
Really rich people all possess 3 qualities that ‘material girls’ cannot expect!

Not long ago, I watched a Japanese reality TV show called “Million Millionaire Marriage” (rough translation).

The content of the program is: five “material” girls will attend a meeting with a rich male guest.

The male guests are not all rich people, some of them are really rich, but there are also people who are just impersonators.

The girls will base on the boys’ words and actions to judge who really has the money.

Just find the real rich guy and confess to him, after the program, the two will have the opportunity to try to get to know and interact with each other in real life.

The number 1 guy, a tax accountant, 31 years old, his annual income is kept secret, is the most handsome man in the world.

Boy number 2, owner of a gym, often invests in real estate, 36 years old, annual income is about 10 billion VND.

The 3rd guy, CEO of an IT company, has the highest annual income, 600 million yen (about 106 billion VND), and his clothes are a bit colorful.

There is also the guy number 4 and number 5, who also claims to be the operator of large companies.

The Q&A session begins.

A girl asked IT guy #3: “Where do you usually buy clothes?”

The IT guy answered without hesitation: “ZARA”. Everyone present was in disbelief.

After all, in most people’s impression, the rich usually wear high-end clothes and luxury brands, how can the rich choose such a low-end fashion label?

On the other hand, the guy who is the owner of the gym revealed a high-end watch and revealed that he was driving an Alfa Romeo.

When it came to the interactive part, the outdoor BBQ party, the IT guy took the initiative to open red wine for everyone.

But the guy’s way of opening looks quite clumsy, the girls present are even more suspicious:

“Aren’t rich people usually good at tasting and opening wine?”

The guy who owns the gym actively shares with the girls:

“Because my brother lives in Manhattan, I have to take a private plane there once a month.

When I was studying art in California, I happened to know a popular weight loss method, then I returned to my country to start a business and achieved a lot of success in business.”

In contrast, the IT guy’s start-up experience is much simpler.

“I hated working for other people, so I started my own business after working for half a year.

I am a person who is not suitable to work for others, it is difficult for me to follow their rules, on the contrary, I like to make rules.”

When asked where he usually spends money, the IT guy replied: spend money on experiences.

It’s not that you can’t buy a car or a brand name, but the happiness brought by these things is short-lived, in an instant, you will again fall into a feeling of emptiness.

So he likes to spend money to travel with friends and create good memories.

How? Can you guess?

A guy who runs a fitness facility wearing a branded watch and once studied abroad is actually just an 18-year-old actor, not a rich person.

And the IT guy who wears ZARA clothes and doesn’t skillfully open red wine is a real rich man.

IT guy whose real name is Fukuda Takuya, he published a book in a magazine and earned 600 million yen at the age of 31.

The girls were shocked…

The Japanese matchmaking variety show tells you that the really rich all possess these 3 qualities - Photo 1.

In fact, really rich people are often like IT guys, they have the following 3 characteristics:


Don’t blindly pursue luxury products

I met a sister through a party, every sentence of hers could not be separated from the brand name.

“Yesterday, I wore a Dior couture dress, the one that Angelababy wears, absolutely stunning.”

“Oh my god, why is that little girl still carrying the LV bag from last season? How old!”

“The salmon here is not fresh at all. Japanese food still has to go to Chikuyotei in Ginza, that’s what is called delicious.”

I thought that her family must be very rich, but it’s not:

At the age of 16, she left her hometown to work in the city and is currently an administrative assistant in a foreign-invested enterprise.

Surrounded by colleagues who often go abroad on business, she also gradually becomes frivolous.

LV bags can actually be bought, but it’s an installment purchase, so you have to pay for every salary.

Japanese food is to see a lot about Japan, so you know, normally just eat chicken rice and shrimp noodles.

Lives in a 20 square meter rental house on the edge of the city, but always likes to position itself as a five-star hotel every time she posts on her personal page.

In fact, the truly wealthy will not deliberately pursue luxury, nor will they deliberately show off.

Steve Jobs, wearing a t-shirt, Levi’s jeans, and New Balance sneakers for ten years.

Zuckerberg always has the same gray round-neck short-sleeves in his wardrobe;

Chau Nhuan Phat wears cheap shoes of 15 yuan, rides a bicycle to buy vegetables, and donates his net worth of VND 5.6 billion;

Vuong Luc Hoanh, once revealed on the show that he always wears socks with holes, including clothes that have been patched for more than ten years…

A master of aesthetics once said:

“When you deliberately pursue any luxury brand, when you deliberately follow any standard, you lose your essence.

Your “quality” is who you are, knowing what you want, knowing how you want to live a life.”

Real rich people don’t deliberately pursue flashy things, but they live very luxuriously.

The Japanese matchmaking variety show tells you that the really rich all possess these 3 qualities - Photo 2.


Like to spend money to buy experiences

I once asked my friends:

“Last year, what do you think was the most rewarding thing to spend your money on?”

Someone said, “I saved two months of living expenses to go to the March concert.”

Someone said: “I went to Hong Kong Disneyland with my boyfriend”.

Another said: “I gave myself a 5 day 4 night stay in Tokyo by myself.”

No one thinks that the most worthwhile thing to spend money on buying something is to buy an experience.

There’s a term in psychology called “hedonistic adaptation,” which means that happiness is always readily acclimated by the brain.

But by the time we get what we dream of, we start to be less happy.

And if you spend money on experiences, like buying concert tickets, learning French, going to cooking classes, going on vacation to Monaco. . . . . .

Then you will feel happier for longer.

As psychologist Thomas Dashiff Gilovich has discovered: “Any product that provides excitement becomes trivial after two weeks of use. But the experience becomes a part of it and lasts forever. in our life.”

Really rich people often understand this truth: spending money on experiences can bring more satisfaction than spending money on other things.

The Japanese matchmaking variety show tells you that the really rich all possess these 3 qualities - Photo 3.


Spend time on things of real value

Their time is spent on really valuable things.

This is the journey of Vuong Kien Lam (Chinese billionaire, chairman of Van Dat Real Estate Group and the world’s largest AMC cinema system. He also holds 20% of the shares of the football club. Spain AtlĂ©tico Madrid and the richest person in Asia until the end of 2016)

1 am to bed, 4:30 am to wake up, 5:30 am to 6:30 pm to watch the news;

7:00 am to 8:00 pm to carefully prepare online meeting content, 8 am to 9 pm for online meetings, 12 to 18 pm for daily conferences;

18h-19h jogging…

Bill Gates wakes up at 6 a.m. every morning and can go to work without sleep for 36 hours and then sleep for 10 hours.

Apple CEO Tim Cook wakes up at 3:45 every morning, the first to arrive at the office and the last to leave.

General Electric’s CEO, Jeff Immel, worked 100 hours a week for 24 consecutive years.

On the contrary, we go to work every day but become sluggish like a machine, then talk about it all the time while working or eating;

Coming home from work, surfing the phone, watching short videos and playing games, 1 am still not sleeping, still surfing the phone…

Why are big bosses so rich but they still like to spend time at work?

There is a term in psychology called “mind flow”, which refers to:

A state of mind when people are immersed in something they are doing now, fully absorbed, fully focused and enjoying it.

When “mind flow” occurs, a high level of excitement and satisfaction will occur, and time will also pass very quickly.

Some people will have a “mindfulness” experience when playing games, but leaders feel the joy of reading and working.

They like challenging projects, to get a sense of satisfaction and great results.

They do not like to find short-term pleasure in short videos or games, but are more eager for activities such as working, reading and exercising.

The richer people are, the more they like to spend their time on things of real value.

The Japanese matchmaking variety show tells you that the really rich all possess these 3 qualities - Photo 4.


This variety show from the land of the rising sun makes us think:

Instead of expecting to marry into a rich family, it is better to learn and learn the valuable and positive qualities in rich people.

In life, there is no random cake falling from the sky, and there is no such thing as a shortcut, it is better to rely on yourself to become a real King. chac-co-gai-vat-chat-deu-not-the-ngo-duoc-20220501111150192.chn


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