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After liposuction, should I eat and drink freely?

Liposuction helps get rid of fat that you can’t seem to get through through diet and exercise. According to experts, the success of a liposuction can be up to 90% effective, but to maintain a healthy figure for a long time depends greatly on the diet after that. So what should you pay attention to?

1. After liposuction, should you eat and drink freely?

Because of its effectiveness, many people are willing to spend a lot of money on liposuction surgery to quickly get slim and remove stubborn fat. However, before surgery, you need to properly understand this method, its advantages and disadvantages as well as the effects after surgery.

Liposuction is not a weight loss procedure. This method is performed based on the principle of selection, liquefaction and elimination of fat cells to the outside. Therefore, it can be said that the excess fat cells will be permanently removed and the effect of the surgery will not change over time.

After liposuction, should I eat and drink freely?  - Photo 1.

Many women choose liposuction to have a slim body quickly

However, not just spending money can anyone have liposuction and lose as much as they want. According to the regulations of the Ministry of Health, only excess fat can be withdrawn within the allowable threshold based on the analysis of health indicators and conditions. Therefore, not all fat cells are eliminated and it is completely possible to regain fat volume and distribute it more evenly throughout the body if the post-operative nutrition is not controlled. You can gain weight quickly and in the worst case very prone to obesity.

After liposuction, should I eat and drink freely?  - Photo 2.

Taking care of yourself after surgery is essential to maintaining your figure

It can be said that any weight loss method from traditional to liposuction surgery requires a reasonable diet, exercise, and nutrition to be able to maintain long-term and limit excess fat. condenser back.

2. Notes in the care after liposuction surgery

In addition to hygiene care, during the recovery process after the end of the liposuction procedure, you need to do the following things to quickly slim and firm the abdomen:

– Make sure not to consume too many calories per day. To help control calorie intake, try eating 5-6 small meals instead of 3 large meals. This will help create a feeling of fullness for a long time and do not overeat at each meal. In addition, it is important that you avoid skipping meals and ensure that meals are on time

– Add water regularly: the first time after liposuction, the body will fall into a state of dehydration. Therefore, you need to drink enough water from 2-2.5 liters per day to help blood circulation and help the body reduce fatigue.

– Limit sweets, fatty foods and replace them with green vegetables and healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat protein sources such as lean meat, fish, beans… to avoid fat accumulation.

After liposuction, should I eat and drink freely?  - Photo 3.

Add more green vegetables to the menu to maintain a healthy lifestyle after liposuction

Maintaining daily exercise is also a necessary factor to keep weight after liposuction. Most experts recommend 30 minutes of exercise a day to stay in shape. You can apply a gentle exercise such as walking, gymnastics, yoga … to be stronger and more supple. However, because the body is in the process of recovery, you should not work too hard or exercise vigorously.

– Bandage / Del to keep shape: Usually, in 5 to 7 days after cosmetic surgery, around the liposuction area there will be blue, purple swelling. The reason is that the skin structure is in the process of recovering, reconnecting and then gradually turning yellow and dissolving. Therefore, this period is an important period in the care after liposuction to slim and toned waistline. You need to wear a compression bandage or wear a belly band every day for at least 1 month to fix the shape of your abdomen, minimize the stretching of the abdominal wall muscles and accumulate excess fat again.

Liposuction to remove excess body fat is not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, it is up to you whether you can manage yourself well to maintain a slim appearance for a long time or not.

After liposuction, should I eat and drink freely?  - Photo 4.

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