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The format of the exam to assess the ability to enter the police force in 2022

According to the format of the assessment exam issued by the Ministry of Public Security on April 7, the test consists of two parts: multiple choice and essay. Candidates do the test in 180 minutes, of which each section is 90 minutes. The exam is organized by the Ministry of Public Security about 10 days after the high school graduation exam.

Candidates will choose one of four codes according to their wishes registered during pre-qualification, including CA1, CA2, CA3 and CA4. In which, CA1 and CA2 have multiple-choice tests in the fields of natural science, social science, and English language. CA1’s essay section is Math and CA2’s Literature section.

CA3 and CA4 include natural science, social science, Chinese language test. The essay part of CA3 is Math and CA4 is Literature.

The format of the exam to assess the ability to enter the police force in 2022 - 1

Targets Admissions into 8 schools in the police department in 2022.

With the multiple-choice test, the field of natural science consists of 25 questions (1 point each), core knowledge includes Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. In which 80% knowledge of grade 12; 20% of knowledge in grades 10 and 11 is assessed on four levels: awareness, understanding, low application and high application. The field of social science is similar, only replacing the core knowledge with History, Geography, Socio-economic Culture.

The language test (English or Chinese) consists of 20 sentences (0.5 points each) and is also assessed on the same four levels as the two areas above.

For the essay part, candidates can choose two fields of Mathematics or Literature according to their wishes at the time of pre-qualification registration. Math has 3 to 5 sentences with 40 points, of which 80% of knowledge in 12th grade, 20% in 10th and 11th grade. Literature consists of two sentences with 40 points in 12th grade knowledge, of which sentence 1 is reading comprehension with 10 points. points and question 2 is writing with 30 points.

Candidates will take the exam at academies and universities of the People’s Public Security according to their registration aspirations during pre-qualification. Southern candidates (from Da Nang onward) who apply for admission to schools in the North will take the exam at police schools in the South.

The results of the assessment test of the Ministry of Public Security accounted for 60% of the total admission score, the high school graduation exam score of the Ministry of Education and Training accounted for 40%.

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