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Gourd is hard, after giving birth, I turn off my face to take care of my children

The identical twins or multiples always make people excited every time they look at them. But the journey pregnant And raising those kids is hard work. In Vietnam, there are two mothers who are famous for their multiple pregnancies, Tran Thi Tinh, born 4 in 2012 and Huynh Ngoc Anh Thu, born 5 in 2013. Both have experienced a series of pregnancies. Pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum are many happiness but equally difficult.

Dong Thap mother was pregnant with 4, after giving birth, she struggled to raise her child

In 2012, Mr. and Mrs. Tran Huu Dong and Ms. Tran Thi Tinh (Tan Phu Hamlet, Tan Phuoc Commune, Lai Vung District, Dong Thap Province) gave birth to 4 girls, named Viet, Nam, Hanh, and Phuc. That day, the medical community was surprised because this was a very rare natural birth with a rate of 1/700.000.

It is known that before being pregnant with 4 children, Ms. Tinh and her husband had two “full-fledged” children. However, when Ms. Tinh was pregnant for the third time, the whole family was happy because in your hometown, every family gave birth to about 3 or 4 children. They believe that the more children, the richer they are.

Two famous mothers with multiple pregnancies in Vietnam: Difficult pregnancy, finished birth  take care of the cubs - 1

The birth of four girls in Dong Thap caused a stir in 2012.

When Tinh was 6 months pregnant, the doctor announced that she was pregnant with twins. Half a month later, the ultrasound results turned into pregnancy 3. Not believing the results, they went to a famous clinic in Lai Vung. After an ultrasound, the doctor confirmed that she was pregnant with 4.

“When the doctor announced that my wife was definitely pregnant with 4, I was extremely worried and burst into tears right at the clinic. My family has 4 mouths to eat, now with 4 more servings, where can I get rice and rice to feed? I see people say that twins have spent tens of millions of dollars, so if my family has 4, I can borrow enough from anyone, being pregnant with 4 is very easy to endanger the mother’s life. But, the pregnancy was too large, the doctor said that it was not possible to “handle” the fetus. Therefore, I had to comfort myself and encourage my wife, saying: When God gives birth to elephants, he will give birth to grass.Mr. Dong confided.

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Two famous mothers with multiple pregnancies in Vietnam: Difficult pregnancy, finished birth  cubs - 2

After 3 ultrasounds, Ms. Tinh found out she was pregnant with 4.

Ms. Tinh was 4 to 32 weeks pregnant when she showed signs of giving birth. Mr. Dong quickly took his wife to Sa Dec hospital. After examination, the doctor decided to transfer her mother and daughter to Tu Du Hospital (HCMC). When they arrived at the hospital, they were both worried because their children were born prematurely and were afraid of not having enough money to pay the hospital fees.

At Tu Du Hospital, the doctor decided to take her to the operating room. Four girls were born in turn with the names Viet, Nam, Hanh, and Phuc. The heaviest baby 1.7kg and the lightest 1.2kg. “The babies were born prematurely, their strength was too weak, so the doctor took them to the isolation room for special care“, Dong recalled.

Fortunately, the family received the help of sponsors and was able to pay the hospital bills. 5 mother and daughter discharged home after nearly 1 month. The babies had some sequelae of premature birth such as jaundice, yellow eyes, but with the help of dedicated doctors, they were cured.

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Two famous mothers with multiple pregnancies in Vietnam: Difficult pregnancy, finished birth  cubs - 6

The children are now grown up and although they look alike, their personalities are different.

After that, Ms. Tinh stayed at home completely to take care of her children. Only Mr. Tinh went to work to earn money. Because of that, the family’s life is always in poverty, so they have to rely on the help of sponsors to have enough food and clothes.

Although the situation is difficult, but 4 children Viet, Nam, Hanh, Phuc are still very innocent and happy. Each child has a different personality and often does not like to wear the same clothes. Currently, the children are 10 years old, studying in 4th grade. Mr. Dong and Mrs. Tinh, although working hard, always try to work to give their children the best life.

Pregnant mother of 5 only sleeps sitting, after giving birth for 8 years, she is not “close to” her husband

Ms. Huynh Ngoc Anh Thu (37 years old, currently living in Ho Chi Minh City) is the one who holds the record of having the most children at one time in Vietnam with 5 children born in 2013. And the pregnancy journey, The birth of this special mother can only be described with 2 words “miracle”.

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9 years ago, Anh Thu caused a stir with the first successful 5 birth in Vietnam.

Anh Thu became pregnant after performing egg stimulation and injecting sperm into the uterus. At first, she thought to herself that if she had 5 eggs, she would probably have 1-2 babies, but when she went to the doctor, she said that it was probably 3 embryos. After that, the doctor also advised that she should reduce 1 embryo, keep only 2 embryos, but she was determined to keep them all. Then on the 4th week of going to the doctor, the doctor informed me that there were 4 babies, not 3, but this time it was too late to reduce embryos, so she decided to keep it.

Determined to keep all of her children, Anh Thu began her difficult pregnancy journey. Her belly grew rapidly, round and round, it felt like it could split at any moment. In the first months of pregnancy, she put pillows on both sides to sleep, but from the third month, she could only sleep sitting up and only 1-2 hours a night. Along with that, the large pregnant belly also made Anh Thu difficult to eat. She does not feel hungry, every time she eats, her stomach becomes tight and difficult to breathe, so most of her nutrition comes from drinking milk. Fortunately, at every monthly check-up, the doctor encourages that the babies are healthy, just taking care of each baby to be more than 1kg is fine, so the pregnant mother is also more comfortable.

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The mother struggled when she was pregnant with multiples with an “oversized” belly.

When she was 8 months pregnant, the doctor discovered the 5th baby and told Anh Thu, but she did not tell her family. It was not until the birth that the whole family found out that she was pregnant.

Ms. Anh Thu gave birth to 5 children at 32 weeks of pregnancy by cesarean section and required anesthesia. Anh Thu’s 5 children include 3 boys and 2 girls. In which, 3 older children weigh 2kg, are quite healthy, so they only need to stay in the nursery for 1-2 days to go out, and 2 smaller babies weigh only 1.3kg. One baby, because it was squeezed from the mother’s womb, so it came out quite weak and had to stay in special care for up to 16 days.

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The babies had to stay in the intensive care unit for 2 days to 2 weeks before they could go home.

The journey of pregnancy and childbirth was so hard, the months after raising 5 children at the same time were really “terrible” for Anh Thu. In the first 3 months, she had her biological mother and her mother-in-law to support her, but then her biological mother had to go back to her hometown, so there were only 2 people left to take care of 5 babies. The husband has to strain himself to drive a taxi all day and all night to take care of the family’s economy with the number of members… skyrocketing.

The mother of 5 children confided that all she had to do was watch the time for her children to drink milk, change diapers, and take a bath. Not only that, as long as 1 child cries, the other 4 children will cry too. Similarly, if 1 child is sick, the other 4 will also get sick.

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Two famous mothers with multiple pregnancies in Vietnam: Difficult pregnancy, finished birth  cubs - 11

The journey of taking care of 5 children is a hundred times harder than pregnancy and childbirth.

Currently, Anh Thu’s children are 8 years old. Since the children go to school, she also feels less difficult. However, because they spend all their time with their children, Anh Thu and her husband only live… as two friends. 8 years after giving birth, the two still have not once “lived” husband and wife again.

Looking back on the 9-year journey from pregnancy to now, Anh Thu said that she can only describe it in two words: Terrible. But of course, that “horror” also comes with a lot of joy, happiness and pride. The mother-of-five insists she has never regretted her decision to keep and give birth to all her children.

You are reading the article Gourd is hard, after giving birth, I turn off my face to take care of my children
at Blogtuan.info – Source: Eva.vn – Read the original article here

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