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What is the best way to eat the fruit, the notes should not eat this fruit

Pomegranate fruit is relatively safe, contains a lot of compounds that are beneficial to the body. But eating too much can affect health.

Eating pomelos should be done in the right way

April is the ripening season in the North, from green to yellow, ripe red pods are very attractive. Eating loquat fruit has many health benefits, because according to Oriental medicine, it has good uses, helping to treat common diseases of the human body without causing side effects.

Pomegranate is safe, has many benefits, but it is delicious to eat properly and these people should not use it - Photo 1.

Green pomelo delicious but chalk dust is more difficult to clean than ripe pomelos. Illustration.

The tree is commonly grown in the Northern provinces, harvesting the fruit for eating and food processing. The leaves contain tannins, saponozites, and polyphenols.

The fruit contains many organic acids, water 92%, protid 1.25, organic acid 2%, glucid 2.1%, cellulose 2.3%, calcium 27mg%, phosphorus 30mg%, iron 0.2mg %.

The fruit has a slightly sour and acrid taste, which is a very favorite taste of women, processed into many mixed dishes, made as a very favorite snack of pregnant women and pregnant women.

Although loquat fruit has a lot of beneficial compounds, promoting health for the body… but eating too many loquats – especially green locusts can affect health.

The sour, acrid taste is prominent in the green pomelos, which increases the amount of acid in the stomach and digestive system, affecting, even causing stomach pain, stomach ulcers… for people who eat a lot.

So, although the fruit is benign, relatively safe for health, has many benefits for the body, but it still needs to be eaten properly so as not to cause harm to health.

Note that the chalk dust is thick and difficult to clean, but with the ripe fruits, the chalk dust layer is thinner, it is easy to rub off.

When eating, whether green or ripe, it is also necessary to clean the outer layer of chalk dust to avoid causing sore throat and sore throat.

Pomegranate is safe, has many benefits, but it is delicious to eat properly and these people should not use it - Photo 3.

The green pods are eaten raw a lot. Illustration.

Who should not eat

When eating pomelo fruit, the following notes should be kept in mind:

1. Young children: Young children – especially children under 1 year old should not be given fruit, because it is easy to cause choking.

Older children are also limited to eating loquats – because the stomach and digestive system are too immature, not yet adapted to the sour taste of the fruit. This age group eats while naughty, runs around, or holds nuts in their mouth, so it is also very easy to choke, dangerous to life.

Therefore, adults who feed children need to be carefully supervised, if the children accidentally choke, they will still give emergency care in time.

In addition, people with the following symptoms should also limit, or should not eat, fruit, specifically:

2. People with stomach ulcers: The fruit has a high acid content, which can increase stomach pain, making the disease worse.

3. People with irritable bowel syndrome: People with symptoms such as constipation mixed with diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloating, flatulence, etc. should not eat pomelo fruit.

4. People who are sick and have a cold body: Don’t eat a lot of pomelos and other sour-tasting fruits.

4. People who are hungry: People who are hungry should also not eat, because the sour, acrid taste in the fruit sticks to the stomach when hungry, it is easy to irritate the stomach.

It is best to eat pomelo fruit about 30 minutes after a meal.

How to use the fruit to cure diseases

The fruit is a valuable medicinal plant, but it is necessary to know how to use it properly. According to Oriental medicine, the fruit has a sour, acrid taste, is average, stimulates the colonic meridians, is effective in treating cough, except sputum, relieves asthma, cures dysentery, diarrhea …

Dr. Nguyen Xuan Huong – former President of the Vietnam Oriental Medicine Association (shared on GiadinhNet), parts of the plant from leaves to roots, seeds are used to treat diseases very effectively in traditional medicine. All parts of the tree, from leaves to fruits, seeds, roots, have the effect of curing some common diseases such as:

– Treatment of cough, shortness of breath: can be used 6-12g/day, in the form of decoction, decoction, or powder. Drink for several days, until the symptoms are relieved.

– Cure chronic dysentery: Ripe fruit 7 fruits, 25g apricot leaves, 10g ginseng leaves. Sac drink a day 1 scale divided 3 times, drink continuously within a week to 10 days.

– Remedy for diarrhea: 10 fruits of green locust, 4g of apricot tree root, 2g of apricot tree root. Sac drink 1 scale 3 times a day.

Lumpy leaves: Acrid taste, has the effect of treating cough, relieving asthma, reducing fever, antibacterial (with many strains), acute and chronic anti-inflammatory, enhancing uterine contractions… Larch leaves can be used fresh or dried. cure fever, asthma, a lot of phlegm, cure dysentery.

Cough, asthma, shortness of breath: Use the fruit 6-12g/day, in the form of a decoction, a decoction, or a powder. Drink for several days, until the symptoms are relieved.

Treatment of cough and sputum, asthma: 16g yellow star leaves, 12g yellow star apple leaves (sour apples), turnip seeds, mustard seeds, 6g each, yellow stars and pounded.

Or use the leaves in the form of dry powder, 2-3 times a day, about 8-12g each time, drink with rice water, or combine the same amount with the powder of the male bean bark.

Note: When drinking, it is necessary to abstain from fishy and cold foods such as fish, crabs, snails, frogs…

Pomegranate seeds: The main use of the kernel is to disinfect and eliminate helminths.

When eating and chewing the kernels inside, it is also very good for health.

Pomegranate seeds are also used in the treatment of painful swelling of the liver and spleen: 10g, crushed, 8g black turmeric. Bring the mixture to drink water every day.

Roots : Has hemostatic effect, relieves pain, is often used in the form of a decoction, used alone or in combination with other herbs.

The roots are also used to treat coughing up blood, or vomiting blood, nosebleeds: 16g black star sucker root, excellent drink a day.

Can be combined with pot grass, wormwood and cypress cypress. All of them brought black stars, excellent drink a day, divided into 3 times to drink 1.5 hours before meals.

While taking the medicine, it is necessary to abstain from hot and spicy things such as alcohol, beer, chili…

The roots can be used to cook bath water and treat boils.

The whole fruit has a sour, acrid taste that is quite stimulating to the taste, can be used externally in the form of bath water, washes pimples, regardless of the dose.

According to Family and Society

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