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7 signs that the kidneys are ‘calling for help’, need to see a doctor immediately

Kidneys are one of the most important parts of the human body. Its main function is to filter the blood, remove toxins and wastes from the blood, and excrete excess water from the body.

If “forced” the kidneys to work too hard, the function of the kidneys will easily malfunction, the whole body can be in danger. Here are the warning signs that your kidneys are not well, quickly seek medical attention for timely examination:

7 signs that the kidneys are 'calling for help', need to see a doctor immediately - 1

Body edema

When kidney function is impaired, the body sends a signal to us. Therefore, if you notice signs of edema in the body, it is possible that the kidneys are “calling for help”.

Under normal circumstances, the kidneys work well and excrete excess water and toxins from the body, however, when overworked, kidney function declines, the body’s circulation is blocked and water is not available. can be excreted in time, which causes body edema.

If swelling of the eyelids or extremities appears, it means you have a problem health about the kidney, should go to the doctor to improve as soon as possible.

Itchy skin

If your skin always feels itchy for a long time, most likely the cause is from the kidneys. When kidney function is markedly impaired, the excretion of waste in the body will be hindered. Because the kidneys are an important organ for excreting urine, some toxins that are not excreted in the urine can accumulate which can cause itchy skin.

Foamy urine

Foaming up when going to the toilet can be a sign of kidney disease. Because if kidney function is impaired, protein deficiency will appear. This lost protein is eliminated from the body in the urine, causing a lot of foam in the urine.

Fatigue, weakness or difficulty concentrating

Fatigue, difficulty concentrating is one of the signs of bad kidney problems. Severely impaired kidney function can lead to the accumulation of toxins and impurities in the blood. This causes the amount of oxygen and nutrients in the red blood cells to decrease, resulting in other cells not being provided with enough energy to maintain activity.

Therefore, people with kidney disease are often accompanied by anemia, making the body become weaker than ever.

Difficulty sleeping

When the kidney’s filtering-removal function is not as normal, toxins will accumulate in the blood instead of being eliminated from the body through the urine. This is also one of the reasons why you have trouble sleeping.

In addition, some researchers suggest that obesity may have a strong link with chronic kidney disease. On the other hand, they also say that sleep apnea tends to arise in people who have problems with their kidneys.

Frequent urge to urinate

Another common sign of kidney disease is a sudden increased need to urinate, especially at night. The reason is that the “filter” of the kidneys has been damaged, so it stimulates your need to go to the toilet.

Sometimes this can also be a sign of a urinary tract infection or an enlarged prostate gland in men.

Blood mixed in urine

Blood in the urine is also one of the signs of kidney problems. Normally, the kidneys will retain red blood cells in the body when filtering toxins and waste products from the blood to form urine. However, when kidney health problems arise, red blood cells run the risk of getting mixed up in the urine and being passed out of the body.

Not only is a sign of kidney disease, blood in the urine can also be a symptom of many other diseases, such as: kidney cancer, kidney stones, kidney infection.

Lifestyle changes to save kidneys

Besides treatments, lifestyle changes can also slow the progression of kidney disease.

– Control blood pressure and blood sugar

– A healthy diet (reduced protein or reduced salt)

– Weight loss

– Start doing aerobic exercise 3 times, 30 minutes each time

– Quit smoking

– Avoid certain pain relievers

However, always follow your doctor’s advice and medical advice before making any significant changes.

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