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Cool weekend, make 7 delicious drinks for the whole family to enjoy



– Pig ears: 1 piece about 300-350g.

– 1 galangal about 70-80g- 2 star fruit

– 15g sesame (sesame) – 4-5 lemon leaves.

– 3-4 lemongrass, 1 garlic, 2 chili, 1 lemon.

– Spices: salt, vinegar, sugar.

– The accompanying vegetables: fig leaves, clove leaves, apricot leaves and herbs of all kinds.


Squeeze the pig’s ears with a little salt and vinegar, then wash them, and then bring them to a golden pot.

After the ear is cooked, wash it clean and then put it in the pan with a few slices of galangal and lemongrass lining the bottom of the pan. Cook with low heat for about 10-15 minutes, when the ear is cooked, it is dark yellow, the aroma of the meat is mixed with the aroma of galangal lemongrass.

The leaves and accompanying vegetables are picked up, old branches and crushed leaves are removed, washed, soaked in dilute salt water for 30 minutes, then taken out into a basket to drain.

Galangal washed, sliced, then put in a mortar or pounded into a blender, grind. Clean star fruit, peel off the edges, remove the seeds and core, then slice thinly. Peel garlic, wash and mince. Chilli washed, chopped. Lemon leaves, washed and finely chopped. Ripe roasted sesame.

After the ear is cooked, cut it into thin slices.

After the ear is sliced ​​thin, first squeeze it with the sour star fruit above so that the sour taste of star fruit infuses into the meat. Next, add the crushed galangal to the top with a few slices of chili, a little seasoning to taste. Finally sprinkle some sesame, lemon leaves and a few slices of lemongrass and mix well.

Pork ears are served with leaves such as fig leaves, sesame buds, clove leaves or a little apricot leaves, herbs of all kinds. Dip it with soy sauce or sweet and sour fish sauce. When eating the aroma of grilled meat mixed with the aroma of galangal, lemongrass, and lime leaves, it creates a rich and attractive flavor for this dish.

Cool weekend, make 7 delicious drinks for the whole family - 1

BRICKED CHICKEN paws with salt and pepper


– 10 chicken feet; 1 piece of lemongrass

– 1 branch of green onion; 1 teaspoon of roasted salt; 1 tablespoon dried chili

-1 teaspoon oyster sauce + 1/2 teaspoon honey mixed in 1 bowl

– 1 teaspoon chili powder


– Wash chicken feet, cut off the nails.

– Chicken feet + water, together with ginger and scallions put in a pot, put on the stove to cook on medium heat, when the water boils, boil for about 10-12 minutes, the chicken legs are just cooked. Pour the chicken feet into the basket to drain. Put chicken feet in a bowl with salt + chili and chili powder and mix well.

– Put the chicken feet on a tray lined with foil. Preheat the oven for 15 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius. Place the chicken leg tray in the middle of the oven for about 10 minutes. Then take out the chicken feet tray and brush with a layer of honey oyster sauce, then return the chicken feet tray to the oven for another 15 minutes to finish. Turn off the oven and remove the chicken leg tray.

– Grilled chicken feet with salt and pepper arranged on a plate, served with sweet chili sauce, lettuce, cucumber.

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– 120g of dried squid, shredded

– 1 ½ tablespoons cooking oil; 2 teaspoons Korean red chili powder, flakes; 2 tablespoons Korean chili powder, powdered; 2 tablespoons corn syrup (purchased from supermarkets or bakeries); 1 tablespoon soy sauce; ½ teaspoon minced garlic; 1 teaspoon sesame oil; 1 teaspoon sesame


– If you are afraid of long squid, you can cut it short to make it easier to eat. Wash, dry, put in a bowl. Then add water, soak for about 20 minutes until the squid is soft.

– In a pan, heat 1 tbsp of cooking oil, then add chili flakes, turn off the heat when the chili powder is soft. Add corn syrup, chili powder, soy sauce, minced garlic. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium heat, stirring well. Then turn off the stove. Add sesame oil, stir then let cool.

– Take out the squid, squeeze out the water, then put in the sauce, stir well. You can put on gloves and then squeeze the spices into the ink.

This spicy, sweet and tangy dried squid can be eaten immediately or refrigerated for a few weeks.

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– Pork leg meat: 500g

– Galangal: 150g

– 4-5 lemongrass bulbs

– 3-4 sour star fruit

– 20g sesame

– 4-5 lemon leaves

– Chili, garlic, salt, sugar, lemon

– Vegetables eaten with: fig leaves, clove leaves or other leaves such as apricot leaves, herbs of all kinds.


Pork leg meat is washed, drained, then yellowed. The best is that you cook with straw, if you don’t have straw, you can wrap paper around the meat and then burn it or put it on the stove to turn yellow on all sides.

After the meat is cooked, wash it clean and then put it in the pan with a few slices of galangal and lemongrass lining the bottom of the pan. Cook with low heat for about 15-20 minutes, when the meat is cooked it is dark yellow, the aroma of the meat is mixed with the aroma of lemongrass of galangal.

Galangal washed, sliced, then put in a mortar or pounded into a blender, grind. Clean star fruit, peel off the edges, remove the seeds and core, then slice thinly. Peel garlic, wash and mince. Chilli washed, chopped. Lemon leaves, washed and finely chopped. Ripe roasted sesame.

Slice the meat into thin pieces.

After the meat is sliced ​​thin, first squeeze it with the sour star fruit above so that the sour taste of star fruit infuses into the meat. Next, add the crushed galangal to the top with a few slices of chili, a little seasoning to taste. Finally sprinkle some sesame, lemon leaves and a few slices of lemongrass and mix well.

Sausage legs served with leaves such as fig leaves, sesame buds, clove leaves or add a little apricot leaves, herbs of all kinds. Dip it with soy sauce or sweet and sour fish sauce. When eating the aroma of grilled meat mixed with the aroma of galangal, lemongrass, and lime leaves, it creates a rich and attractive flavor for this dish.

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New Year’s Eve


– Pork butt meat: 500g (if you like to eat a lot of skin, add about 200g of skin)

– Garlic: 1 large bulb

– Fig leaves, rice ear, fish sauce, spices…


Pork washed, boiled with enough water. Boil until cooked, remove to a plate to cool.

Separate the packaging. Note not to slice off the fat because if you remove a lot of fat, the spring rolls will be dry.

Thinly slice the skin and mince the meat. Peeled garlic, pounded, add hearing, 1 tablespoon delicious fish sauce, 1 teaspoon seasoning (or seasoning) and mix well with skin and minced meat. Squeeze spring rolls into fists, eat with pure fish sauce or sweet and sour fish sauce.

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– Fresh bamboo shoots: 300g

– Pork belly: 150g-50g peanuts

– 20g white sesame

– 20g of rice ear

– 1 bulb of garlic, chili, lime leaves

– Condiments: salt, sugar, main noodles.

– 1 grilled rice paper.


Fresh bamboo shoots peeled, remove the old part, take only the young part. Thinly slice, then cut into small pieces, soak in dilute salt water for about 60 minutes, change the water every 15-20 minutes to remove all the bitterness and toxins in the bamboo shoots.

Heat a pot of boiling water, add a little salt and cook the bamboo shoots for about 5 minutes.

Then pour the bamboo shoots into the basket to dry.

Bacon is only washed, boiled with a little salt for the meat to be absorbed. When the meat is cooked, take it out, let it cool, and cut it into small pieces.

Roasted peanuts, peeled, pounded, pay attention to this dish, pounded peanuts are smaller than normal salads. White sesame is also roasted, pounded. Lemon leaves are washed and finely chopped. Peel the garlic, wash it, smash it and then mince it. Chilli washed, sliced.

After the bamboo shoots are boiled, let them dry and then put them in a large bowl, add the shredded pork on top. Marinate with a little salt, main noodles, garlic, chili and a little sugar (for a more harmonious taste), season to taste and then leave for about 15 minutes to infuse.

Before eating, mix the marinated bamboo shoots above with rice, white sesame and peanuts, add a little more finely chopped lemon leaves.

This dish is eaten with the typical grilled rice paper of the Central people, breaking a piece of grilled rice paper, then scooping it from the heart of the plate to get all the ingredients from fresh bamboo shoots, meat, rice, sesame, peanuts, chili, leaves. lemons … are full on the piece of cake blended together to create a special attraction for this dish.

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– Pig’s ear: 1 piece- Hearing: 100 g- Carrot: 1 tuber; Cucumber: 1 fruit; Green banana: 1 fruit; Pineapple: 1 fruit- Fresh lemon: 1-2 fruit- Garlic: 1 bulb; Chili: 1 fruit- Vegetables of all kinds (fig leaves, cloves, basil…)- Spices: Sugar, delicious fish sauce, soup powder…


Clean pig ears, boiled, thinly sliced. (For the pig’s ears to be white, soak the pig’s ears in a bowl of boiling water to cool, add a few ice cubes).

Vegetables of all kinds are washed, soaked in dilute salt water.

Carrots, cucumbers, pineapples, green bananas, washed and sliced. (It is recommended to soak the fruits and vegetables in boiling water to cool).

Mix fish sauce with spring rolls according to the ratio: For every 1 teaspoon of fish sauce, add 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of cold water, then add chili, minced garlic.

When finished slicing the pig’s ears put in a clean bowl. For each ear layer, add 1 layer of hearing and add 1 tablespoon of main noodles, 1 tablespoon of soup powder, mix well and then put on a plate. Use fig leaves to roll up with cucumber, carrot, thinly sliced ​​pineapple, few cloves and sweet and sour sauce.

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The dish has the crispy taste of pig’s ears, the aroma of the hearing along with the sweet and sour taste of the dipping sauce.

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