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Hot weather, how to protect the health of pregnant women and babies?

Here are some tips to protect the health of pregnant women and their babies during the hot season.

Avoid dehydration

During pregnancy, the body temperature of pregnant women will be higher than normal, so the amount of water supplied to the body also needs more. Pregnant women need to supplement with the necessary amount of water, it is best to drink small sips continuously. Excessive sweating will cause the body to lose water seriously leading to fatigue, exhaustion, low blood pressure, dizziness, dizziness …

Hot weather, how to protect the health of pregnant women and babies?  - first

Summer is hot, pregnant women need to pay attention to take care health for yourself and your unborn baby. (Photo: Hanoi Obstetrics and Gynecology)

Prevention of sunburn

During pregnancy, women should not go or stand in the sun for too long, especially at noon when the temperature rises. According to experts, pregnant women need to avoid going out from 10am to 4pm because at this time UV rays peak, which is dangerous to health.

When having to go out, pregnant women should wear long, sweat-absorbent clothes and a wide-brimmed hat. In case of long distance travel, pregnant women should note to bring more drinking water. Pregnant women are also careful not to enter the air-conditioned room right after returning from the hot sun to avoid sudden temperature changes, easy heat stroke or worse stroke.

Limit fried foods with a lot of fat

The fried and greasy foods that contain a certain amount of alum have a negative effect on the fetus, and at the same time increase the body’s internal temperature, causing diseases that are not good for pregnant women.

Should eat cool food

Pregnant women are recommended to add at least 300 grams of green vegetables and 200 grams of fresh fruit daily to meet the needs of both mother and fetus. For the purpose of cooling the body, pregnant women should give preference to fruits that are less sweet, contain a lot of water, the cooling effect will be better such as grapefruit, oranges, tangerines, dragon fruit, melons… Pregnant women absolutely do not eat. many hot fruits such as lychee, longan, jackfruit …

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