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Male students from Hanoi – Amsterdam high school commit suicide: All are victims!

“We shouldn’t blame our children or our parents because everyone is a victim, everyone needs mental health care,” Dr. Dr. Tran Thi Hong Thu said.

All are victims

Yesterday (April 1), a 10th grade male student from Hanoi – Amsterdam High School for the Gifted left a suicide note and jumped from the 28th floor to commit suicide, shocking many people. According to initial information, the victim recently showed signs of depression.

Share the pain with the boy’s family, Dr. BS Tran Thi Hong Thu, Deputy Director of Mai Huong Day Psychiatric Hospital said that in adolescents, anxiety disorders and depression are quite common. It is estimated that this rate is 25% in the general population, 20% in adolescents.

Male students from Hanoi – Amsterdam high school commit suicide: All are victims!

“With the recent cases of child suicide, it is not possible to exclude that the children themselves have had a pre-existing mental illness that the family did not recognize or underestimated,” said Dr. Dr. Hong Thu said.

According to this expert, difficulties in life are something we cannot avoid. Pressure is a common pressure, there are children who are okay and adapt to it. Therefore, what we need to do is practice adaptability for everyone, for children to adapt to be able to balance life. If you cannot balance yourself, psychological support services are available.

“We don’t blame the children or the parents because everyone is a victim, everyone needs mental health care. Therefore, we should not discriminate about our mental health. It is also half of your health, half of yourself, if you only take care of the body but don’t take care of the soul, the consequences are inevitable”, Dr. Dr. Hong Thu emphasized.

According to Dr. Hong Thu, it is right for parents to put pressure on their children to study, but when they see their children are overloaded, parents need to pay attention and adjust their attitudes. Expectations are good, you need high goals to strive for. However, that goal ambition must be within understanding, must be done in a smart, reasonable, knowledgeable way, not expecting to force the child unconditionally. Children also need to enjoy life.

In fact, today, parents are often busy, often not interested in the psychological and mental life of their children. Therefore, children suffer, do not share with anyone and no one understands, leading to children stuck and desperate. Not to mention a lot of people are too embarrassed, refuse to go to the doctor, know that their children have problems but do not admit to taking them for treatment in time.

Meanwhile, if you go to the doctor, mild cases only need psychotherapy, adjustment for both parents, mental care for both parents and children themselves, severe cases need medication. Therefore, parents should boldly take their children to the doctor to get better.

Don’t be prejudiced by mental illness

Dr. Dr. Hong Thu emphasized, adolescents have many physical and psychological changes, want to assert themselves, have their own views. There are many things that parents allow their children to be independent too much that can also cause children to be traumatized. Children at this age have many impulsive and immature decisions, so parents need to participate in giving suggestions to their children, letting them decide for themselves but also need orientation.

Many children accept change comfortably, feel happy, excited. These changes are only temporary, momentary, temporary, if the child is bored, angry or has unusual changes but only at one time or another, angry with parents for only 1-2 days, then parents shouldn’t worry too much.

However, if these conflicts and changes persist for more than 2 weeks, it is a pathology, and the child needs to be examined for timely treatment. In particular, if you see that your child refuses to communicate, withdraws, or is irritable, sleeps poorly, eats poorly, has stomach disorders such as reflux, dizziness, nervousness, anxiety, difficulty breathing, panic attacks disorder requires special attention.

According to Specialist Doctor II Tran Minh Khuyena neuropsychologist at the Hospital Clinic (BV) University of Medicine and Pharmacy 1, Ho Chi Minh City, in students, there are many reasons why children are stressed, such as studying online a lot, staying at home for a long time, changing daily habits, daily life, etc. life turned upside down, no conditions for social contact…

Therefore, parents need to pay attention to their children, do not force them to study too much or achieve achievements, and should divide rest, play and sports appropriately with school hours.

When you see that your child shows signs of being less talkative than usual, or irritable, has little contact with family members, does not eat meals, or has unusual expressions, you must meet privately, share and find out the reason for the child’s attitude. children change.

If you can’t relieve your child’s emotions, parents should look to a psychologist for support to help children balance themselves. Children with symptoms of severe anxiety disorder and real depression must see a neuropsychologist for drug intervention in case of necessity.

In addition, Dr. Dr. Hoai Thu emphasized, parents should not confuse boredom, normal anxiety with boredom, pathological anxiety. At the same time, you should not be subjective, disregard psychology, parents keep thinking that their children have to be like this while their children are very lonely and do not know who to share with.

“People should not be too prejudiced and afraid of this disease. Fear of not going to the doctor will only cause losses. It is the fact that children are not examined, not helped is a disadvantage, when there are negative thoughts and deadlocks, the only solution is death”, said Dr. Thu.

Again, experts warn, depression is a deadly disease, we need to be concerned. “If a person should be able to live, enjoy life, contribute to his family and society, it is only because of old-fashioned and backward views that he suffers losses or even loses his life. This is very sad and heartbreaking,” Dr. Dr. Hong Thu said.

N. Huyen

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