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Unbelievable ways the ancients did with newborn babies

Newborn babies are like newly sprouted sprouts with too much immaturity and need to be cherished, protected and welcomed in joy and joy. But history has shown that the world is sometimes too “cruel” for even those tender sprouts. All because of ignorance or customs, misconceptions.

The following stories are proof of that fact:

1. Born before thousands of eyes

When Princess Kate Middleton gave birth to 3 children, just a few hours later she had to hold the newborn prince and princess to “see” the world. There have been many criticisms that the royal rule is too cruel to Kate herself and the new baby because she just needs to rest, not “try” to appear radiant in front of thousands of eyes. .

Yet, about 500 years ago, if you were a member of the royal family about to give birth, you had to do it in the presence of at least 70 people, with hundreds of eyes. And yet, the expectant mother has to lie in a dark room for weeks. Even though it was a sweltering July, the fireplace was always on fire. Superstitions are bound to follow, because it is believed that locking a pregnant mother in a hot, dark room will make her give birth to a baby boy.

Unbelievable ways the ancients did with newborn babies: Born in front of hundreds of eyes, endured filth for 3 days without bathing - Photo 1.

And strangely enough, even though the delivery room was packed with spectators, the most important person was not present? That is the baby’s father.

2. Laying in a pile of leaves

In the mid-18th century, Cherokee women “made use of” nature and their excellent physical condition to welcome their newborn babies into the world.

First, just before labor begins, the Cherokee tribe gathers around the mother-to-be and chants about the unborn child in order to expel it from the womb. A female relative of the mother will say, “Listen! Little one, get up immediately. There’s an old woman. The terrible thing is coming, just a little bit more. Listen! Quick!”. The child’s relative will then repeat the statement over and over again.

Unbelievable ways the ancients did with newborn babies: Born in front of hundreds of eyes, endured filth for 3 days without bathing - Photo 2.

Then, when the woman goes into labor, she cannot lie down. The baby will be born while the mother is standing or squatting. No one is allowed to help the baby. It will fall on a pile of leaves.

Tradition also holds that the child will be immediately released into the river and “dipped” in the river every day for the next two years.

3. Untie knots for easy birth

For Greek women in 430 BC, the greatest concern during childbirth was following all the ancient superstitions regarding their newly born child.

First, as mothers lay in bed preparing for labor, there is bound to be someone scouring their delivery room for knots. Knots are considered a bad omen and make the birth process difficult.

Unbelievable ways the ancients did with newborn babies: Born before hundreds of eyes, being dirty for 3 days without bathing - Photo 3.

After the knots have been removed, the women go to a “birth-assistance chair” where they are massaged by one midwife and another midwife crouched below the mother and supported them. take the baby. Soon after, the new mother and newborn baby are washed clean as blood at birth is considered unlucky in their culture.

4. Born to be filthy

In China in the late 1800s, childbirth started off fairly smoothly. When labor begins, the woman will be laid down and someone will gently whisper prayers in her ear. When the baby was born, the mother had to squat on the bed. Just like today, a midwife would remove the placenta, cut and tie the umbilical cord.

Unbelievable ways the ancients did with newborn babies: Born before hundreds of eyes, being dirty for 3 days without bathing - Photo 4.

But the next thing is really “unusual”. Instead of being cleaned or bathed to clear the amniotic fluid, the baby was absolutely not bathed for 3 days.

This is said to help ward off evil influences. Today, some Chinese families still practice many birth traditions – including not giving the baby a bath until the morning of the third day after birth. Also in this ritual, the midwife brings the mother and the child: a mirror, a padlock, an onion, a comb and a weight.

5. The pain is “heavenly” because labor still has to… belly dance

Women in Egypt in 19,000 BC had to do belly dances during labor. At that time, belly dancing was seen as a birth dance. These movements are believed to improve fertility as well as reduce pain and complications associated with spontaneous labor. In addition, it is said to make the mother “lucky” and give birth to more children later on.

Unbelievable ways the ancients did with newborn babies: Born in front of hundreds of eyes, endured filth for 3 days without bathing - Photo 5.

When the baby is about to be born – you will squat, bend over and keep shaking your abs to get the baby out. Contractions are said to strengthen the abdominal muscles and aid in a quick labor and make things easier.

Source: Babygaga 3-day-not-duoc-tam-me-dau-de-tau-troi-van-phai-mua-bung-20220326162321888.chn

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