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Customs strengthens the fight against smuggling and trade fraud

April 30, 2022 09:00 GMT+7

Organize the struggle, arrest and handling of banned goods, goods affecting security and order, social safety, counterfeit trademark goods, fraudulent Vietnamese origin, goods infringing upon intellectual property rights. wisdom

Customs strengthens the fight against smuggling and trade fraud

For the task of collecting state budget in 2022, the Customs sector continues to implement Directive No. 439/CT-TCHQ dated February 11, 2022 on synchronous and drastic implementation of trade facilitation and improvement solutions. effectiveness of state management, preventing revenue loss in implementing the task of state budget collection in 2022.

Develop scenarios for state budget revenue in 2022 according to crude oil price options; prepare to prepare estimates of state budget revenue in 2023 and the period of 2023-2026.

Accordingly, tax policies will be developed such as: Reviewing and synthesizing opinions of relevant units to finalize the draft Directive on strengthening tax exemption, reduction, refund and non-collection of exported goods. , import to ensure compliance with the provisions of the law on tax and tax administration. Finalize the report, evaluate the implementation of the tax exemption, tax reduction, refund, and non-collection system and handle overpaid tax electronically. Implemented the translation of HS documents, the List of Vietnam’s import and export goods according to the 2022 version. Coordinated to develop the Decrees promulgating the FTAs ​​Tariff, develop the specialized management lists according to the 2022 version. .

In addition, the fight against smuggling and trade fraud has also been comprehensively implemented by the Customs.

Accordingly, he advised and directed the whole Industry to implement the directions, plans and work programs of the Government and the Ministry of Finance. Performing well its role as an assisting agency of the Standing Committee of the National Steering Committee 389, performing regular and irregular work of the Steering Committee 138/CP, Board 61HQ… in the field of customs control.

Do well the professional work, strengthen the work of collecting information, grasping the situation, patrolling, controlling and identifying key areas and routes in the area of ​​land border gates, border economic zones, cargo consolidation areas near borders, seaport areas, international river ports, international civil airports, post offices, international express delivery, international intermodal railways and other colonial locations customs operations desk; strictly control import and export goods, goods in transit, luggage of passengers entering and leaving.

Organize the struggle, arrest and handling of banned goods, goods affecting security and order, social safety, counterfeit trademark goods, fraudulent Vietnamese origin, goods infringing upon intellectual property rights. wisdom; strengthen inspection and close supervision of shipments from border to border, port, temporary import, re-export, transit, goods transported independently, strengthen and actively coordinate with other functional forces such as: market managers, Border Guards, Police, Coast Guard and local authorities to share information, fight to detect and arrest infringing objects and goods, etc. To promote propaganda to the masses. people about the dangers of smuggling and illegal cross-border transportation of goods so that all citizens do not participate in, do not assist in activities that violate the customs law.

sea ​​Pearl

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