
The unfinished ambition of the Karate girl suffered an accident with a broken jaw, lost 8 teeth…

Unexpected accident

When the whole country is excited to welcome the 31st SEA Games, Ms. Ngo Thi Hong (31 years old, in Thanh Tri, Hanoi) former Karate athlete is also eager to play. television follow. Ms. Hong is bedridden, her limbs crippled, paralyzed from the neck down, unable to move, recognize and need her parents’ care.

At the age of 31, after more than a decade, the former Karate athlete still has not been able to forget the accident, causing her to fall into the tragedy like today. That accident also robbed her of many dreams and ambitions right when she was at the “peak” of her career.

Still shaking when remembering that accident, Ms. Hong said, at the end of April 2011, when she was still a final year student at an intermediate school in Hanoi, the 20-year-old girl was on her way to the internship when was suddenly hit by a truck.

The accident left Ms. Hong with 1 broken neck bone, 4 severe injuries, broken jaw, 8 teeth broken, and broken gums. With so many injuries, Ms. Hong was in a deep coma, had a bad change, and her family thought she would not survive.

  The unfinished ambition of the Karate girl had an accident with a broken jaw, lost 8 teeth... - Photo 1.

At the age of 31, having won many gold medals, a former athlete karate had to give up the unfinished dream.

After 15 months of continuous treatment in hospitals in Hanoi, Ms. Hong was lucky to escape death but became disabled because of paralysis from the neck down, only the head was awake and alert. Hong has to eat across the street steamAll personal activities are completely dependent on parents.

The time Ms. Hong woke up after a long day in a coma, knowing she was paralyzed, she cried all the time. By: “At that time, I was participating in the district’s Karate club. During the open student competition, the accident made me lose all hope, all my dreams and ambitions were extinguished, there was no hope. At that time, I thought negatively and had low self-esteem”, Ms. Hong confided.

Unfinished ambition

Seeing my elderly parents have to spend their entire fortune to treat their illnesses, they have to go back to apply for a job cum eat for herself, Hong sister couldn’t bear to. Many times, Ms. Hong fasted, fasted, and cried day and night. Due to an accident that broke her tooth, she often suffered severe pain, many times she asked her mother give chopsticks suck it on to relieve pain. Loving her parents, along with witnessing that many people have similar circumstances but they still have the energy to rise up, Ms. Hong realizes that she must live a meaningful life in any situation.

  The unfinished ambition of the Karate girl had an accident with a broken jaw, lost 8 teeth... - Photo 2.

At the peak of her career, Hong suddenly lost everything, many times she tried to commit suicide. Photo: NVCC.

Looking at her daughter telling the story, Mrs. Nguyen Thi Phuong (70 years old) couldn’t help but shed tears. She said that Hong is the only surviving daughter of her grandparents. Previously, the grandparents had given birth to 2 sons, but both of them got sick and left their grandparents. More than 10 years later, they gave birth to a new sister, Hong. When she was born, Hong also weighed only 1.3kg, was stunted, difficult to raise, and had to be hospitalized for nearly a year. To have money for medical treatment for their children, grandparents sold the land left by their fathers, then went to the riverside land to plug in a house to live. Just like that, a family of 3 members can live happy days, although life is not rich, full, but always full of laughter.

However, the only daughter had an accident and thought she would leave her grandparents like the previous two children.

“When he returned home from the hospital as a child, he became more and more healthy, beautiful, alert and good at studying. He was passionate about Karate-do martial arts, and the couple tried to prevent him because they wanted him to study hard and earn a job later on in life. But because of his passion, he saved money for breakfast to go to martial arts lessons every afternoon.

It was only when he brought the medals to show off that I knew that my son went to the competition and achieved high results. The martial arts teacher also went directly to the house to ask his family so that Hong could continue to study and compete. At that time, I was also happy and proud. That’s it…”, Mrs. Phuong sighed.

  The unfinished ambition of the Karate girl had an accident with a broken jaw, lost 8 teeth... - Photo 3.

The dream of returning to the competition is still burning in the heart of the 31-year-old girl. Photo: NVCC.

After the accident, many friends and teachers also came to visit, but her daughter all pretended to be asleep so that her parents could talk. Hong even told her parents to change her phone number not to let anyone know. Because at that time, Hong was quite pessimistic about life.

Until now, Ms. Hong is still passionate about the subject that martial arts, still burning in my mind. Many times she dreamed that she could compete, practice… Coming to the 31st SEA Games, she imagined that if she was healthy, she would be able to compete and bring glory to the country by now. be filial to elderly parents. But that is just imagination.

According to Moc Tra

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