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What happens when smarthome is abandoned?

Last weekend, Insteon, a company specializing in manufacturing and selling smart home devices, suddenly disappeared.

As noted by Arstechnica, Insteon closed without any notice. Until it was discovered, all services were shut down, the call center was unanswered, the user support forum and social channel were silent, and the leadership information was deleted and could not be returned. can be contacted.

Some Insteon smarthome devices.  Photo: FastCode

Some Insteon smarthome devices. Image: FastCode

On the forums, many people who are using Insteon’s smarthome solution are angry. “I invested thousands of dollars in Insteon’s system and now there is a pile of trash, unbelievable,” Reddit account Meir comment. “They treat customers who pay them by leaving unexpectedly, without notice. I’m not sure what to do with the number of devices left behind,” user Tippy said.

Others consider Insteon’s actions unacceptable. The company should have notified users of the outage a few months in advance, as well as providing guidance for them to switch to a different system instead of abruptly stopping.

Some people who are using Insteon solution said that all operations on smarthome applications, automation processes and user schedules have stopped working. Meanwhile, the switch system is least affected because they are only responsible for turning on/off the lights and can be controlled via the local network.

Insteon is a California-based company that specializes in selling smarthome devices such as light switches, sockets, wall-mounted devices, and sensors that connect to the Internet. The company also provides Insteon Hub connection service and proprietary network protocol, which is considered to be able to compete fairly with other competitors such as Z-Wave or Zigbee.

Insteon, a subsidiary of Smartlabs, has approximately 1.3 million customers. Their sudden disappearance made many people bewildered.

“Insteon is a prime example of how dangerous it is to leave control of your home to a smarthome solution using cloud computing. It’s something everyone needs to learn from,” said Ben Wood, analyst at Microsoft. CCS Insight, comment.

Some other experts believe that a sudden shutdown of a smarthome company has raised questions about their responsibility to customers when the consequences occur. “Those are just illusions about the era of cloud computing, of the Internet of Things. There will be companies that stumble and disappear, and the ultimate loser is still the customer,” said Blake Kozak, an expert at Blake Kozak. Omdia, share.

However, Kozak also believes that elimination will come to any company and the smart home sector is no exception. “I don’t think this is a sign of weakness in the smarthome sector. There’s still a lot of positivity behind that,” he added.

Nhu Phuc

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