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The female artist lost 4.6kg in just 2 weeks thanks to… eating rice to lose weight, Japanese experts share 5 tips to lose weight by eating rice

Rice/rice is often considered the enemy of weight loss and many people will keep their distance from it, but in fact, carbohydrates (starch in rice) are an indispensable nutrient for weight loss. In the book Rice is the most effective weight loss food in the worldthe author of the book, Japanese nutritionist Kashiro, said that most people think that eating rice can cause weight gain, but as long as it is eaten in a certain proportion, rice will help burn calories in body.

The female artist lost 4.6kg in just 2 weeks thanks to... eating rice to lose weight, Japanese experts share 5 tips to lose weight by eating rice - Photo 1.

What ratios can help achieve weight loss goals? Kashiro said, in a meal, the ratio of rice and different accompaniments is 6:4, which is the ideal balance for the human body.

According to Standard Japanese Diet (2020) conducted by the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare of Japan, the ratio of nutrients that Japanese people most easily consume calories is carbohydrates accounting for about 60%, lipids about 25% and protein is about 15% . This ratio is the ratio of nutrients in a meal that the human body is most likely to consume.

Of these, 60% of the meals were replaced with rice to achieve a naturally balanced diet. Since the fat in rice is very low, just 2% is not enough to achieve maximum calorie burning effect, the remaining 40% of the mixture should consist of protein, lipid and other foods to activate the digestive function. and improve human metabolism, promote fat burning.

To verify the weight loss effect of rice, in the program Life Positive Solutions TV of Japan, female artist Harumi Edo was invited to try this method in person.

She is 156cm tall and weighs 54.4kg, after 2 weeks of eating rice to lose weight, her weight has decreased to 49.8kg, and she has successfully lost 4.6kg.

There are at least 2 benefits of eating rice to lose weight

There are many foods that can help lose weight, such as bananas, cucumbers… but Japanese nutritionist Moizo, who specializes in weight loss, analyzed that rice at least has a weight loss effect. Great because there are two advantages that other foods cannot match:

The female artist lost 4.6 kg in just 2 weeks thanks to... eating rice to lose weight, a Japanese expert shares 5 tips to lose weight by eating rice - Photo 2.

The satiety of rice makes it easy to prevent overeating. The source of satiety is usually water, and rice absorbs a lot of water during cooking, so eating rice can prevent overeating. This ensures a reduction in total food intake and total calories.

Rice is more useful for balancing nutrients and improving metabolism. Many people don’t eat any carbohydrates to lose weight, which is really wrong. Carbohydrates not only help burn fat but also prevent nutritional imbalances and help build a fit body. Rice-focused meals can be paired with a variety of fat-burning nutrients, which can further boost metabolism.

5 tips to lose weight with rice

The female artist lost 4.6 kg in just 2 weeks thanks to... eating rice to lose weight, Japanese experts share 5 tips to lose weight by eating rice - Photo 3.

Tip 1. Mix multi-grain rice when making rice

Rice with many grains can help promote weight loss in the short term.

As the human body burns calories, it also needs vitamins and minerals, says Kashiro, and grain rice can help fulfill this role.

In addition, you can also add oatmeal to rice, because oatmeal is rich in fiber, which can not only inhibit the rise of blood sugar, but also easily create a feeling of fullness.

Tip 2. Eat rice last

The order in which the rice is eaten is also important. This is because eating rice first can cause blood sugar to rise, some of the sugar will be consumed as calories, the excess will be converted into fat and stored in the body.

However, if you eat fiber first, it will inhibit the rise of sugar, and people will lose weight easily. For dieters, she recommends about 100 grams of rice per meal.

The female artist lost 4.6 kg in just 2 weeks thanks to... eating rice to lose weight, a Japanese expert shares 5 tips to lose weight by eating rice - Photo 4.

Tip 3. Combine with Miso soup

If the basal body temperature is too low, it will make it difficult to lose weight. Miso soup is a great pairing with rice.

Kashiro says that miso is a fermented food, and hot miso soup has a warming effect and helps improve the body’s metabolism.

When making miso soup, you can add nutritious vegetables such as corn, cabbage, tomatoes, tofu, etc., depending on personal preference.

Tip 4. Nutrition must be complete

When using rice for weight loss, it is very important to maintain the integrity of nutrition, and eat meat, fish, eggs, vegetables and tofu. It should be noted that some meats have too much fat or that dressings in salads that contain too much fat may not be beneficial for weight loss.

Tip 5. Chew slowly and don’t eat too fast

When eating rice, you should not eat it too quickly, it is best to eat it in small pieces and chew it thoroughly, the effect will be better. Nutritionist Moizo says this can more effectively stimulate the brain’s nerve centers and induce feelings of fullness.

Source and photo: NDTV meow-jam-can-no-viec-an-com-20220413120658577.chn

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