Life Style

Borrowing 500 million from parents, buying a house of 1 billion in Hanoi right away, disillusioned with starting a business early, but resolutely “retirement while still breathing, if you are young, you have to owe”

Ngoc Nam (1994, Nam Dinh), her main job is interior design, specializing in residential houses and service shops such as milk tea, coffee, side jobs, contributing capital to an air conditioner repair shop, playing coins to earn more little income. Nam’s money-making career also has many ups and downs, after many life blows, the young people are still steadfast with the criteria. “Where’s the head, there’s the money.”

Deciding to buy a house at the age of 26, at the same time, the guy’s start-up process was also facing difficulties, so he borrowed 500 million from his parents to buy a house right away because he didn’t want to spend an extra amount of money. Let’s talk more with Nam.

Buying a house right when facing the risk of a failed start-up and losing 1 billion, do you feel that decision has increased pressure on yourself at that time?

The house I bought is actually quite suitable for those who live alone and like freedom, without the need to live “luxury”. The apartment I bought only has 1 living room, 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom, very simple, so the cost is about 1 billion. The time to buy a house was at the beginning of the epidemic, the price of apartments or houses at that time all decreased, taking advantage of the opportunity, I closed an apartment in Ha Dong for convenience. I pay 50% in advance and borrow 50% more from my parents, the red book is the owner and is a corner apartment with an area of ​​​​more than 50m2.

Borrowing 500 million from parents, buying a house of 1 billion in Hanoi right away, disillusioned with starting a business early, but resolutely still breathing, it's still a debt, if you're young, you have to owe it - Photo 2.

At that time, I still had not decided to close the cafe I started, because I just thought I had some difficulties and could be overcome. It’s just that then, I don’t want to spend tens of millions/month on the cost of renting a house anymore, it’s nothing, instead, I bring that tens of millions of monthly installments as savings more than that, so I decided to go down and buy it.

I borrowed another 500 million from my parents to buy, the rest I paid in installments within 5 years, the interest rate was preferential, so I needed to spend about 10 million each month to pay, which was quite reasonable with my income at that time, so I didn’t Think about it a lot, if it suits you, just buy it.

Your family seems to be very supportive of your decisions, have you thought about the situation if you cannot afford to pay your parents’ debt?

I am very grateful that whatever decision I make is respected by my parents. Actually, when you borrow money from the elderly, they also say that they can pay as much as they want, sometimes when they pay, they don’t take it, but give it away. But I’m also a reasonable person, if my parents don’t take the money, then I switch to buying furniture or buying something more for my parents, or doing things that help my family like not burning money into my passion anymore. such as.

Nam decided to start a business because he was passionate about making money, or did he want to try himself in something new?

In fact, the major I studied was interior design, the first time I graduated from school, I also worked on contributing capital with my brother to open a furniture company. Having worked for about 3 years, I think it’s quite good, so I thought about opening a cafe, collaborating between design and drinks, making a beautiful shop to attract customers to check-in, and bring more customers for the furniture company.

Borrowing 500 million from parents, buying a house of 1 billion right away in Hanoi, disillusioned with starting a business early, but resolutely still breathing, it is still a debt, if you are young, you have to owe it - Photo 3.

Nam’s nearly 1 billion start-up cafe

Borrowing 500 million from parents, buying a house of 1 billion right away in Hanoi, disillusioned with starting a business early but resolutely still breathing is still removed, young is in debt - Photo 4.

Another corner of the cafe

As for the story of self-starting, I think it is very simple. I personally like to try to practice business, so I decided to spend money, first to make money, second to experience, instead of just thinking. My own experience shows that the more you think about it, the more it doesn’t work out – because you don’t have experience to think much. It’s better to just spend money, let the mindset change from “have to get rich” It’s very general to “how to save money invested” in a very specific way, and even a little loss is better.

The start-up failed, did Nam go back to his old job or did he have another choice? The investment market is very exciting right now, are you participating?

I opened a cafe just as a sidekick, not having to put all my energy into it. I still maintain my job at the old design company, it’s just that when I opened the shop I was less involved in projects.

</p><p style="text-align: justify;">After the failure of the cafe business, I focused on the company’s projects again. In addition, I also learn to invest in coins, also known as having a few dong, earn a little more. But after a period of volatility, then<span style="">The holes are considered even but no pieces are put in the pocket.</span></p><p style="text-align: justify;"><b>After many times facing the risk of pouring money and then losing it all, Nam feels that he has learned something valuable?</b></p><p style="text-align: justify;">In fact, I have also applied the method of creating “something to lose”, and up to now, I am still tasting the pain of loss, but not tasting any sweetness.</p><div class="VCSortableInPreviewMode noCaption" style="" type="Photo"><div><img data-lazyloaded="1" src="" width="1030" height="1256" decoding="async" style="width:100%;max-width:100%;" id="img_440516817704337408" w="1030" h="1256" alt="Borrowing 500 million from parents, buying a house of 1 billion in Hanoi right away, disillusioned with starting a business early, but resolutely still breathing, it is still a debt, if you are young, you have to owe it - Photo 5." title="Borrowing 500 million from parents, buying a house of 1 billion in Hanoi right away, disillusioned with starting a business early, but resolutely still breathing, it is still a debt, if you are young, you have to owe it - Photo 5." rel="lightbox" photoid="440516817704337408" type="photo" data-src=""/><noscript><img width="1030" height="1256" decoding="async" style="width:100%;max-width:100%;" id="img_440516817704337408" w="1030" h="1256" alt="Borrowing 500 million from parents, buying a house of 1 billion in Hanoi right away, disillusioned with starting a business early, but resolutely still breathing, it is still a debt, if you are young, you have to owe it - Photo 5." title="Borrowing 500 million from parents, buying a house of 1 billion in Hanoi right away, disillusioned with starting a business early, but resolutely still breathing, it is still a debt, if you are young, you have to owe it - Photo 5." rel="lightbox" photoid="440516817704337408" type="photo" src=""/></noscript></div></div><p style="text-align: justify;">The lesson is there, but it’s expensive or not, I can’t judge. Is a lot of time and money spent to learn, experience and optimize work efficiency. It was a few times when he fell on his face but still got up. In terms of time alone, it takes some people a few weeks, some a few months, some even a lifetime to realize that their choice was wrong. As for me, when I didn’t feel good, I quit because I didn’t want to lose any more. It took too much money to buy lessons.</p><div class="VCSortableInPreviewMode" style="background-color:#FFFBF1;" data-back="#FFFEC7" data-border="#FF7D00" id="ObjectBoxContent_1650348731737" type="content"><div placeholder="[nhập nội dung]"><p><span>Information about cryptocurrencies (cryptocurrency), commonly known as “virtual money” has not been recognized by law in Vietnam. The information in the article is for reference only and has no investment recommendation value.</span></p></div></div><div class="VCSortableInPreviewMode" style="background-color: rgb(255, 251, 241); position: relative; z-index: 100; left: 0px; top: 0px;" data-back="#FFFEC7" data-border="#FF7D00" id="ObjectBoxContent_1650347958418" type="content"><gdiv class="ginger-module-highlighter ginger-module-highlighter-float" style="background: none 0% 0% / auto repeat scroll padding-box border-box rgba(0, 0, 0, 0); position: absolute; height: 610px; width: 496px; margin-top: 15px; display: none;"><gdiv class="ginger-module-highlighter-float-content" style="height: 1220px;"><gwmw class="ginger-module-highlighter-mistake-type-1 gwmw-16503479648022607280041 gwmwi-0 ginger-module-highlighter-mistake-anim no-suggestion" style="position: absolute; top: 260px; width: 60.6979px; height: 21.3333px; left: 10.4479px;"/><gwmw class="ginger-module-highlighter-mistake-type-6 gwmw-16503479648022505233476 gwmwi-0 ginger-module-highlighter-mistake-anim" style="position: absolute; top: 260px; width: 2.88541px; height: 21.3333px; left: 125.01px;"/><gwmw class="ginger-module-highlighter-mistake-type-1 gwmw-16503479648025344614434 gwmwi-0 ginger-module-highlighter-mistake-anim" style="position: absolute; top: 260px; width: 16.8542px; height: 21.3333px; left: 127.885px;"/><gwmw class="ginger-module-highlighter-mistake-type-6 gwmw-16503479648028903999528 gwmwi-0 ginger-module-highlighter-mistake-anim" style="position: absolute; top: 260px; width: 7.09375px; height: 21.3333px; left: 207.24px;"/><gwmw class="ginger-module-highlighter-mistake-type-6 gwmw-16503479676417314123890 gwmwi-0 ginger-module-highlighter-mistake-anim" style="position: absolute; top: 475px; width: 2.875px; height: 21.3333px; left: 50.6875px;"/><gwmw class="ginger-module-highlighter-mistake-type-1 gwmw-16503479676412617028774 gwmwi-0 ginger-module-highlighter-mistake-anim" style="position: absolute; top: 475px; width: 16.8438px; height: 21.3333px; left: 53.5625px;"/><gwmw class="ginger-module-highlighter-mistake-type-6 gwmw-16503479683318520507726 gwmwi-0 ginger-module-highlighter-mistake-anim" style="position: absolute; top: 530px; width: 2.875px; height: 21.3333px; left: 50.6875px;"/></gdiv></gdiv></p><div style="background: transparent; position: relative;" placeholder="[nhập nội dung]" spellcheck="true"><p>1 billion already in hand, but how can the money lie still and not move. Youth is a big investment recklessness to get results <b>Money begets money</b> with many valuable lessons. That is also topic 2 of<b> Get rich in your 20s</b> – The first content creation contest exploiting the topic of Youth Finance.</p><p>Please share your story on your personal page in public mode with the hashtag #LamGiauTuoi20 #CafeF #Kenh14 or send your entry to BTC via:</p><p>• Website: <a target="_blank" class="link-inline-content" style="background-color: transparent; font-size: 12pt; text-align: left;" data-cke-saved-href="" href="" rel="nofollow noopener" title="Làm giàu tuổi 20">Get rich in your 20s</a></p><p>• Email</p><p>• Fanpage <a target="_blank" class="link-inline-content" data-cke-saved-href="" href="" rel="nofollow noopener" title=""></a> and <a target="_blank" class="link-inline-content" style="background-color: transparent; font-size: 12pt; text-align: left;" data-cke-saved-href="" href="" rel="nofollow noopener" title="CafeF .">CafeF.</a></p><p>Theme <b>“Money makes money”</b> will take place from March 23, 2022 to April 12, 2022 with many attractive prizes:</p><p>• First prize: Medal and 20,000,000 VND</p><p>• Reader’s Choice Award: Medal and 2,000,000 VND</p><p>• Favorite prize chosen by the jury: Medal and 3,000,000 VND</p><p>Quality entries will be posted on two news sites CafeF and</p><p>The Get Rich 20 Contest is invested and implemented, jointly organized by, CafeF and companion SSI, and the special presence of guests who are prestigious financial experts who have great vision. influence and passion for the financial sector. For all details see <a target="_blank" class="link-inline-content" data-cke-saved-href="" href="" rel="nofollow noopener" title="tại đây">here</a> .</p></div></div><div class="VCSortableInPreviewMode noCaption" style="" type="Photo"><div><a target="_blank" class="link-callout" href="" rel="nofollow noopener"><img data-lazyloaded="1" src="" width="1320" height="580" decoding="async" style="width:100%;max-width:100%;" id="img_439792447185625088" w="1320" h="580" alt="Borrowing 500 million from parents, buying a house of 1 billion right away in Hanoi, disillusioned with starting a business early, but resolutely still breathing, it is still a debt, if you are young, you have to owe it - Photo 8." title="Borrowing 500 million from parents, buying a house of 1 billion right away in Hanoi, disillusioned with starting a business early, but resolutely still breathing, it is still a debt, if you are young, you have to owe it - Photo 8." rel="lightbox" photoid="439792447185625088" type="photo" data-src=""/><noscript><img width="1320" height="580" decoding="async" style="width:100%;max-width:100%;" id="img_439792447185625088" w="1320" h="580" alt="Borrowing 500 million from parents, buying a house of 1 billion right away in Hanoi, disillusioned with starting a business early, but resolutely still breathing, it is still a debt, if you are young, you have to owe it - Photo 8." title="Borrowing 500 million from parents, buying a house of 1 billion right away in Hanoi, disillusioned with starting a business early, but resolutely still breathing, it is still a debt, if you are young, you have to owe it - Photo 8." rel="lightbox" photoid="439792447185625088" type="photo" src=""/></noscript></a></div></div><p> <span id="hdExclusive" style="display: none!important"> kien-quyet-con-tho-la-con-go-con-tre-la-phai-no-202204181028523.chn</span></p></div><p><script>(runinit = window.runinit || []).push(function () { var footerFbSdk = { isLoaded: false, init: function () { var me = this; $(window).scroll(function () { if ($('.k14-home').length > 0 && $('#liSuKien').length > 0) { var pScrollCuon = $(window).scrollTop(); var liSuKienTop = $('#liSuKien').offset().top; if (pScrollCuon >= liSuKienTop && !me.isLoaded) { me.LoadFbSdk(); me.isLoaded = true; } } else if (!me.isLoaded) { me.LoadFbSdk(); me.isLoaded = true; } }); }, LoadFbSdk: function () { (function (d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); = id; js.src = "//"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); } };</p> <p> footerFbSdk.init(); });</script></p><div style="text-align: right;">You are reading the article <b>Borrowing 500 million from parents, buying a house of 1 billion in Hanoi right away, disillusioned with starting a business early, but resolutely “retirement while still breathing, if you are young, you have to owe”<br /> </b> at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a> – Source: <span style="color: #2b00fe;">Kenh14.Vn</span> – Read the original article <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a></div></p><div class="stream-item stream-item-below-post-content"> <ins class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-6082226082793588" data-ad-slot="6552256864" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true"></ins> <script>(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});</script></div></div><div id="post-extra-info"><div class="theiaStickySidebar"><div id="single-post-meta" class="post-meta clearfix"><span class="date meta-item tie-icon">April 21, 2022</span></div></div></div><div class="clearfix"></div> <script id="tie-schema-json" type="application/ld+json">{"@context":"http:\/\/","@type":"NewsArticle","dateCreated":"2022-04-21T18:10:12+07:00","datePublished":"2022-04-21T18:10:12+07:00","dateModified":"2022-04-21T18:10:12+07:00","headline":"Borrowing 500 million from parents, buying a house of 1 billion in Hanoi right away, disillusioned with starting a business early, but resolutely “retirement while still breathing, if you are young, you have to owe”","name":"Borrowing 500 million from parents, buying a house of 1 billion in Hanoi right away, disillusioned with starting a business early, but resolutely “retirement while still breathing, if you are young, you have to owe”","keywords":[],"url":"https:\/\/\/2022\/04\/21\/borrowing-500-million-from-parents-buying-a-house-of-1-billion-in-hanoi-right-away-disillusioned-with-starting-a-business-early-but-resolutely-retirement-while-still-breathing-if-you-are-young-y\/","description":"Ngoc Nam (1994, Nam Dinh), her main job is interior design, specializing in residential houses and service shops such as milk tea, coffee, side jobs, contributing capital to an air conditioner repair","copyrightYear":"2022","articleSection":"Life Style","articleBody":"\n \n \n \n \n \n Ngoc Nam (1994, Nam Dinh), her main job is interior design, specializing in residential houses and service shops such as milk tea, coffee, side jobs, contributing capital to an air conditioner repair shop, playing coins to earn more little income. Nam's money-making career also has many ups and downs, after many life blows, the young people are still steadfast with the criteria. \"Where's the head, there's the money.\"Deciding to buy a house at the age of 26, at the same time, the guy's start-up process was also facing difficulties, so he borrowed 500 million from his parents to buy a house right away because he didn't want to spend an extra amount of money. Let's talk more with Nam. You did Get rich in your 20s how, tell me!Step 1: Share the story about the topic \"Money makes money\" in the form of articles or videos.Step 2: Upload the contest on your personal page in public mode with the hashtag #LamGiauTuoi20 #CafeF #Kenh14 or send it to the BTC via the website Get rich in your 20s email or fanpage and CafeF .Buying a house right when facing the risk of a failed start-up and losing 1 billion, do you feel that decision has increased pressure on yourself at that time?The house I bought is actually quite suitable for those who live alone and like freedom, without the need to live \"luxury\". The apartment I bought only has 1 living room, 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom, very simple, so the cost is about 1 billion. The time to buy a house was at the beginning of the epidemic, the price of apartments or houses at that time all decreased, taking advantage of the opportunity, I closed an apartment in Ha Dong for convenience. I pay 50% in advance and borrow 50% more from my parents, the red book is the owner and is a corner apartment with an area of \u200b\u200b\u200b\u200bmore than 50m2.At that time, I still had not decided to close the cafe I started, because I just thought I had some difficulties and could be overcome. It's just that then, I don't want to spend tens of millions\/month on the cost of renting a house anymore, it's nothing, instead, I bring that tens of millions of monthly installments as savings more than that, so I decided to go down and buy it.I borrowed another 500 million from my parents to buy, the rest I paid in installments within 5 years, the interest rate was preferential, so I needed to spend about 10 million each month to pay, which was quite reasonable with my income at that time, so I didn't Think about it a lot, if it suits you, just buy it.Your family seems to be very supportive of your decisions, have you thought about the situation if you cannot afford to pay your parents' debt?I am very grateful that whatever decision I make is respected by my parents. Actually, when you borrow money from the elderly, they also say that they can pay as much as they want, sometimes when they pay, they don't take it, but give it away. But I'm also a reasonable person, if my parents don't take the money, then I switch to buying furniture or buying something more for my parents, or doing things that help my family like not burning money into my passion anymore. such as.Nam decided to start a business because he was passionate about making money, or did he want to try himself in something new? In fact, the major I studied was interior design, the first time I graduated from school, I also worked on contributing capital with my brother to open a furniture company. Having worked for about 3 years, I think it's quite good, so I thought about opening a cafe, collaborating between design and drinks, making a beautiful shop to attract customers to check-in, and bring more customers for the furniture company.Nam's nearly 1 billion start-up cafeAnother corner of the cafeAs for the story of self-starting, I think it is very simple. I personally like to try to practice business, so I decided to spend money, first to make money, second to experience, instead of just thinking. My own experience shows that the more you think about it, the more it doesn't work out - because you don't have experience to think much. It's better to just spend money, let the mindset change from \"have to get rich\" It's very general to \"how to save money invested\" in a very specific way, and even a little loss is better.The start-up failed, did Nam go back to his old job or did he have another choice? The investment market is very exciting right now, are you participating?I opened a cafe just as a sidekick, not having to put all my energy into it. I still maintain my job at the old design company, it's just that when I opened the shop I was less involved in projects.After the failure of the cafe business, I focused on the company's projects again. In addition, I also learn to invest in coins, also known as having a few dong, earn a little more. But after a period of volatility, thenThe holes are considered even but no pieces are put in the pocket.After many times facing the risk of pouring money and then losing it all, Nam feels that he has learned something valuable?In fact, I have also applied the method of creating \"something to lose\", and up to now, I am still tasting the pain of loss, but not tasting any sweetness.The lesson is there, but it's expensive or not, I can't judge. Is a lot of time and money spent to learn, experience and optimize work efficiency. It was a few times when he fell on his face but still got up. In terms of time alone, it takes some people a few weeks, some a few months, some even a lifetime to realize that their choice was wrong. As for me, when I didn't feel good, I quit because I didn't want to lose any more. It took too much money to buy lessons.Information about cryptocurrencies (cryptocurrency), commonly known as \"virtual money\" has not been recognized by law in Vietnam. The information in the article is for reference only and has no investment recommendation value.1 billion already in hand, but how can the money lie still and not move. Youth is a big investment recklessness to get results Money begets money with many valuable lessons. That is also topic 2 of Get rich in your 20s - The first content creation contest exploiting the topic of Youth Finance.Please share your story on your personal page in public mode with the hashtag #LamGiauTuoi20 #CafeF #Kenh14 or send your entry to BTC via:\u2022 Website: Get rich in your 20s\u2022 Email\u2022 Fanpage and CafeF.Theme \"Money makes money\" will take place from March 23, 2022 to April 12, 2022 with many attractive prizes:\u2022 First prize: Medal and 20,000,000 VND\u2022 Reader's Choice Award: Medal and 2,000,000 VND\u2022 Favorite prize chosen by the jury: Medal and 3,000,000 VNDQuality entries will be posted on two news sites CafeF and Kenh14.vnThe Get Rich 20 Contest is invested and implemented, jointly organized by, CafeF and companion SSI, and the special presence of guests who are prestigious financial experts who have great vision. influence and passion for the financial sector. For all details see here . \n \n https:\/\/\/vay-bo-me-500-trieu-tau-ngay-can-nha-1-ty-o-ha-noi-vo-mong-vi-khoi-nghiep-som-nhung- kien-quyet-con-tho-la-con-go-con-tre-la-phai-no-202204181028523.chn\n \n\n \r\n (runinit = window.runinit || []).push(function () {\r\n var footerFbSdk = {\r\n isLoaded: false,\r\n init: function () {\r\n var me = this;\r\n $(window).scroll(function () {\r\n if ($('.k14-home').length > 0 && $('#liSuKien').length > 0) {\r\n var pScrollCuon = $(window).scrollTop();\r\n var liSuKienTop = $('#liSuKien').offset().top;\r\n if (pScrollCuon >= liSuKienTop && !me.isLoaded) {\r\n me.LoadFbSdk();\r\n me.isLoaded = true;\r\n }\r\n }\r\n else if (!me.isLoaded) {\r\n me.LoadFbSdk();\r\n me.isLoaded = true;\r\n }\r\n });\r\n },\r\n LoadFbSdk: function () {\r\n (function (d, s, id) {\r\n var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];\r\n if (d.getElementById(id)) return;\r\n js = d.createElement(s); = id;\r\n js.src = \"\/\/\/vi_VN\/sdk.js#xfbml=1&version=v2.8\";\r\n 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here","publisher":{"@id":"#Publisher","@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"http:\/\/\/wp-content\/uploads\/2022\/03\/logo.png"},"sameAs":["#","#","#","#"]},"sourceOrganization":{"@id":"#Publisher"},"copyrightHolder":{"@id":"#Publisher"},"mainEntityOfPage":{"@type":"WebPage","@id":"https:\/\/\/2022\/04\/21\/borrowing-500-million-from-parents-buying-a-house-of-1-billion-in-hanoi-right-away-disillusioned-with-starting-a-business-early-but-resolutely-retirement-while-still-breathing-if-you-are-young-y\/","breadcrumb":{"@id":"#Breadcrumb"}},"author":{"@type":"Person","name":"Megusta","url":"https:\/\/\/author\/megusta\/"},"image":{"@type":"ImageObject","url":"https:\/\/\/zoom\/600_315\/203336854389633024\/2022\/4\/18\/photo1650291487770-16502914879041320372235.jpg","width":1920,"height":0}}</script> <div id="share-buttons-bottom" class="share-buttons share-buttons-bottom"><div class="share-links "><div class="share-title"> <span class="tie-icon-share" 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