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Happy people all possess these 5 PRINCIPLES

“Accumulation of virtue, good deeds, self-reward”. Do many good things, live a happy life, life is also slowly perfect.

Many times, doing a lot of good deeds but not necessarily receiving immediate feedback. But if you persevere, you will definitely get unexpected results.

People who live by these 5 PRINCIPLES are all very happy, with a mind of life, they find peace by themselves, the days pass unbelievably complete - Photo 1.

Do a good deed, don’t put too much emphasis on public interests. If you extend your hand to help, but want others to return the favor, it is better not to do it, because it is not certain that the other party can repay the favor.

Sometimes, trying to plant flowers but flowers do not bloom, accidentally sowing seeds has cool shade. Good deeds must use a simple mind, natural blessings are abundant.

1. Say good words

The mouth is the gateway to the heart. What you think in your heart, other people don’t need to know, but your words can pierce the other person’s heart.

Saying many good words is equivalent to doing many good deeds. Some people like to say hurtful things without even knowing it. Remember, good words are genuine good deeds. If the mouth can only utter malicious words, no matter how many good deeds you do, it will not be able to make up for it, the blessing will also disappear from there.

Seeing others suffer, either completely ignoring it, or offering sincere comfort. Do not rub salt into the wound. This alone is enough to make others feel that you are very good. Know how to forgive when others make mistakes, do not criticize too much.

Many people think that their mouth is malicious, but a good conscience is still a good person. But you forgot that other people don’t care how well you live. What they feel is what you say and hurt.

Not knowing how to manage your mouth will not only lose relationships, but also poor opportunities.

2. Kind heart, kind life

People who live by these 5 PRINCIPLES are all very happy, with a mind of life, they find peace on their own, and the days pass unbelievably complete - Photo 2.

Living in this world, helping one person, even the smallest, becomes an endless joy. Give someone a rose, the hand is still fragrant.

Try to be strong and talented to be able to help many people. Giving your parents a peaceful life, helping friends in difficult times… still requires you to have certain abilities. Since then, if you help others, you will expect them to help you in return. This is also a power of love.

Reach out to help people, receive respect and love. Money has no meaning when you die, so let’s make full use of it in helping people to help us. Seeing other people happy, living according to their own conscience is a kind of happiness.

3. Make good friends

Making good friends takes our lives to a whole new level. Many times, friends are the best teachers, teaching us many life lessons.

Having many quality friends helps to broaden the worldview, dispel loneliness, and be a spiritual support in times of weakness.

Making friends with good people, learning a lot of interesting things, this is also a kind of virtuous action that makes you better and better.

Objects are grouped by species, which layer clouds meet that stratum cloud. To make good friends, you must first be a good person.

4. Be respectful to your parents

People who live by these 5 PRINCIPLES are all very happy, with a mind of life, they find peace by themselves, the days pass unbelievably complete - Photo 4.

Some say, parents are the Buddha of life. Many people going out on the street are polite and kind, but when they come home, they are hostile and loud to their parents. This is a great taboo in the way people treat people. How can a person who can’t even be treated well by his parents make a big deal?

Indeed! Those who do not know how to honor their parents will never be fully blessed. Being kind to the creator can be said to be the fastest way for people to change their destiny and find their true self.

Your whole life parents do not expect you to be successful, famous, rich and precious, as long as you spend your days in peace and happiness. While your parents are still there, spend a lot of time with them, life is also miserable.

5. Reflect on yourself

People who live by these 5 PRINCIPLES are all very happy, if they have a heart for life, they will find peace on their own, the days pass unbelievably complete - Photo 5.

Many people like to criticize others when problems arise, never knowing how to find the cause from themselves.

Marriage is not happy, because the other party does not love you enough. Children do not listen, because they learn to ask for them. My parents are not good to me, because they are incompetent. The work is difficult, because the customer’s requirements are too strict.

Responsible first century, the post’s responsibilities. Look at yourself before blaming someone else. Truly successful and happy people must know who they are and what they have done. Always know how to review ourselves to make us improve every day.

Living but only knowing how to criticize others, thinking that you are innocent, how can you enjoy happiness? Using an angry attitude to deal with life, life also responds with difficulties and obstacles. That’s life!

If you want to accumulate happiness, live so that you have a heart. Simple with others, happiness is also full. Life is difficult, happiness is nowhere to be seen, but bad luck takes its place.

(Source: Zhihu) t

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