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What are the health benefits of moringa and its use?

Moringa tree is also called what?

Moringa tree, also known as wild three beans, drumstick tree, horseradish tree, … This is a wild plant in nature, the scientific name is Moringa oleifera, belongs to the Moringa family. This plant is native to South Asian countries such as India and Thailand.

People grow many moringa trees to harvest for medicinal purposes and as a valuable food source for pregnant women and babies. Because of that, this plant has high economic value and is encouraged to be planted in many countries around the world.

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Moringa tree has a history of more than 4000 years since it was first known. Ancient civilizations such as Greece, India used this plant to make daily vegetables, to help fight hunger and crop failure. That’s because trees are capable of producing more leaves during the dry season, while many other plants lose their leaves and don’t produce anything to eat.

Today, moringa is widely grown around the world, including Vietnam. People in our country mainly grow this plant to make medicine.

Characteristics of Moringa tree

Here are some characteristics of the moringa tree that you should know:

1. About the trunk

Moringa is a small tree with an average height of 4-5 m. Some trees grown in suitable climatic conditions can grow to over 10m tall. Stem smooth, not rough, no spines. The tree grows quite quickly, after only 3 years it will be able to reach the height of a mature tree.

2. About leaves

Moringa leaves are compound leaves, about 4-6cm long. Leaves are dark green, ovate, with short stalks. Leaves can grow all year round, no matter how harsh the climate.

3. About flowers

The flowers of the moringa tree usually bloom in early spring. The flowers are white, clustered in the axils of the leaves. The flowers have a mild fragrance, when the flowers fade, they will form fruit. The fruit of the tree is oblong, hanging on the tree, 2-4cm long, 2cm wide, with 3 sides. The fruit is used to extract essential oils, serving in a number of industries.

4. About the roots

Moringa tree roots are deep underground. The plant has enlarged roots that form a tuber, often harvested to soak in wine or make some medicines.

Nutritional composition of moringa

Moringa tree is one of the trees with high economic value, not only because it has many health benefits, but also because it contains a lot of nutrients that are good for humans. In 100g of moringa tree will contain the following nutrients:

– Energy: 268 kcal

– Carbs: 8.28g

– Fiber: 2g

– Lipids: 1.4g

– Protein: 9.4g

– Calcium: 185mg

– Magnesium: 147mg

– Iron: 28mg

– Phosphorus: 112mg

– Manganese: 1063mg

– Potassium: 337mg

– Sodium: 9mg

– Vitamin A: 378mcg

– Vitamin B1: 0.257mg

– Vitamin B2: 0.66mg

– Vitamin B6: 1.2mg

– Vitamin C: 51.7mg

In addition, moringa also contains a number of biologically active substances beneficial to the body, including 7 vitamins, 18 amino acids, 6 minerals, phenol compounds, and 46 types of antioxidants. In particular, this plant also contains a group of rare compounds such as kaempferol, quercetin, zeatin, alpha-sitosterol and caffeoylquinic acid.

Moringa also contains more nutrients than popular fruits today. In which, the amount vitamin C of a tree is seven times taller than an orange, vitamin A 4 times higher than carrots, 4 times more calcium than milk, 3 times more iron than spinach, twice as much protein as yogurt and active ingredients potassium 3 times higher than in bananas.

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What are the health benefits of moringa?

It is thanks to the extremely rich nutritional composition that the moringa tree brings countless benefits to human health. You can refer to the effects of this plant right here:

1. Support diabetes treatment

Moringa leaves are rich in isothiocyanates. This is a substance that has the ability to help reduce blood sugar levels, as well as significantly reduce excess protein in the urine. Thanks to that, people with diabetes can be healthier, prevent complications of the disease.

2. Prevention of liver diseases

The content of silymarin present in moringa leaves has the ability to increase liver enzyme function, protect liver cells from damage. From there you will get a healthier liver, significantly prevent liver diseases.

3. Antibacterial, high anti-inflammatory

Moringa contains up to 7 vitamins along with more than 46 types of antioxidants. Therefore, it can help fight the attack of bacteria, prevent inflammation, and fight oxidation in the body.

4. Stabilize the digestive system

Moringa is rich in fiber and healthy amino acids. Therefore, it can help stabilize the intestinal system, support the digestive process more smoothly.

5. Protect your heart health

Moringa tree is rich in antioxidants. So it can help reduce bad cholesterol in the blood as well as prevent the risk of atherosclerosis. From there you will have a healthier heart.

6. Stabilize blood pressure

Moringa contains a very high amount of potassium. Therefore, it will help regulate blood pressure in the body effectively, preventing the risk of high blood pressure and related diseases.

7. Enhance bone and joint health

With 6 essential minerals, including calcium and iron. Moringa tree will help significantly increase your bone health, prevent the risk of osteoarthritis and a number of bone and joint diseases that may be acquired.

8. Support treatment of Alzheimer’s disease in the elderly

When taken properly daily, it can help the body produce dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine. These are all active ingredients that help the brain relax, reduce stress, protect brain cells from the risk of memory loss, loss of concentration, or even the risk of Alzheimer’s disease in the elderly.

9. Prevent the risk of kidney stones

Some active ingredients in moringa are thought to be able to reduce urinary oxalate radicals. This will help reduce the risk of kidney stones and urinary stones.

10. Helps brighten eyes, protect eye health

The rich content of vitamin A and beta carotene in moringa will help you get healthy eyes, prevent eye diseases such as cataracts, macular degeneration, eye fatigue, blurred vision, …

11. Blood supplement

The iron content in moringa is even higher than in meat, with 100g containing up to 28mg of iron. Thereby helping you not to have iron deficiency anemia, increasing the amount of red blood cells in the blood.

12. Helps with milk

Moringa contains useful vitamins, rich in folic acid, which is good for new-born women, stimulates the body to produce more milk for lactation.

13. Improve skin and hair

Extracted from the seeds of the moringa tree contains cytokinin active substances that have the ability to help healthy skin, prevent a number of skin diseases. In addition, the abundant vitamin C content also helps to make hair stronger and smoother.

14. Cancer Prevention

Moringa contains a lot of vitamin C and high antioxidants that are good for the body. In particular, the leaf extract also contains the active ingredient niazimicin, which has the ability to inhibit the growth of cancer cells as well as destroy harmful free radicals.

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Other uses of Moringa

In addition to the important health effects, moringa also has a number of useful uses for life, which can be mentioned as follows:

1. Make daily food

Most of the parts of the moringa tree such as leaves, flowers, seeds, fruits, … can be used to make everyday dishes. That’s why countries around the world prioritize people to grow this crop to ensure food security, when it can withstand drought and can be grown in arid places with little water.

2. Make herbal tea

The leaves of the moringa tree, when dried, can be used to make herbal tea to drink every day, similar to other herbs that you often use. Even tea from this plant is more nutritious than many other herbal teas.

3. Make cooking oil

Extracted from the seeds of the moringa tree can make a very nutritious oil. This type of oil is considered to be comparable to olive oil, used in cooking and cuisine in general.

4. Service for production

Moringa is a fast-growing tree that can live in hot, dry climates for many days. Therefore, people often plant this tree to make shade trees, shelter for places with harsh climates and hot sun.

In addition, the tree also has the ability to help improve the quality of the soil, making it an extremely convenient organic fertilizer or fodder. Some countries also exploit the wood of the moringa tree because it is soft, light, and can be used to make paper, dyes, …

3 How to use Moringa tree to achieve high efficiency?

To be able to help promote health when using moringa, you can refer to some of the following uses:

1. Use powdered moringa

Moringa powder is mainly made from the leaf parts of the plant, applying industrial freeze-drying technology to help the powder retain the beautiful green color of the leaves, but still ensure enough nutrients inside. in.

However, per day you should not use more than 15g of powder from this plant, because it contains a lot of nutrients, which can make you overactive. The best recommendation is to use 6-10g of powder per day for healthy people.

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2. Use dried moringa

When fresh moringa tree is picked, you should dry it in the sun for many days. As a result, you will have dried plants that can be used to make tea or make into daily tonics. The preparation method is the same as with other common folk medicines that we often use.

3. Use fresh moringa leaves

Fresh moringa leaves can be used to make vegetables in your daily meals. Vegetables from this plant don’t even need to be seasoned because it has a natural sweet taste that can be used immediately after processing.

Notes when using moringa

– Do not use moringa for pregnant women. Because this plant contains a small amount of alpha-sitosterol, which can smooth the uterine muscles, increasing the risk of miscarriage and premature birth.

Using extracts from the leaves and seeds of the moringa tree will bring the most health benefits. Limit the use of the plant’s root as it contains toxins that disrupt the nervous system and general health.

– Moringa should be used immediately after processing within 12 hours. If left for a long time before using, it can lose the beneficial active ingredients in this nutritious herb.

– Limit the use of moringa in the evening, because it is rich in vitamin C and calcium, which can increase excitement, make it difficult to sleep, increase the risk of calcium deposition in the kidneys.

– If you are going to make a vegetable dish from moringa leaves, only cook until cooked, not thoroughly cooked. Because it will cause the nutrients to be evaporated during the cooking process.

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