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An inexpensive vegetable rich in iron and calcium, against anemia and osteoporosis

Inexpensive vegetables that are in season are both rich in iron and rich in calcium

That is amaranth! Whether it is red amaranth or spiny amaranth, white amaranth, this is still a vegetable with iron and calcium that cannot be underestimated. Amaranth is not a rare form that is hard to find in our country. Currently, this vegetable is being sold throughout the market for only a few thousand VND per bunch.

Vietnamese market rarely has a cheap vegetable that is both rich in iron and rich in calcium like this vegetable, women eat it all their life without worrying about anemia and osteoporosis - Photo 1.

According to WebmdEven though it’s just a daily vegetable, amaranth is extremely rich in iron and calcium. Worth mentioning, these are all things that the female body really needs.

Proof anemia Due to iron deficiency, osteoporosis in women is very common. Even much taller than men. Especially women who have undergone childbirth or after the age of 40, have a sedentary lifestyle like officer… Full calcium and iron supplements will give you rosy skin, healthy bones and joints. Therefore, this is a vegetable that you should eat often and should take advantage of during the main season.

Vietnamese market rarely has any cheap vegetables that are both rich in iron and rich in calcium like this vegetable, women eat them all their life without worrying about anemia and osteoporosis - Photo 3.

Iron and calcium are not the only highlights of this vegetable. Amaranth is rich in protein, with almost twice as much as corn or rice. Protein is needed to maintain muscle mass and supply blood in the body.

Amaranth also contains the daily amount of manganese that the body needs. This is an important micronutrient in a single serving. Manganese plays an important role in more than 300 enzymatic reactions in the body, including immune responses, hormone production, and even blood and bone formation.

And yet, amaranth is also very good for prevention gastrointestinal cancer, namely to prevent constipation. According to Th.BS Le Thi Hai (Vietnam National Institute of Nutrition), 100g of amaranth has 6.2g of fiber, 3g of protein, and 6.2g of glucose. It is not only rich in calcium and iron, but also contains a lot of vitamin C, beta-carotene (provitamin A) to help increase immunity, produce collagen skin beauty.

Vietnamese market rarely has a cheap vegetable that is both rich in iron and rich in calcium like this vegetable, women eat it all their life without worrying about anemia and osteoporosis - Photo 4.

Amaranth is used by Oriental medicine to cure diseases and increase health in what ways?

According to former colonel, general practitioner Bui Hong Minh (Former Chairman of Ba Dinh Oriental Medicine Association, Hanoi), Oriental medicine notes that amaranth has a sweet taste, cold properties, non-toxicity, and is used to treat burns and acne. boils, respiratory diseases… Foreigners use this vegetable to laxative, treat constipation is the main.

According to Oriental Medicine, you can use amaranth to treat diseases in the following ways:

– Cure prolonged cough, expectorant: Take the stems and leaves of amaranth leaves, wash them, pound them, and squeeze out the juice to drink, which will help cure the disease quickly.

– Enhance immunity, increase resistance, prevent infectious diseases in the summer: Use amaranth to cook soup or boil, eat both water and daily.

Vietnamese market rarely has a cheap vegetable that is both iron-rich and calcium-rich like this vegetable, women eat it all their life without worrying about anemia and osteoporosis - Photo 5.

– Sore throat, sore throat: Take the stem, leaves of amaranth, add a little salt, fresh ginger and chew the water to swallow gradually to help cure pain and sore throat.

– Treatment of irregular menstruation: Spinach amaranth, silver brass have equal content. All washed, put in a kettle with 450ml to 250ml, divided into 2 drinks during the day.

– Skin rash due to contact with straw…: Spinach amaranth, purslane, and chives have equal amounts. Crush it and apply it on the reddened skin.

– Support treatment of kidney stones: Golden star amaranth root, squash rind, precursor needles, plantain, Thien Ly root, grass roots, and black beans have equal content. Put everything in the kettle, add 500ml of decoction to 250ml, divide it into 2-3 times a day. A course of 10 days.

– Bitten by bees or snakes: Crushing a few tops of amaranth and then rubbing it into the wound will help relieve pain and quickly dissipate venom. For snake bites, after giving first aid with amaranth, the patient should be taken to a medical facility as soon as possible.

Vietnamese market rarely has a cheap vegetable that is both rich in iron and rich in calcium like this vegetable, women eat it all their life without worrying about anemia and osteoporosis - Photo 6.

Note when eating amaranth

– Do not abuse to eat too much because amaranth has welding properties, clearing heat. Especially people with damaged spleen, or loose stools.

– People with diarrhea should not use amaranth because it will make the condition worse.

– Pregnant women, the body is susceptible to cold should not eat amaranth. If you want to eat, you must consult your doctor to use the appropriate amount.

– Do not eat amaranth with blood soup because it will cause diarrhea.

– Do not eat amaranth with pork belly because it is very easy to poison, causing food poisoning. em-an-deu-ca-doi-khong-lo-thieu-mau-loang-xuong-20220419105153674.chn

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