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Ambiguous signs, how to know?

According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer – IACR, Vietnam is the country with the third highest rate of liver cancer in the world (per male). This is also the leading common cancer in Vietnam with 26,418 cases in 2020 and is on the trend of getting younger.

In the program’s online talk show It’s difficult to find a doctor with the topic “Preventing the most common cancer in Vietnam”, MSc.BS. Nguyen Tien Dong, Center for Nuclear Medicine and Oncology – Bach Mai Hospital, said that liver cancer patients have very diverse symptoms. Most of the symptoms are very vague. There are many patients who go for regular check-ups and discover the disease, those who have symptoms when the disease is detected at a late stage.

Depending on the stage of the disease and the size of the tumor, patients can have different symptoms and have different effects on liver function.

When the tumor size is small, the liver functions have not been affected, the symptoms are often insidious, not obvious. When the tumor enlarges and compresses other parts of the body, the patient may have symptoms such as anorexia, fatigue, bloating, right upper quadrant pain, nausea, and vomiting. In addition, patients may have symptoms that are complications of the disease such as gastrointestinal bleeding, black stools, vomiting blood, not excreting bile, biliary obstruction, jaundice, yellow eyes, dark urine. , distention,…

Cancer has the highest morbidity and mortality rate in Vietnam: Ambiguous signs, how to know?  - Photo 1.

Loss of appetite is an early sign of liver cancer. Illustrated photo.

From that, it can be seen that the manifestations of liver cancer are very diverse, can be local manifestations, systemic manifestations and especially no obvious symptoms in the early stages.

Different liver diseases have different symptoms. For example, if a patient has liver cancer due to a liver abscess, he will have symptoms such as abdominal pain; due to cirrhosis of the liver, there are signs of poor eating, bloating, ascites,… The symptoms may be the same and different, but it is important to have an early examination to screen for liver cancer early.

Who needs screening for liver cancer?

According to Dr. Dong, people with risk factors such as active viral hepatitis, cirrhosis or other metabolic liver diseases, and family members who have had liver cancer should be examined. liver cancer screening.

People who regularly drink alcohol or have nonalcoholic fatty liver disease should also be screened for liver cancer.

Know the symptoms of liver cancer

Cancer has the highest morbidity and mortality rate in Vietnam: Ambiguous signs, how to know?  - Photo 3.

https://soha.vn/can-benh-ung-thu-co-ty-le-mac-cao-nhat-viet-nam-dau-hieu-mo-ho-lam-sao-de-biet-2022032816505061. htm

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