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The 25-year-old girl suffered a serious “broken neck” after getting a beauty treatment at a beauty salon

(Dan Tri) – After going to a beauty salon to beautify the double chin at a beauty salon, the 25-year-old girl’s neck suffered from extensive necrosis, deep into the trachea, forming a cut up to 15cm long.

A representative of a cosmetic hospital in Ho Chi Minh City said that this place had just received emergency surgery for a young girl with severe necrosis of the entire cheek, chin and especially the neck area. The wound is deep, long, close to the aortic arch, making surgery very difficult.

Obsessed with wanting to die after injecting fat

The patient is a girl named T. (25 years old), hospitalized in a state of severe necrosis of the neck area, interlaced with scars and open wounds due to having undergone many previous abscesses.

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The girl’s neck had extensive necrosis, forming a deep cut 15cm long (Photo: BVCC).

Telling the doctor, Ms. T. said that about 4 months ago when she saw an attractive advertisement online, she had injections to melt the double chin fat at a floating cosmetic facility. After only a week, the injection site in the neck began to swell and pus. When the girl announced this situation, the beauticians at the beauty salon thought that because the substance injected into the customer’s body “didn’t completely dissolve”, the new clot was normal.

However, the situation was more serious when she began to have a fever, a severe edematous tumor, spreading all over the neck area. The large swollen pus spots make the chin area deform and sag. Ms. T. began to doubt, so she went to another place to check, when she heard the doctor diagnosed that she had been injected with “impurities”, causing an infection to form an abscess. During the next period, the girl repeatedly sought help from many different medical facilities but could not completely treat the necrosis, which became more and more serious.

“During the past 4 months, I was extremely depressed when I kept having surgery. Every time I finished surgery, I was fine, but then it kept coming back. Complications kept following me, sometimes I didn’t want to. live anymore…” – Ms. T. confided.

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Before surgery, the patient was given antibiotics for 3 days (Photo: BVCC).

4 hours of stress to save the life of the girl with a “broken neck”

Dr. BS Nguyen Phan Tu Dung, Director of the hospital, said that patient T. came to see him when he injected a strange fluid into the chin and cheek area and underwent 3 surgeries to drain the abscess but it did not go away. The neck of a 25-year-old girl had extensive necrosis, deeply penetrating the trachea, forming a cut up to 15cm long, connecting from one corner of the jaw to the other.

After careful consideration, the doctor decided not to let the patient operate immediately, but treated with antibiotics 3 days before and monitored the situation. The use of medication before surgery will help avoid the risk of the abscess continuing to spread and move to the dangerous area. The surgical team met to analyze and carefully calculate the incision, so that the very high-risk surgery would go smoothly and without any errors.

The most difficult thing was that the abscess had spread throughout the neck and was too close to the aorta, especially at the bifurcation of the internal carotid artery and the jugular vein. During surgery, the scalpel can go astray, severely damaging important arteries in the neck, leading to instant death.

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The surgery to stretch the brain lasted 4 hours (Photo: BVCC).

After 3 days, the patient injected antibiotics, the surgery to treat the abscess was carried out.

During the operation, the doctors drained all the pus that was accumulating in the patient’s neck and chin. The surgical team carefully goes through each small needle from the inside of the patient’s mouth, to both ensure the effectiveness of treatment and keep the maximum aesthetics.

After 4 hours of stress, the surgery ended successfully. Present, health The patient is stable, out of danger and is still being monitored postoperatively.

Doctor Tu Dung warned, recently, there have been a series of cases of death complications after beauty treatments at illegal cosmetic establishments. Particularly, fat-dissolving injections have always been advertised as a “divine” beauty technology, but there is no authority to certify this technology. Therefore, people do not blindly beautify, need to be alert to protect their own health.

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at Blogtuan.info – Source: dantri.com.vn – Read the original article here

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