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Ministry of Foreign Affairs organizes New Year tree planting festival

Baoquocte.vn. On March 31, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs held a ceremony to launch the tree planting festival in 2022 with the participation of a large number of officials, civil servants, public employees and workers in the Ministry.

Attending the event were Deputy Foreign Minister, Ambassador Ha Kim Ngoc;  Deputy Foreign Minister Pham Quang Hieu;  Assistant Foreign Minister Nguyen Minh Vu;  representative leaders of units in the Ministry.
Attending the event were Deputy Foreign Minister, Ambassador Ha Kim Ngoc; Deputy Foreign Minister Pham Quang Hieu; Assistant Foreign Minister Nguyen Minh Vu; representative leaders of units in the Ministry.
Speaking at the launching ceremony, on behalf of Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son, Deputy Minister Pham Quang Hieu said that in recent years, natural disasters and climate change phenomena have increased all over the world, in which with Vietnam, leaving very heavy consequences.  Environmental protection becomes an essential need of every country.
Speaking at the launching ceremony, on behalf of Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son, Deputy Minister Pham Quang Hieu said that in recent years, natural disasters and climate change phenomena have increased all over the world, in which with Vietnam, leaving very heavy consequences. Environmental protection becomes an essential need of every country.
Therefore, Deputy Minister Pham Quang Hieu suggested that units, as well as officials, civil servants, public employees and employees in the Ministry need to promote their roles and responsibilities, join hands to act for the environment, first of all. is from the smallest activities of planting and taking care of trees.
Therefore, Deputy Minister Pham Quang Hieu suggested that units, as well as officials, civil servants, public employees and employees in the Ministry need to promote their roles and responsibilities, join hands to act for the environment, first of all. is from the smallest activities of planting and taking care of trees.
This action not only contributes to beautifying the landscape, creating a
This action not only contributes to beautifying the landscape, creating a “green, clean and beautiful” environment at the new headquarters of the Ministry, but moreover, the tree planting festival also enhances each person’s sense of responsibility towards nature. environment, of course.
Also at the launching ceremony, Ms. Phan Kieu Thu, President of the Trade Union of the Ministry, emphasized that the Ministry is always interested in the activities of organizing action month for the environment in response to World Environment Day, International Day of Biodiversity. study and other activities related to this field.
Also at the launching ceremony, Ms. Phan Kieu Thu, President of the Trade Union of the Ministry, emphasized that the Ministry is always interested in the activities of organizing action month for the environment in response to World Environment Day, International Day of Biodiversity. study and other activities related to this field.
The 2022 Tree Planting Festival program aims to contribute to raising the awareness of each cadre and employee about the tree planting movement, join hands in environmental protection, and respond to climate change and biodiversity loss issues. biological form.
The 2022 Tree Planting Festival program aims to contribute to raising the awareness of each cadre and employee about the tree planting movement, join hands in environmental protection, and respond to climate change and biodiversity loss issues. biological form.
The Ministry's Trade Union has closely coordinated with the relevant units: the Department of Foreign Affairs, the Project Management Board, the Department of Finance Management... to prepare a detailed plan to organize the launching ceremony program this time.  In the photo: Director of the Organization and Personnel Department Tran Ngoc An and officials
The Ministry’s Trade Union has closely coordinated with the relevant units: the Department of Foreign Affairs, the Project Management Board, the Department of Finance Management… to prepare a detailed plan to organize the launching ceremony program this time. In the photo: Director of the Organization and Personnel Department Tran Ngoc An and officials planting trees.
The Chairman of the Ministry's Trade Union affirmed that the long-term goal of the 2022 Tree Planting Festival is to join hands to protect the environment, the immediate goal is simply to create a green, clean and beautiful environment, creating a
The Chairman of the Ministry’s Trade Union affirmed that the long-term goal of the 2022 Tree Planting Festival is to join hands to protect the environment, the immediate goal is simply to create a green, clean and beautiful environment, creating a “check-in” point at home. new work of the Ministry.
As a green campaign unit for planting at the Ministry's new working house, Mr. Nguyen Nhu Hieu, Deputy Director in charge of the Department of Foreign Affairs emphasized, this is a banyan tree that was directly transferred to Hanoi by Dien Bien province.
As a green campaign unit for planting at the Ministry’s new working house, Mr. Nguyen Nhu Hieu, Deputy Director in charge of the Department of Foreign Affairs emphasized, this is a banyan tree that was directly transferred to Hanoi by Dien Bien province. In the photo: Mr. Nguyen Nhu Hieu and staff planting trees.
In order for the tree planting festival to be implemented practically and effectively, Deputy Minister Pham Quang Hieu asked the Trade Union of the Ministry and units in the Ministry to closely coordinate with the Youth Union of the Ministry and young cadres in the Ministry to promote their role. Shockwave becomes the leading force in planting and taking care of trees.
In order for the tree planting festival to be implemented practically and effectively, Deputy Minister Pham Quang Hieu asked the Trade Union of the Ministry and units in the Ministry to closely coordinate with the Youth Union of the Ministry and young cadres in the Ministry to promote their role. Shockwave becomes the leading force in planting and taking care of trees.
With the youth and enthusiasm of the young cadres, the Deputy Minister expected that the new working house of the new ministry would become more and more beautiful with colorful flower gardens, contributing to beautifying the landscape of the route Le Quang Dao said. With the youth and enthusiasm of young cadres, the Deputy Minister expects that the new working house of the new Ministry will become more and more beautiful and green with colorful flower gardens, contributing to beauty. more landscape of Le Quang Dao route in particular and our capital in general.
With the youth and enthusiasm of the young cadres, the Deputy Minister expected that the new working house of the new ministry would become more and more beautiful with colorful flower gardens, contributing to beautifying the landscape of the route Le Quang Dao said. With the youth and enthusiasm of young cadres, the Deputy Minister expects that the new working house of the new Ministry will become more and more beautiful and green with colorful flower gardens, contributing to beauty. more landscape of Le Quang Dao route in particular and our capital in general.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs organizes New Year tree planting festival
Having finished the planting part is the souvenir photo taking.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs organizes New Year tree planting festival
Ministry of Foreign Affairs organizes New Year tree planting festival
Ministry of Foreign Affairs organizes New Year tree planting festival

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