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Gene decoding – Breakthrough in early risk detection and disease treatment in Vietnam

Preventive medicine through gene decoding is the way to change the mindset of “there is a new disease to cure”, starting the journey of lifelong health care for millions of Vietnamese people.

Detecting the disease right from… before birth

According to the Ministry of Health, it is expected that by 2045, about 6.3 million people in Vietnam will have to live with diabetes. With the risk of causing eye, kidney, cardiovascular, neurological, and even cancer complications, diabetes is currently the third leading cause of death in Vietnam, and at the same time puts considerable pressure on the whole system. medical.

Gene decoding - Breakthrough in early risk detection and disease treatment in Vietnam - Photo 1.

GeneStory’s Type 2 Diabetes Genecoding Report Template with disease risk assessment based on a large reference dataset of Vietnamese genomes, along with expert advice on appropriate nutrition and exercise fit.

“Complex genetic diseases such as diabetes can be detected, predicted and screened for risk early, even before the child is born or has not yet implanted, thanks to genetic sequencing “, GS. Dr. People’s Doctor Do Tat Cuong, Chairman of the Clinical Advisory Council of Vinmec Health System, Former Deputy Director of Hospital 103, GeneStory Scientific Advisor, said.

Seeing this trend, but realizing that it is not possible to “solve” the world’s technology to solve the problems of the Vietnamese people, three years ago, GeneStory’s team of more than 50 experts embarked on a decoding project. Genes of patients with type 2 diabetes. From here, research results and the largest, most complete and comprehensive “pure Vietnamese” database ever on diabetes genes have been applied to GeneStory – specific gene decoding products for Vietnamese people.

Based on the results of gene sequencing, people with abnormal blood sugar levels will be screened early for the risk of the disease. This method also helps to survey the genetics of family members, aiming to adjust nutrition, lifestyle and prevent diseases since the manifestation of symptoms. Even for patients who already have diabetes, gene sequencing is still an effective tool to help doctors pinpoint the exact cause and prescribe the right treatment.

In addition to diabetes, GeneStory users also receive a risk assessment report for certain cancers (breast, prostate, colorectal, thyroid, bladder), cardiovascular, or recessive genetic diseases. rare.

According to the healthcare company Grail (USA), gene sequencing for risk screening and early treatment of cancer can increase the 5-year survival rate by up to 4 times, reaching 70-80%. .

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GeneStory is the latest generation gene decoding product, providing comprehensive indicators of drug response, disease risk, physical, nutritional, as well as genetic factors, helping Vietnamese people access to Advanced, optimal health care method.

The end of the time “there is a new disease to cure, a thousand people a regimen”

Solving the problem of “there is a new disease to cure” is only a necessary condition to improve the health of Vietnamese people. With the same drug, at the same dose, each group of patients has a different response ability: one group responds well, another group has no effect, even experiencing adverse reactions. Therefore, a sufficient condition is how to build an effective and accurate treatment regimen, based on the biological characteristics of each person.

With that in mind, GeneStory is currently the only unit in the market that provides genetic pharmacology indices exclusively for Vietnamese people, with more than 100 information indexes on drugs for cancer, cardiovascular, psychology, respiratory, flu, pain relief…

From GeneStory’s gene sequencing results, drugs are grouped according to their level of caution, from normal to cautious and should be avoided. Experts expect genetic pharmacology notes will be a reliable indicator for doctors to plan treatment, and help prevent up to 30% of adverse drug reactions when patients are hospitalized. .

Gene decoding - Breakthrough in early risk detection and disease treatment in Vietnam - Photo 3.

GS. Vu Ha Van (Co-founder and member of the Board of Directors of GeneStory Company) and a team of experts and scientists hope that the solution will promote preventive medicine, improve quality of life and reduce the medical burden for each person. Vietnamese family.

“If we are going to do gene decoding services for Vietnamese people, it must be based on scientific researches of Vietnamese people, on biological characteristics of Vietnamese people. This is also the reason why it took us more than 3.5 years. and many millions USD to invest in the GeneStory project – now it can be brought out to serve society”, GS. Vu Ha Van, co-founder and member of the Board of Directors of GeneStory Company, shared.

Just a saliva or blood sample, after decoding, GeneStory will return results up to nearly 200 indicators of disease risk, ability to respond to drugs, along with physical, nutritional, and health characteristics. spirituality and development. All will be stored for life, becoming a genomic ID that is easy to integrate in other healthcare services. Along with biochemical tests or traditional imaging, people will get more information about the genome, thereby building an optimal health care and training route, suitable to their biological characteristics. own learning as well as take the initiative to visit periodically.

To date, GeneStory has completely mastered the technology from sampling, analysis and interpretation of genetic data, and at the same time cooperates with world leading names such as Illumina, NVIDIA, Amazon Web Services (AWS), etc. Therefore, biological samples of Vietnamese people do not have to be sent abroad for sequencing and analysis. Decryption results are also guaranteed to maximize privacy and information security in accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as well as ensure an optimal cost for the end user.

“The birth of GeneStory is expected to lay the foundation for preventive medicine in Vietnam, improve the quality of life and reduce the medical burden for Vietnamese people,” GS. Vu Ha Van affirmed.

Learn more about GeneStory at https://genestory.ai

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at Blogtuan.info – Source: danviet.vn – Read the original article here

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