
The US and Japan cooperate to produce more advanced chip processes than 2 nm

Japan and the US have agreed to work closely to promote the development and production of semiconductors on more advanced 2 nm processes. According to Nikkei, Koichi Hagiuda, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan, has come to the US to negotiate this cooperation relationship.

The two countries aspire to build a modern, secure, autonomous, technologically secure semiconductor supply chain against China and take advantage of their respective technological strengths. The cooperation also stemmed from concerns that a fragile supply chain largely centered around China would pose a threat to national security.

The US and Japan cooperate to produce more advanced 2 nm process semiconductors - Photo 1.

According to Nikkei, Japan has strengths in important semiconductor technologies such as manufacturing silicon wafers, manufacturing photosensitive substances and abrasives for semiconductor surfaces, building a number of important semiconductor manufacturing equipment. important.

The idea is that Japan could use this strength to build a strong supply chain with the US, which has more chip makers and also has advanced semiconductor technology.

Several Japanese institutions may participate in this collaboration, including Tokyo Electron, Canon, the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology.

It’s unclear which US tech companies will be involved, but it looks like IBM and Intel will be involved.

Intel has planned to reach production of 2 nm chips by the end of 2024, while Samsung and TSMC are aiming to start mass production of 2 nm chips by 2025.

Reference: Techspot

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