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Eating sticky rice suddenly chewed on a creepy foreign object, the girl was so confused

Who in their life has never tried sticky rice a few times, but a sticky rice dish with a unique “topping” like the girl below is really rare.

Sticky rice has long been a familiar breakfast food for many people because of its convenience, reasonable price and delicious taste.

Everyone in life must have had more or less experiences with sticky rice on the sidewalk, but whether it is a happy or scary memory depends on the person.

A young person once shared his breakfast with a handful of “horror” sticky rice Social Network surprised many people.

Eating sticky rice suddenly chewed on a creepy foreign object, the girl was so confused-1
(Photo: HNH)

“Lucky leaves. In the morning, if you eat sticky sticky rice, you will get a bonus with dentures in the package of sticky rice. Out of soul! Should I continue to eat or discard the package of sticky rice? I don’t understand why the person blowing sticky rice dropped his false teeth in this basket of sticky rice, huh? ?

But this sticky rice restaurant is clearly delicious and terribly crowded. At 8:30 am, all kinds of sticky rice have already been sold out. I guess I can’t eat sticky rice now. It’s so scary to be chewed by an indescribable thing in your mouth for the first time, everyone!” shared text.

Attached is a photo of a handful of sticky rice, in the upper corner there is a small ivory white object that is believed to be a piece of false teeth.

Eating sticky rice suddenly chewed on a creepy foreign object, the girl was so confused-2
(Photo: HNH)

In the past, it was not uncommon to find foreign objects in food, but finding dentures in it was not surprising.

The fact that sticky rice is also a familiar and popular food for many people makes people shudder after reading the story.

This young man’s terrifying experience of eating sticky rice has received many comments from netizens, most of which are humorous and witty.

“I thought I could mix corn kernels! But that’s a few million and a tooth, but they say don’t let go.”

“Let’s have one more bite to eat, don’t waste it, it’s okay anyway. After eating, remember to bring your teeth to pay people.”

“If you bring your teeth back, you will be given a few more packets of sticky rice, my friend.”

“Once in a while, a tooth falls out, but it doesn’t happen every day. You can rest assured to continue eating.”

“Those millions of teeth are not a few, so if you post them to see who lost them, they’ll ask for it.”

“It’s not dentures, it’s just hard boiled corn kernels you sold by mistake. Just think like that and eat with peace of mind.”

According to VTC

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at Blogtuan.info – Source: 2sao.vn – Read the original article here

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