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New guidelines for recognizing babies with severe Covid-19

According to the Ministry of Health, it is not necessary to regularly test for Covid-19 for all babies, even if the caregiver is sick.

The above contents are included in the Guidelines for care and management at home for pregnant women, nursing mothers and infants with Covid-19 signed by Deputy Minister of Health Nguyen Truong Son on the 28th. /3.

Accordingly, pregnant women without an indication for termination of pregnancy, without signs of labor, without one of the emergency signs or obstetric abnormalities will be cared for at home when infected with Covid-19.

Newborns with Covid-19 but no symptoms or mild symptoms, without one of the newborn danger signs are also cared for at home.

New guidelines for recognizing babies with severe Covid-19
A mother with Covid-19 gives birth at Hung Vuong Hospital, Ho Chi Minh City.

According to the Ministry of Health, danger signs in infants such as little or no feeding; doze hard to wake up; respiratory failure with breathing > 60 breaths/minute at 2 different counts, moaning, wheezing, nasal fluttering, chest indrawing, apnea more than 20 seconds, SpO2<96%.

In addition, the child can be at risk if the fever is high >38°C, convulsions or spasms; unusual movements, red, or pus-filled eyes; red or swollen belly button; the child shows signs of dehydration; persistent vomiting, abdominal distension, diarrhea, bloody stools; Jaundice appears before 3 days of age, especially in 24 hours after birth, jaundice lasts more than 14 days…

According to this guideline of the Ministry of Health, pregnant women with Covid-19 when isolated at home need to measure their body temperature at least twice a day and when there are abnormal signs. Count breathing, pulse, SpO2, and blood pressure (if possible) daily.

Maintain regular antenatal check-ups and when there are abnormal signs or as indicated by medical staff. If the pregnant woman arrives at the scheduled antenatal care appointment and has no obstetric abnormalities, she can have antenatal care remotely or wait until the day the isolation ends.

Mothers in the postpartum period and breastfeeding, should immediately notify the medical staff when there are abnormal signs such as increasing bleeding or blood clots, foul-smelling discharge, severe abdominal pain or pain in the abdomen. depend on.

In addition, perineal stitches or cesarean sections with abnormal mass, increased size or pus discharge, fever >38°C, not relieved by antipyretics, swelling of the face, feet, hands or blurred vision, pain many heads; convulsions; swollen, hot, red, painful or purulent breasts…

For newborns with Covid-19, it is necessary to monitor breast feeding status, skin color, stool and urine. Measure body temperature at least twice a day, count breathing and measure SpO2 twice a day. The Ministry of Health noted that SpO2 meters used for adults may not be accurate in measuring infants, so it must be combined with monitoring of children’s signs of health.

New guidelines for recognizing babies with severe Covid-19
Newborns are cared for at HOPE during the peak of the Covid-19 epidemic.

The Ministry of Health believes that it is not necessary to regularly test all babies, even if the caregiver has Covid-19.

Absolutely do not steam babies in any way and do not spray nasal sprays on babies. Antipyretic drugs can be used when the child has a fever above 38.5 degrees, the total dose of the drug should not exceed 60 mg/kg/day.

If only the mother has Covid-19, she can continue to breastfeed her baby with infection prevention measures such as washing hands, wearing a mask when interacting with the baby, cleaning the udder or expressing milk to feed the baby. ..

In case the mother’s health has progressed badly, pasteurized milk from a breast milk bank can be used, or under the guidance of medical staff. Support mothers to breastfeed as soon as their health is stable.

For pregnant women and nursing mothers, antipyretic drugs, oresol, zinc can be used during Covid-19 infection. If cough, use lemon, honey, gargle with 0.9% sodium chloride solution. Cough medicine containing active ingredients Dextromethorphan, Guaifenesin … or of herbal origin.

Do not arbitrarily use antiviral drugs, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs for pregnant women, nursing mothers, children, etc. without any indication or prescription.

Linh Giao

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