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Offensive content on TikTok is getting more and more outrageous

“Action” scene 18+, link to group chat 18+

If 2021 witnessed clips like offensive sex jokes, Pretty girl shows off her skin to find “sugar father” to take care of,… recently, “adult” content on this platform has increased a few levels, such as public 18+ scenes.

The most recent example is an account of a middle-aged couple who constantly upload videos and livestreams recording “suspicious” actions and sounds. I don’t know if the two are really having sex or just pretending but whatever reminds people of scene 18+. Therefore, anyone who accidentally surfed must also be outraged by this action of fishing views, this defiant interaction sentence.

Offensive content is increasingly rampant on TikTok: Publicly exchanging and buying Kumanthong, acting 18+ scenes like in a place where no one is - Photo 1.

The middle age of the couple makes it even harder for many people to accept

Besides flaunting such live hot scenes, there is another form that is more discreet but also potentially more dangerous than linking to the 18+ chat group. Basically, the way this form works is as follows:

– Step 1: Set up a TikTok account specializing in re-uploading interesting content from 1 or more domestic and foreign channels.

– Step 2: Shoot text in the clip or write captions to attract viewers to bio.

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1 channel to reup foreign clips to lead the secret chat group link

– Step 3: In the bio of the account, you will see a link to a platform or group chat specializing in 18+ content.

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What is in these groups is not difficult to imagine. In addition to sharing links and hot photos to satisfy the curiosity of viewers, they are also used by the bad guys to PR apps for football betting, disguised gambling, fraudulent activities,… And emphasizing again, all All of these acts are against the law and can be administratively sanctioned, non-custodial reform or imprisonment depending on the severity.

The trend of lifting the bra to show off the chest, showing the round 3

Sexy pretty girls are always sought after anywhere, especially with video platforms like TikTok. Taking advantage of this, many girls who want to be famous quickly did not hesitate to show off their bodies, show them all from round 1 to round 3, even creating an extremely offensive trend.

Specifically, these clips are made on quite catchy music and usually have 2 beats. The first part is showing off her beauty as usual and the “twist” appears in the second part. That’s the stage draw the zoom shirt close to the chest without wearing underwear or swinging hips in tight and short clothes.

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The trend of showing off bras

And here is the flap of the shirt

It is true that beauty shows off her ugly face, so many beautiful girl members pursue a sexy style, showing off their beautiful body for everyone to admire. But obviously, it is difficult to accept the fact that it is difficult to accept the fact that it is difficult to accept the filming of a twisting clip, zooming in round 1 and round 3 and then posting it on social networks to earn some likes and shares.

PK live stream is vulgar and offensive to get views

In TikTok, in addition to posting clips and regular livestreams, there is also a livestream PK (PK stands for Player Killing – destroy opponents). When participating, 2 “top” idols will challenge each other to do this and that for viewers to donate items on TikTok. These items are purchased with real money and will be converted into points. The more valuable the item, the higher the points awarded to TikToker and the person with the higher score will win. At the same time, the donated item will also be converted into money by the platform and transferred to TikToker.

With this mechanism, many TikTokers have made PK livestream is deformed, from a form of fun exchange to a place to make money regardless. These people find ways to attract viewers to give them items, including weird, vulgar or offensive contracts, which can affect health and life to attract interaction.

Not long ago, in the PK livestream of a famous “top” idol, because of the loss, this person had to eat in a “mouth-to-mouth” style like a house pet. In addition, there are many shocking actions such as undressing, talking obscenely or betting money.

Offensive content is increasingly rampant on TikTok: Publicly exchanging and buying Kumanthong, acting 18+ scenes like in a place where no one is - Photo 6.

The situation on PK livestream makes people shocked

Livestream showing how to raise and sell Kumanthong

In addition to content that is 18+ or slightly offensive, superstitious content that is specifically spreading, buying and selling Kumanthong (also known as Ghost Linh Nhi, is a mysterious charm from Thailand in shape. dolls) is also on the rise on TikTok recently. OLDThe most obvious way to search for the keyword “kumanthong” in the search box of the platform, you will get millions of results, some clips have up to millions of views and hundreds of thousands of hearts.

Offensive content is increasingly rampant on TikTok: Publicly exchanging and buying Kumanthong, acting 18+ scenes like in a place where no one is - Photo 7.

Search results for keyword “kumanthong” on TikTok

Offensive content is increasingly rampant on TikTok: Publicly exchanging and buying Kumanthong, acting 18+ scenes like in a place where no one is - Photo 8.

A Kumanthong video posted on March 16 received more than 106k hearts

To take advantage of the market, the writer has spent a few minutes of his life watching the livestream on an account making content about Kumanthong.

During this time, the live organizer focused on answering comments about his “children”, trying to reassure viewers that there was nothing to be afraid of or calm before critical comments from netizens. But at the same time, this person also does not forget to remind everyone to private inbox if they want to “request”, buy items and furniture to raise “children”.

Offensive content is increasingly rampant on TikTok: Publicly exchanging and buying Kumanthong, acting 18+ scenes like in a place where no one is - Photo 9.

Livestream about Kumanthong publicly

For those who still wonder, trading Kumanthong dolls by pumping up bogus mysteries, spreading superstitions is a violation of the law and will be administratively sanctioned according to regulations. Especially for those who have acts of spreading and trading Kumanthong who have been administratively sanctioned or convicted for this crime, have not yet had their criminal record cleared but continue to violate them, they may be prosecuted for the crime of “Practicing”. superstition and superstition”, carries a sentence of up to 10 years in prison. If it is determined that the Kumanthong doll is made from human body parts, they can be prosecuted for the crime of “Selling, selling, appropriating human tissues or organs”.

What does “Master” TikTok say?

For those who have a lot of time to learn and operate on the platform, this confusing development is not strange or new. To learn more, we contacted Duy Muoi – founder of DCGR group and TikTok idolsthe character is like a “boss” in the world of “top” idols.

Commenting on the growing expansion of objectionable content on TikTok, Duy Muoi said: “On any platform, there are users who are curious about sex or superstitious content. I think this is everyone’s need, no matter how you block it, there is still a way to say it. circumvent the fundamental law.

Furthermore these content creators are using it to sell or make as much money from the platform as possible. So if you block this account, report the other clip, there will be similar content growing up to replace it. And say it over and over again, the same content, sometimes toxic to one person, but can be an experiential class for another.”.

Offensive content is increasingly rampant on TikTok: Publicly exchanging and buying Kumanthong, acting 18+ scenes like in a place where no one is - Photo 10.

The “boss” of the idol world “top” Duy Muoi

About how to limit these objectionable content, Duy Muoi shared: “Currently, the video recommendation mechanism on all platforms is very smart, TikTok is no exception. With 1 topic, if you click skip a lot, TikTok will limit or not allow you to appear again.

However, for users who are children, who have not yet realized how offensive or malicious the video is, they need to be more sophisticated and careful. These offensive content is often located in hashtags and music links, not recommended for trends, so parents need to pay attention to setting the time for their children to use under their control.”.


Along with the rapid development of modern technology and social media platforms, the above objectionable content is not difficult to encounter. However, if they do not join hands to prevent and control them, they may affect security and order, and at the same time have the risk of causing harm and distorting the thinking and lifestyle of young people.

So the best way for each person to protect themselves is to become a civilized, smart and knowledgeable social media user. Besides, with a platform with the participation of a lot of young and young people like TikTok, anyone should care about their children’s use of social media in the home, helping them stay away from toxic content streams. harmful.

Photo: Synthesis

https://kenh14.vn/content-phan-cam-ngay-cang-long-hanh-tren-tiktok-cong-khai-trao-doi-mua-ban-kumanthong-dien-canh-18-nhu-o- choose-no-people-20220414002915954.chn

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