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5-year-old son insists on sleeping separately, listening to the reason why his parents are afraid to blush because he was too careless

April 30, 2022 13:53 GMT+7

Parents need sex education from an early age.

In many families, it is normal for children to share a bed. According to a recent survey, most children under 7 years old sleep with their parents. This can cause some embarrassing, embarrassing, and even developmental problems.

Recently, a mother in China confided that she and her husband have a 5-year-old son. Because she saw that the child was still young, she still let him sleep in the same bed with his parents every night. Although the boy will enter 1st grade next year, she has no intention of training him to sleep in his own room. Last week, the boy refused to sleep with his parents anymore.

Seeing her son’s attitude like that, the mother asked and received an innocent answer from her son. The boy said: “I was sleeping at night when I saw my parents making noise, I couldn’t sleep anymore”.

5-year-old son insists on sleeping separately, listening to his innocent reason says STOP: Parents are too careless!  - Photo 1.

Many families still keep the habit of letting their children sleep in the same bed as their parents even though their children are grown up. (Illustrated image)

Her son’s answer made her embarrassed and embarrassed. Turns out, during “intimacy”, the couple made a noise that made their son wake up and see. The boy was curious and confused about his parents’ actions, so he didn’t want to sleep in the same bed anymore.

Seeing the harmful effects of unintentional actions, she searched for sex and sex education materials to explain to her children. She told her children that it was a normal act of adults, that their parents loved each other, so they did it. She also quickly taught her children to sleep alone so as not to witness embarrassing scenes. Moreover, this is also a way to train children to be independent, brave, and know how to take care of themselves.

1. Sex education as early as possible

We watch the news often to see cases of sexual abuse and harassment. There are many children who are victims of such crimes. This partly reflects that parents have not paid much attention to sex education for their children. Therefore, the children have absolutely no knowledge and skills to protect themselves.

In today’s open society, many parents also realize the importance of sex education for children. But they don’t know how to start the story, so how to tell the child so that the child can understand and absorb. Parents who are in such a situation should change and soon have a plan to guide their children.

Sex education should be carried out regularly according to each stage of the child’s development. From a young age, parents need to guide their children on how to clean their bodies, especially the genitals. Besides, it is necessary to teach children absolutely not to let anyone touch certain areas of the body such as: chest, buttocks, private area. When meeting bad people, children must also know how to protect themselves such as: shouting, having a hostile attitude, asking for help from people, …

5-year-old son insists on sleeping separately, listening to his innocent reason says STOP: Parents are too careless!  - Photo 2.

Parents need sex education from an early age. (Illustrated image)

2. Sex education needs to be right and scientific

Many parents have had their children ask difficult questions to answer such as: “Where do you come from?”, “Why do boys stand when they go to the toilet, while girls sit?”, etc. And many parents don’t care. interested in this issue should make up content to complete the answer. This is serious misbehavior.

Children do not have sex knowledge, so they are curious to ask their parents. At this time, what parents need to do is look directly at the problem, answer the child’s question seriously and appropriately, should not deceive the child or make the child misunderstand the problem.

In the process of growing up, children will inevitably have many questions about gender and sexuality. Parents should not ignore or avoid their children. Pay attention to sex education from an early age. Parents also need to consult knowledge and learn how to impart it to their children to best absorb knowledge.

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