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Not only the way to treat people, but also the appearance must be according to the liking of the richest person in the world

Among billionaires, Elon Musk He is perhaps one of the most eccentric and famous people in the world, with numerous supporters following his every word and action.

However, we may not know that, any woman who wants to be with the billionaire must follow a strict set of rules set by Musk himself. The Code contains 11 articles, as outlined below:

1. Old people need to know how to live in harmony

Musk always wants all his wives or ex-lovers to be in harmony and not make noise to affect his life later. That’s why the first wife – Justine Wilson – once sent an email to the second wife – Talulah Riley – asking about keeping a peaceful relationship with each other.

11 implicit standard rules when choosing a wife and girlfriend of billionaire Elon Musk: Not only how to treat people, but also appearance must be to the liking of the richest person in the world - Photo 1.

2. Don’t cancel plans with Musk

Musk is someone that once he has a plan, he will execute it, and of course those with that plan are no exception.

11 implicit standard rules when choosing a wife and girlfriend of billionaire Elon Musk: Not only how to treat people, but also appearance must be to the liking of the richest person in the world - Photo 2.

Ms. Wilson recounted the story that Musk invited her to eat ice cream on their first meeting to prove this: “I said yes, but then tried to refuse Musk. A few hours later, while I was studying Spanish, I heard a polite cough behind me – Elon was already there with two ice creams in hand and a shy smile.”

3. Need to work according to his schedule

    As the world’s richest man, space pioneer and tech inspiration Tesla, it’s no surprise that Musk is a very busy person, more than that he always makes work his number one priority. , other things like love stories are second only.

    11 implicit standard rules when choosing a wife and girlfriend of billionaire Elon Musk: Not only how to treat people, but also appearance must be to the liking of the richest person in the world - Photo 3.

    Perhaps that’s why Musk had to accept to end some relationships with old people, like the beauty Amber Heard or his current separated wife Grimes, when they could not arrange a suitable time. with his hectic work schedule.

    4. There are things that are never talked about

      Elon and Wilson gave birth to their first child, Nevada Alexander Musk, in 2002, but the child tragically passed away just two weeks later from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

      After the child’s death, Elon made it very clear to his wife that he never wanted to repeat that sad story, and always brushed off any attempts to talk or share from Mrs. Wilson.

      11 implicit standard rules when choosing a wife and girlfriend of billionaire Elon Musk: Not only how to treat people, but also appearance must be to the liking of the richest person in the world - Photo 4.

        5. Musk doesn’t date nonsense

      There have been a few times Elon shared with the media that he is not dating, but only dating to build long-term relationships or to find a soul mate.

      11 implicit standard rules when choosing a wife and girlfriend of billionaire Elon Musk: Not only how to treat people, but also appearance must be to the liking of the richest person in the world - Photo 5.

      In an interview with Rolling Stone, Musk said: “I need a long-term relationship. I’m looking for a real friend to walk with and share with, not one night stand.”

      6.Don’t care about media speculation

        Elon Musk is always the target of media and news agencies – every word or action of this billionaire is scrutinized and rumored by news agencies, even fabricated many times. Of course, those close to him, such as his wife or lover, suffered the same situation. That’s why Musk always chooses to not care what the media says, and he wants those around him to follow that rule.

        11 implicit standard rules when choosing a wife and girlfriend of billionaire Elon Musk: Not only how to treat people, but also appearance must be to the liking of the richest person in the world - Photo 7.

        7. Spend money comfortably with the credit card that Musk gives

          Being with the richest man on the planet also has perks that not everyone enjoys: Elon always gives his lover his own credit card and allows them to buy anything with it.

          11 implicit standard rules when choosing a wife and girlfriend of billionaire Elon Musk: Not only how to treat people, but also appearance must be to the liking of the richest person in the world - Photo 8.

          For example, Wilson – first wife – revealed that Musk once gave her a credit card to buy as many books as she wanted when the two were still dating.

          8. Billionaires don’t like to sleep alone

            In an interview with Rolling Stone in 2017, Elon revealed that he hates sleeping alone. This is something that anyone who chooses to stay with a billionaire must keep in mind.

            “Sleeping alone is a real nightmare. I hate the feeling of being in a quiet house, only the sound of my own footsteps echoing throughout the hallway, no one walks around during the day, and no one sleeps beside me at night.” the.

            11 implicit standard rules when choosing a wife and girlfriend of billionaire Elon Musk: Not only how to treat people, but also appearance must be to the liking of the richest person in the world - Photo 9.

            9. Career must come first

              Musk considers this true not only for himself, but also for everyone around him.

              In his life, Musk has always done it all for work. He used to spend a whole day of his own birthday working, even spending only a few hours to congratulate his brother’s wedding, then bury himself in his office.

              11 implicit standard rules when choosing a wife and girlfriend of billionaire Elon Musk: Not only how to treat people, but also appearance must be to the liking of the richest person in the world - Photo 10.

              10. Be kind to his children

                The richest billionaire in the world is the father of six children, including five sons with Wilson, Griffin, Xavier, Kai, Saxon and Damian Musk. He also had a child with Grimes, named X Æ A-Xii.

                As a loving father, of course Musk always requires new and old lovers to respect and love their children.

                11 implicit standard rules when choosing a wife and girlfriend of billionaire Elon Musk: Not only how to treat people, but also appearance must be to the liking of the richest person in the world - Photo 11.

                11. Has blonde hair

                  For some reason, Musk seems to love blonde hair.

                  Wilson’s first wife shared: “When I first met Elon, my hair was not blonde. And no matter how many other highlights I have, Elon wants me to go blonde, and I just refuse.”

                  Musk’s later lovers, including Riley, Heard and Grimes, all wore blond hair. The media rumored that this would make the billionaire very happy, and more than that, he felt happy, although the billionaire once denied that rumor.

                  11 implicit standard rules when choosing a wife and girlfriend of billionaire Elon Musk: Not only how to treat people, but also appearance must be to the liking of the richest person in the world - Photo 12.

                  Follow your tango

                  https://cafef.vn/11-quy-tac-tieu-chuan-ngam-khi-chon-vo-ban-gai-cua-ty-phu-elon-musk-khong-chi-rieng-cach-doi- n

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