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Hospital leaders and staff in Ca Mau were mentally “terrorized” by debt collection

On May 21, a leader of Cai Nuoc General Hospital, Cai Nuoc district (Ca Mau province) said that the unit had reported to the district police about many hospital employees being called out on social networks for no reason. Association to put pressure on debt collection through the app.

Accordingly, about 2 months ago, a leader and many staff members of the hospital were taken to post pictures on social networks and then slandered, slandered, and insulted honor to collect debts.

Immediately after the debt collection information appeared, the hospital directed the Administration Department, inviting all hospital staff to find out the matter. Through the meeting, everyone confirmed that they did not borrow money through the app.

Hospital leaders and staff in Ca Mau were mentally

Photos posted on social media.

Ms. HTTG (one of the employees suffering from mental “terror”) said that she herself did not borrow money; Her family did not borrow money from anyone, but her name was called out on social networks.

“They slandered me to borrow 55 million dong to play, to show off, to live virtual on social networks… They slandered, insulted, and used my image like that, which made my spirit panic.” Ms. G said.

In the same mood as Ms. G., Mr. NQK was also in a state of anxiety: “I was in peace, and naturally I was asked to owe a debt. I don’t know where they can find pictures of my wife and children to post and stigmatize. The image of the child was posted on social networks, making my wife and I extremely worried.”

Worth mentioning, not only taking pictures of leaders and staff of Cai Nuoc General Hospital on social networks to “terrorize” debt collection. Every day, the debt collection team kept calling the emergency department’s phone number and the emergency resuscitation department…

According to hospital leaders, the debt collection team has several dozen phone numbers, on average they make more than 50 calls a day to the hospital leadership’s number. “I hope the authorities will verify and handle it so that we can work safely”the hospital leader shared.

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