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Donnie Yen filming outside in the cold -30 degrees is still not as risky as an amateur

Monday, April 25, 2022 00:06 AM (GMT+7)

Many action movie stars have faced “death” many times when performing risky scenes.

In order to get the perfect roles on the screen, many Chinese actors have had to defy danger, even sacrifice their personal happiness to focus on their acting career.

Donnie Yen

Donnie Yen is one of the famous martial arts stars on the Chinese screen. For more than 30 years in the film career, the 59-year-old actor has owned a huge artistic fortune with many famous works such as: “Tinh martial arts”, “Hero”, “Teenager Hoang Phi Hong” “, “Thien Co Variable”, “Slaughter Lang”, “Huong Bi”, “Ip Man”, “Quan Van Tuong”… Besides, he also tried his hand at acting as a director, martial arts director and director of martial arts. producer.

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Donnie Yen is a martial arts star who has repeatedly challenged his limits.

The actor has repeatedly challenged his limits when filming. In the early days of his career, the director often asked Donnie Yen to beat him, causing him to almost go blind 4 times. Currently, the actor surnamed Chan still needs periodic physical therapy due to the recurrence of old wounds.

Recently, Donnie Yen wants to prove his acting ability through the movie “Rescue”. On April 18, the film crew released behind-the-scenes photos of the Asian martial arts star during filming in the Truong Bach mountains.

Share with On, Producer Vuong Hai Phong said that Donnie Yen performed 100% of the action scenes in the film, such as hanging on a cliff, taking a dip under a waterfall, being buried under a snow hole in a temperature of -30 degrees Celsius. During filming, the actor fell into a glacier. When the staff brought him ashore, Donnie Yen’s body was numb and injured in many places.

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The actor will play the father who accidentally lost his son in the Changbai mountains in “Rescue”.

Not only performing the male lead role, the actor surnamed Chan also plays the role of the film’s production director. This is the first time Donnie Yen has challenged with the theme of rescue. The actor wishes to bring the audience an authentic, shocking film on the big screen. He also hopes to make fans feel his acting skills instead of beautiful action sequences. As a result, the martial arts star refused the stuntman’s support.

Director La Chi Luong said that Donnie Yen had to buy more than 15 million USD in body insurance to prevent risks. Previously, in the movie “Ip Man 3”, he also had a scene with a gangster “boss” played by Mike Tyson.It was this scene that made the martial arts star lose sleep when he accepted the invitation. The actor bought body insurance for 17.9 million USD. If something goes wrong, all this money will belong to his beautiful wife, Uong Thi Thi, and 2 children.

Video: The scene of Donnie Yen fighting the gang boss played by Mike Tyson in “Ip Man 3”.

Ngo Kinh

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Over 21 years of filming, Ngo Kinh was injured many times due to rolling out action scenes.

Wu Jing is currently the highest-grossing actor in China at the box office. His success comes from his meticulousness in film production and a good grasp of the audience’s psychology. Besides, Ngo Kinh is famous as a martial arts star who always rolls around because of his role.

According to Sina, injury is a “common story” with Ngo Kinh. Success and current position in the entertainment industry are exchanged for the actor’s sweat, tears and blood. His reputation is proportional to the area of ​​his body injured. Up to now, the martial arts star has had to sew more than 100 stitches, facing more than a dozen large and small surgeries.

In the period of career development from 2005-2008, four times Ngo Kinh was seriously injured on set and had to be hospitalized. Sometimes the director considered replacing the male lead but did not do so out of respect for him. In 2014, during the filming of two films “Sat Pha Lang 2” and “Chien Lang”, Ngo Kinh was hospitalized urgently because of a serious leg injury caused by filming the scene “jumping the floor” too many times. The injury was so severe that after the surgery, the actor was still unable to walk normally for a long time. He even had to use a wheelchair and crutches right at his wedding.

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The actor had to use crutches to marry his wife due to the slow recovery of the wound.

When filming the underwater scene in “Wolf Warrior 2”, Ngo Kinh was unable to withstand the pressure and nearly drowned, fortunately the crew members discovered and rescued them in time. Due to severe injuries from previous filmings and age, Ngo Kinh’s health is not as good as before. He was also diagnosed by a doctor that he might never be able to shoot action scenes again.

Video: Scene of Ngo Kinh fighting under the sea, destroying real tanks in the backstage of “War Wolf 2”.

Jackie Chan

Not only is the famous Chinese martial arts star, the name of Jackie Chan It is also known by audiences around the world. At the age of 65, the actor still participates in many films with many action scenes. This is one of the rare cases in the film industry, because most artists past the age of sixty often rarely take on the lead role.

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Jackie Chan is known as the “Kung Fu King” of Asia.

However, Jackie Chan is also famous as one of the actors who most often get into accidents on set. Because he always does the stunts himself and rarely asks for a stuntman. Not only is he good at martial arts, but Jackie Chan also shows his bravery with scenes of climbing, sliding or chasing.

During the peak of his career, King Kungfu repeatedly surprised the audience with life-threatening scenes. In the movie “New Police Story”, Jackie Chan had to perform a risky scene jumping from the 27th floor of the Harbor building to the ground. However, an unexpected incident occurred when the safety cable suddenly broke causing the actor to fall freely from the 20th floor. The accident caused him to break vertebrae 7 and 8, dislocated his pelvis, and burned his hand. due to the light bulb burning out. This scene has become an obsession of Jackie Chan every time he repeats it.

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Martial arts star sacrificed for the role: Donnie Yen shot outside in the cold -30 degrees, still not as risky as this actor - 8

Jackie Chan suddenly fell from the 27th floor to the ground in the movie “New police story”.

Currently, the actor knows that he can’t do action scenes like in the past. In the movie scenes, he tries to ensure safety. Jackie Chan also revealed that past injuries still cause him pain to this day, especially when the weather changes. Also because of his health, a few times he thought about retiring.

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