Sức Khỏe

The man almost died from anaphylaxis due to a wasp sting

While working, Mr. V. was stung by a bee. Immediately after that, the patient showed signs of shortness of breath, cyanosis …

On May 4, doctors at the Vietnam – Sweden Hospital Uong Bi (Quang Ninh) received a male patient hospitalized in critical condition after being stung by a wasp.

The patient is a nurse (54 years old, living in Thanh Son, Uong Bi). According to a colleague of patient V., while at work, Mr. V was stung by a wasp. Soon after, the patient showed signs of shortness of breath, cyanosis and was taken to the emergency room at the Vietnam – Sweden Hospital Uong Bi.

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The patient was transferred to the emergency room at the Vietnam – Sweden Hospital Uong Bi.

According to the doctors, the patient was admitted to the hospital in a state of general cyanosis, lethargy, irritability, urinary incontinence, stridor, and a peripheral pulse that was not palpable. After conducting the examination, the doctors diagnosed the patient with grade III anaphylaxis due to bee stings. Determining this is a very serious case, the doctors immediately performed anaphylaxis according to the protocol. Accordingly, the patient was injected with adrenaline, infusion, intubated …

After 12 hours, Mr. V’s condition was stable, his endotracheal tube was removed, he was breathing on his own, he was mentally alert, and he was in good contact. Currently, his health is stable, awake, clinical indicators are normal and will be discharged from the hospital in the next 1-2 days.

From the above case, doctors recommend that anaphylaxis is a serious allergic event that can be fatal if not diagnosed and treated promptly. As soon as the patient is stung by a bee or after eating or drinking foreign objects, if there are symptoms such as: itching, difficulty breathing, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, low blood pressure, dizziness… quickly bring the patient to the nearest medical facility for timely emergency and treatment.

Phuong Le

You are reading the article The man almost died from anaphylaxis due to a wasp sting
at Blogtuan.info – Source: vietnamnet.vn – Read the original article here

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