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Russian Defense Ministry: ‘Destroying’ more than half of the group of Ukrainian soldiers opened the way out of Mariupol

Russian Defense Ministry: Killing more than half of the group of Ukrainian soldiers opened the way out of Mariupol - Photo 1.

Armored vehicle with the markings of Russian forces on the street Mariupol April 11 – Photo: REUTÉ

Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said the group of Ukrainian soldiers was intercepted at the Ilyich plant, Ukraine’s second largest metallurgical plant, located in Mariupol, Tass news agency quoted Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov as saying.

“The remnants of the Ukrainian army tried to get out of the city but failed. The group’s efforts were foiled by Russian artillery and air strikes,” Major General Konashenkov announced.

More than 50 people from the group of Ukrainian soldiers were killed after the battle, the remaining 42 “submitted their weapons”. At least 3 tanks, 5 infantry fighting vehicles and 7 other Ukrainian vehicles were destroyed.

The Russian Defense Ministry spokesman did not talk about the damage on the Russian side after the incident. The Ukrainian military and the Kiev government have not yet commented on the battle.

Russia is said to be about to take full control of the port city of Mariupol after more than 45 days of siege. According to a pro-Russian separatist official, Russian forces have “liberated” more than 80% of the city and will ramp up operations in the coming days.

In a statement on April 12, the General Staff of Ukraine acknowledged that Russia would probably take full control of Mariupol, thereby capturing Popasna and launching another offensive northward to connect the territories under control.

Mariupol holds a strategic position, located on the road corridor connecting the Crimea peninsula (which Russia annexed in 2014) and the separatist-controlled area of ​​eastern Ukraine.

This city is becoming the focus of attention after a Ukrainian brigade vowed to fight “the last battle” because it was running out of ammunition. Information about chemical weapons being used at Mariupol also attracted international media attention.

Eduard Basurin, a senior official of the separatist Donetsk government, confirmed that no chemical weapons were used in the city. He had previously hinted at the possibility of using this weapon at Mariupol.

Ukraine’s military claims the defense of Mariupol “continues” despite reports from Russia. “Communication with units of the heroic defense forces holding the city is stable and maintained,” the Ukrainian Army confirmed on Telegram on April 12.

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky continued to call on countries to donate weapons to Ukraine, especially the forces in Mariupol.

In his address to the National Assembly of South Korea on April 11, he described the Russian military destroyed and “burnt Mariupol to ashes”, calling on Seoul to send lethal weapons to Kiev.

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