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Breathing techniques help digestion, sleep well and reduce stress

We begin to breathe from the moment we are born and unconsciously. Breathing provides oxygen to nourish all cells in the body, creating energy for the body to function. It is also through breathing that toxins are eliminated and eliminated to the outside.

The way we breathe in and out affects our physical and mental health. This is why adopting a harmonious breathing rhythm helps to naturally counteract the harmful effects of improper breathing leading to poor digestion, restless sleep or excessive stress.. .

Here are tips and breathing exercises suggested by Dr. Florence Villien, physiologist, designer of a breathing training method (France).

Breathing techniques help digestion, sleep well and reduce stress - Photo 1.

Breathing exercises help digestion, sleep well, and reduce stress.

1. Breathing techniques for easy digestion

In our minds, breathing is the lungs. However, there are many muscles involved in this process, such as the diaphragm, which we stimulate when we breathe through our abdomen. In a state of stillness and peace, the abdomen expands on inhalation: The lungs can fill with oxygen and draw low to the ribcage. It also stimulates the muscles of the abdomen, which improves metabolism, promoting faster and better digestion.

But when we are angry, stressed or anxious, the diaphragm becomes paralyzed and blocks the expansion of the lungs. As a result, the stomach is compressed, causing digestive problems, spasmodic disorders of the esophagus and intestines.

Correct technique: To breathe for the digestive system, lie down and relax. As you take a deep breath through your nose, imagine that the air is heading straight for your belly to inflate it like a balloon. Then, exhale slowly until you feel all the air drawn to empty your stomach, before releasing the diaphragm and remaining air in the lungs.

Do at least five consecutive breaths. By stimulating the liver, spleen, pancreas and intestines, this respiratory “massage” can speed up metabolism in the body, making digestion easier.

2. Breathing techniques for good sleep

At night, in deep sleep, we usually breathe steadily. Except in cases of stress, which causes insomnia and bad dreams, or sleep apnea that causes interrupted and/or inadequate breathing.

To get a better night’s sleep, every night when you feel sleepy, try to breathe more slowly, just for a few minutes, to slow down your heart rate, calm your nervous system, and gradually achieve calm. static. However, slower does not mean less deep: You need to inhale and exhale completely. The breath should be deep.

To fall asleep easily and have a deep sleep, try the 4-7-8 method by Dr. Andrew Weil of Harvard University (USA), an expert in alternative medicine and relaxation breathing.

How to breathe: Lie down before going to bed, expel all the air from your lungs by exhaling through your mouth. Close your mouth and inhale slowly through your nose while counting to 4. Hold your breath for a count of 7. Exhale forcefully through your mouth for a count of 8. Repeat 4-7-8 breathing four times…

This breathing technique will help you sleep better!

3. Breathing techniques to regain peace

Excessive stress and repetitive or intense emotions disrupt natural breathing and ventilation mechanisms. To combat the common hypoventilation (increased heart rate) it is necessary to “reprogram” breathing. Accordingly, holding the breath, with the lungs full and empty, is ideal for daily practice as soon as the pressure increases and can be repeated two to three times depending on the level of emotion.

Correct technique: Breathe deeply and then hold your breath. Try to hold for as long as you can, usually 8 to 15 seconds. Next, exhale slowly and long. At the end of the exhalation, hold for another 4 to 5 seconds in a state of apnea. Then resume breathing normally: You will notice that the breathing has slowed down.

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at Blogtuan.info – Source: Soha.vn – Read the original article here

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