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If you do these 4 things right, your baby will easily gain 8-15cm per year

If you do these 4 things right, your child will easily gain 8-15cm per year - 1

Spring is a good opportunity for children to grow tall, because at this time, when the weather warms up, everything is growing. A statistical document from the World Health Organization shows that the growth rate of children is not the same throughout the year, children grow fastest in the spring, and can reach a height of 8-15cm per year if present.

But if the factors that influence a child’s height are not clearly understood, blind supplementation and overeating will often backfire, and cause a child to miss the golden age of height growth if not careful. . Therefore, parents need to master the scientific method, so that their children can grow up quickly.

If you do these 4 things right, your child will easily gain 8-15cm per year - 2

What are the benefits of using spring time for child development?

Increased secretion of growth hormone

In winter, the child’s body is stimulated by low temperatures, capillaries narrow, blood circulation is relatively slow. Sweat glands and pores are closed to reduce heat loss, making it difficult for the baby to maintain a normal body temperature.

However, in spring, the climate is mild, helping the skin and muscles to relax, promoting blood circulation, increasing pituitary hormone secretion, helping babies grow faster.

At this time, the human body has a strong metabolism, the blood circulation is accelerated, the respiratory and digestive functions are improved, and the growth hormone is also secreted more, which is beneficial for the growth, growth of the child’s height.

If you do these 4 things right, your baby will easily gain 8-15cm per year - 3

Children who have an ideal height is one of the favorable conditions for life in the future.

Add more vitamin D

Spring has a pleasant climate, neither too hot nor too cold, making it the best season for outdoor activities.

Being outdoors more and receiving more sunlight, ultraviolet light in the sun can stimulate an increase in red blood cells in the bone marrow and convert 7-dehydrocholesterol in the subcutaneous tissue into vitamin D3.

After vitamin D3 enters the blood, it can promote calcium absorption, promote bone calcium absorption and utilization, and benefit bone growth and development.

Stimulates bone growth

Activities such as running and jumping in the sun can stimulate bone health for bones, promote bone formation, accelerate bone growth, thereby helping children grow faster.

If you do these 4 things right, your child will easily gain 8-15cm per year - 4

Parents should pay attention to monitor the growth and development of their children in order to have the right adjustment method.

If you do these 4 things right, your baby will easily gain 8-15cm per year - 5

Some parental mistakes that tend to make the child’s height slow down

Feeding the child too much at night

Late dinners often start before the child goes to bed, when the metabolism is low and the body has a low need to burn calories. The excess calories are then stored as fat.

This causes the child’s digestive system to also have less time to rest and recover from having to deal with late-night eating.

The brain’s ability to work is also limited, the brain is absorbed in digesting food but neglects to secrete growth hormone, growth hormone is not given to the body in time, causing children to grow slowly.

If you do these 4 things right, your child will easily gain 8-15cm per year - 6

Children who eat a lot of foods that do not contain many good nutrients will reduce the ability to increase height.

Excessive nutritional supplements

“You will grow tall when you eat enough”, this is a theory that many parents believe. However, eating a lot is not always beneficial for children, if eating too much steamed cakes, rice, cookies, bread, too much meat is not good for children’s health.

Scientific studies have shown that: Malnutrition in children can lead to premature closure of the child’s nipples before the period of growth and development, unbalanced nutrition may not timely supplement the required amount of calcium, resulting in the child not being able to grow up.

Calcium supplements are not suitable

Many parents, in the desire to grow their children faster, blindly add calcium, which may have some bad consequences for the child.

Too much calcium can cause the fontanel to close prematurely, hindering brain development. Too much calcium will inhibit the absorption of iron and zinc, causing problems such as loss of appetite, reduced immunity, slow growth.

Too much calcium can also cause premature calcification and closure of the perineum, which affects bone growth.

If you do these 4 things right, your child will easily gain 8-15cm per year - 7

Children who are lazy to exercise and watch a lot of electronic devices are also the cause of difficulty in gaining height.

Don’t let children exercise

Today, children have many ways of entertainment, just prefer to stay at home playing games, watching the phone, watching TV, playing with toys, less outdoor activities. On weekends, most of the time is spent in early education classes, hobby classes and homework, leaving too little time for outdoor activities.

If the child does not have time to sunbathe, stretching the body will affect the absorption of vitamin D, affect bone development and lead to the condition of not getting taller.

Sleeping too late

For teenagers, learning pressure is relatively high, most of them can finish their homework around 11 o’clock, and usually sleep after 11 o’clock at night.

Scientific research has found that staying up late or having irregular hours of work and rest will directly affect a child’s development.

From 10 pm to 1 am is the peak period of growth hormone secretion, once neglected will reduce a child’s ability to grow taller.

If you do these 4 things right, your child will easily gain 8-15cm per year - 8

Scientific research has found that staying up late or having irregular hours of work and rest will directly affect a child’s development.

If you do these 4 things right, your child will easily gain 8-15cm per year - 9

So what should parents do to help their children increase their height effectively?

Ensure nutritional balance

Parents need to ensure balanced nutrition, avoid picky eaters, feed in moderation, and meet the growth and development needs of the body.

Eat protein-rich foods wisely, such as milk, eggs, fish, lean meats and other animal protein foods. Eat plenty of foods rich in calcium, phosphorus and other minerals and vitamins, as well as fresh vegetables and fruits. For infants and young children, vitamin D supplementation is required, generally up to 400 IU per day.

Note, children should eat little or no spicy food, oily, fried, fried, sweets, nutritious food for health care … but give them fresh and nutritious food. .

If you do these 4 things right, your child will easily gain 8-15cm per year - 10

Green vegetables and fruits contain many vitamins and nutrients that are good for children.

Reasonable exercise

Involve your children in more outdoor activities and sun exposure. According to the survey, the average height of adolescents who regularly participate in outdoor sports is 4-7 cm higher than adolescents who rarely participate in outdoor sports up to 10 cm.

Choose outdoor sports that are light, agile and free to stretch: such as swimming, dancing, badminton, table tennis, crossbar… Avoid weight-bearing, contraction or compression exercises. : Weightlifting, wrestling, long-distance running, etc. This sport is not good for children’s height development.

Daily exercise time should be from 30 minutes to 1 hour, because growth hormone secretion is strongest 30 minutes after starting exercise, so parents should also understand this important milestone.

Go to bed early and get enough sleep

Research has shown that, when sleeping, the growth hormone secreted by the pituitary gland is 3 times higher than when awake, growth hormone can directly act on cell tissues throughout the body, helping the body and bone system grow quickly, children get enough sleep. secrete more growth hormone.

Parents should pay attention to manage the child’s work and rest time, do not play too vigorously before going to bed, and do more gentle activities between father and son such as listening to music, reading picture books, etc. to fall asleep naturally.

For teenagers, increase communication with children, make reasonable study plans, finish homework early, don’t sleep too late, it will affect mental state the next day. .

If you do these 4 things right, your child will easily gain 8-15cm per year - 11

Parents should actively protect the child’s good mood, encourage and help the child more, reduce criticism and complaints.

Maintain a comfortable state of mind

Mental, emotional and other factors will not only affect the physical and mental health, but also the child’s height.

Poor mental stimulation and excessive psychological stress will inhibit the growth and development of children, cause impaired secretion, make it difficult for the body to secrete growth hormone, and slow down metabolism, discharge abnormally and efficiently, the body stagnates.

If the child is often criticized, blamed, and has poor family relationships, the mood is easily depressed, which greatly affects the child’s growth.

Therefore, parents must actively protect the child’s good mood, encourage and help the child more, and reduce criticism and complaints.

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