come to you easily.

      You can tell the story of Tieu Ky on her way home from work, passing a store and seeing the words “Big Sale”. Without thinking, he rushed in and bought a lot of things. Finally, after returning home, Tieu Ky realized that many of the things she bought were only 1-2 days away from the expiration date. In addition, the clothes that he bought didn’t fit, these were on sale, so they couldn’t be returned. At that time, Tieu Ky had no choice but to blame herself for being too greedy and easy to deceive.

      5. Stay out of your comfort zone, challenge yourself all the time

        “Idle behavior is unwholesome” someone said that: To destroy a person is very simple, it is to let that person be idle all the time, not doing anything.

        Only by keeping yourself busy will you be able to find your place, experience the joy of making money, and express your own worth.

        When you enter middle age, that is no longer the time when you have to struggle to make money. But don’t let yourself live a too comfortable life, dare to challenge yourself. With each challenge, you will receive something new for yourself that makes life more and more beautiful and full of hope.

        According to Sohu

        https://cafef.vn/5-tranh-dan-ong-u60-tuyet-doi-khong-duoc-pham-phai-trong-doi-ham-vui-mot-phut-cua-tan-nha-nat- bai-hoai-Thanh-name-biet-som-ma-tu-tam-giu-minh-20220327165314623.chn

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